View Full Version : The House of Healing - Fantasy Grounds

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  1. Issue with adding 'Effects' to Combat Tracker - PFRPG
  2. LoS Issues
  3. "[CoreRPG+][FGU] Any image asset can be set as a background tabletop decal" - How?
  4. Issues with new update with FGU PF1E Rise of The Runelords
  5. Tooltips on Extensions
  6. Has latest update broken my library?
  7. Update has deactivated weapon scripting
  8. Asset window does not remember last zoom setting
  9. Updated - Can't Launch on Mac (Mojave)
  10. VTM5TH Unable to load Library & Assets since patch
  11. 5E armor class issues......
  12. Repeatable Crash Condition (multiple video cards)
  13. Only 10 entries per Modules page?
  14. 18 Feb 2021 messed up my installation.
  15. Bug: Desktop map mode
  16. Most recent update caused RIP & status on enemy's to no longer show
  17. VTM5th SPCs dice rolls error
  18. Spell filtering completely lost and messed up - FIXED
  19. FGU Map scroll button missing
  20. 5e CT Wounds Field
  21. SWADE bugs after UI Update
  22. Skills missing after update
  23. Official Wizard Theme Broken
  24. Older rulesets broken
  25. Dice Color Picker not updated in RMC
  26. Version Number
  27. Unity Crashing when re-sizing images
  28. Starfinder assets in Simple Gray and Simple Brown themes
  29. Winter theme frame art misaligned
  30. Gothic theme chatbox and right-click menu issues
  31. Small tooltip bug
  32. Light theme menu unreadable with recent update
  33. FGU: Multiple Token Layers
  34. Winter Theme Error when stretching window
  35. Fantasy Grounds corrupted?
  36. Shadow of Demonlord MoreCore
  37. Error when players open/edit character sheets
  38. Latest FGU patch made game unaccessible
  39. Image and Asset Directory Confusion
  40. Player getting blank map or red X
  41. LOS points keep moving.
  42. Data Module Activation
  43. Pathfinder Script execution error: scripts/manager_actor2.lua
  44. Unlicensed User Connecting
  45. FGU Sidebar "Text Based" buttons
  46. Update makes buttons go away?
  47. ROLEMASTER: Cannot roll skills or stats
  48. Script Execution Error
  49. Character token in Combat tracker disappears during player's turn
  50. ERROR after update v4.0.10 STANDARD
  51. Players unable to move tokens
  52. Closed Windows do not block LOS
  53. Is there currently a way to export a Group of Items/Spells/Special Abilities?
  54. created new module for 5e. missing interface icons this morning.
  55. Import Calendar Bug
  56. FGC => Unity: no characters, no story entries, no campaign?
  57. Bug: NPC damage roll twice when in Fixed mode, but only apply damage once
  58. Moving unassigned parcel items to NEW game ?
  59. Wrong features been added at leveling up (D&D 5E)
  60. Map not pinning to back of desktop properly
  61. Call of cthulhu occupational skills problem
  62. FGU on remote host
  63. General bug with story templates
  64. Question: XML for adding encounters (i.e. Battle items) to a map in a module...
  65. LOS issues for one player in four with blackout on map
  66. All Data gone from Campaign after Update
  67. Bug: Level up issue
  68. Bug: Image brush rotated when switching switching shape in painting layer
  69. Can't unlock FX layer
  70. 5E Token Health Not Updating with Total
  71. ActorManager5E getWoundPercent() bug
  72. Artificer NPC Turret Assistance
  73. FGU Font Size Change without changing UI
  74. Green add item buttons
  75. Ubuntu install not letting me accept user agreement
  76. How strict are the min specs?
  77. Sharing Maps
  78. Player can't create character
  79. GM Sharing Map Question
  80. Pits and Tokens oh my
  81. No Campaigns Loading
  82. Is it possible to import LoS to a new map?
  83. Returned after almost a year and can't seem to load campaign
  84. Error after importing character from Classic to Unity
  85. Letters with Grave accents
  86. OK, friends: 1 Player Cannot Load Anything
  87. Remove build in assets
  88. FG LOS Tool bug?
  89. FGU crashes using 5E ruleset
  90. Can a Mac run both FGC and FGU?
  91. FGU vs FGC: Effects
  92. Map crashing
  93. No Play Mode buttons in Library
  94. Work Around to Hide 'Turn Notices' in Chat
  95. Laggy cloud-based game?
  96. Hotkeyed Option Bug
  97. Login Bug: Player can't login with client due to space in user name... Seriously
  98. unable to make .mod file that will be recognised by unity.
  99. LOS: token movement leaves light "trail" anchored to starting location...
  100. Attack roll bug
  101. FGU SFRPG Languages no longer working
  102. Revealing masked area on hex map
  103. Walls Tool - Elipse
  104. Spell Durations
  105. getting complie log message all the time
  106. Script execution error on recent patching
  107. Bug in Starfinder Unity Map
  108. Sotry Templates & nested Tables that call for input modifiers?
  109. Game Server Connection was Lost Returning to launcher...
  110. Players disconnecting and connecting like a yoyo all evening
  111. How Do I Make My Unity Client Look Like the Tutorials
  112. Hobgoblin Captain - Leadership
  113. Critical hits against multiple targets don't include damage dice in the damage roll
  114. Dropping an item from a parcel with more than 1 count into charsheet - BUGGED
  115. Token Resolution (PC vs NPC
  116. Missing Sidebar Items in CoS Campaign - MAJOR BUG
  117. Pathfinder Theme's Sidebar Buttons
  118. Manage Characters
  119. Custom Text Highlighting
  120. FGU Not Updating?
  121. LOS Slowdown
  122. Pointer tooltip
  123. Map Export Question
  124. Reload destroys rActor info in Hotkey
  125. How do I delete characters as a campaign player?
  126. Equipping Shield bug
  127. Updater Crashing
  128. Die Roll Background Lighting
  129. Button hover icon not working
  130. Linux Unity Issues since 3/3 update
  131. Unable to Install on Linux
  132. FG Mountains Map Pack - Incline_mountain_brush.png
  133. Disconnects
  134. Display order in Notes
  135. FGU will not stretch across two monitors anymore
  136. Mood Command Not Working for GM
  137. Quirky Little Bug with Custom Races - PHB Subraces Showing Up
  138. Just Installed - Have Mercy On Me
  139. Savage Worlds Sidebar Buttons
  140. FG:U Error Crash
  141. bug report: holding ctrl no longer reverses healing/damage
  142. bug report -- infinite loop?
  143. Background map loses tool icons
  144. White Screen
  145. Targetting multiple targets results in modDamage getting an rTarget of nil...
  146. Unable to Check Lobby Server
  147. LOS first time user questions
  148. Freezing in various circumstances, can easily repeat it
  149. Background map move tool missing
  150. Slight delay in new character sheets using the vanilla theme
  151. Question on Token Assets
  152. Players can't show tokens or images
  153. Keying in spell slot count on PC gets error
  154. LOS - One way viewing
  155. Script Error messages
  156. Adding Party sheet to hotkey bar?
  157. Double images
  158. LOS Toggleable Objects not working
  159. Can I not use my account remotely?
  160. Some weird LOS things I saw tonight in my game
  161. FGU Updater doesnt get acces to the Application or Data directory
  162. Underwater art image asset duplicated?
  163. LOS points keep moving.
  164. Player having problems connecting
  165. Clicking action tab on character sheet slows down client
  166. FG Modern Theme 4E issues
  167. Is Unity 64 bit only or can it run on 32bit windows?
  168. Players can draw on Locked images/maps, by expanding image
  169. Toggle Grid Snap indicator does not match initial grid snap state
  170. 5e Unity - Exporting modules does not includ updated new pins on maps or new stories
  171. Re-mask LOS layer?
  172. 5e Stack Overflow error
  173. LOS Pit - don't fall into the trap I did
  174. FGU Sharing LOS and Light Definitions
  175. /reload not working
  176. Backgrounded map = CPU/GPU stress
  177. FGU stretched on two monitors = DWM.exe GPU hog
  178. Spells appearing in the wrong spell lists.
  179. Deadlands reloaded - Chips error
  180. Different pins / colored pins / hidden GM markers?
  181. Missing Modules
  182. Graphics Blurry in certain areas
  183. Not seeing Lighting Symbol
  184. Spells are not populating after I create new spellcasting NPCs
  185. Issue with RESIST effect
  186. FGU and Campaign Cartographer
  187. Character Creation Wizard - 5th ed
  188. Cursor doesn't select the correct item in FGU
  189. Locking Object on Maps
  190. Snap to Grid on Player Requested Moves?
  191. PC token vs wall/closed window behavior
  192. Feature suggestion - Custom bookmark "icons"
  193. Story template multicolumn issue
  194. NPC Damage Status Not Showing
  195. Map in Motion for Boss Fight
  196. FGU Dark Theme, Selected Filter text Unreadable
  197. Can't launch FG Unity
  198. Test channel.
  199. FGU - GM pointer/dice color
  200. Hotbar (F1-F12) - links not always working
  201. Character sheet wiki page has wrong image
  202. Images not Showing Up in Campaign via Import
  203. Where to post Test Channel Lighting Review notes / comments?
  204. Brightness of Previously Traveled Areas
  205. TV Monitor
  206. Volo's Guide to Monsters
  207. Light Theme
  208. FGU Not Working with WACOM PEN
  209. No formatting on linked spell windows from character sheet (3.5E)
  210. FG Dark theme quickbar offset not quite right
  211. Grid Issue
  212. A couple of minor issues re. text colour
  213. Unity images less sharp than Classic
  214. House of healing option gone?
  215. How does one find the "QUICK START" page I've been looking ?
  216. FGUpdater has stopped working
  217. LoS bug, see thru wall
  218. missing data from backup
  219. HELP WITH LOS. See but not trespass.
  220. Unity questions/possible suggestions?
  221. Line of sight points across different layers.
  222. Duplicate tokens being created onDrop by player
  223. Errors after update
  224. black screen for players when moving characters
  225. Human Variant Feats Issue
  226. FGU 4.1 (test) Player Problems
  227. Invisible Battle Maps when I import them
  228. Switching Between Tile & Selection Tool Changes Placed Image Size
  229. Naming NPC Tokens
  230. Having Ideal Player Fog-of War
  231. Can't purchase FG Unity specific items on Steam
  232. Issue: FGU Vision settings, sanity check
  233. i need help first time here
  234. Errors loading new campaign
  235. Does the Forge work in Unity?
  236. Test.tmp error with direct IP server adress for user folder
  237. Changing user color impacts other user's colors (5E)
  238. Fantasy Grounds - Starfinder RPG - Ruleset on Steam
  239. What happened to the Library?
  240. Poor performance on Mac
  241. Is pre-stage image option gone?
  242. FGU crashes using SFRPG ruleset
  243. FGU mass image importing
  244. Custom spell question!
  245. Duplicate tokens during movement with mouse button press
  246. Portrait/token mismatch when importing characters from another campaign (5E)
  247. Token position mismatch GM vs. player
  248. Trying to cast fantasy grounds to second screen on laptop
  249. Maps going black (except for tokens) randomly...
  250. How to set up a new Power Group?