View Full Version : The House of Healing - Fantasy Grounds

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  1. Performance with Large numbers of nodes
  2. Tile size?
  3. Graphically Heavy
  4. Is FGU ready for online gaming testing?
  5. Download status for players
  6. Mess with layers and objects
  7. [PF2] Multiple of Ability Bonus on Attack Damage bug
  8. Mac Font Issue in latest build (as of Feb 10, 2020)
  9. FGU won't install correctly. No EXE, updater crashes
  10. Embeding Images into the Windows
  11. Symbaroum Ruleset - Module loading error
  12. Unable to Update Session list from Lobby Server/Unable to check lobby server
  13. Cannot Run - Get C++ error, no EXE and updater does not work
  14. Portrait and Token image scaling worse in FGU
  15. Previously tested maps LOS and pointers messed up
  16. Type, Sub type and cat selections the scroll bar isn't working right.
  17. 4E Mod error
  18. Language selection in chat
  19. Bug: Unable to scroll in combat tracker beyond view of active actor.
  20. Mac Updater problem
  21. Mac: Laggy UI & View Distance question
  22. RAM over-consumed?
  23. Issue with opening a module
  24. Yawning Portal Missing After update today.
  25. macOS errors moving LOS point on Dev server
  26. [MacOS][SAWO] Error when loading Beast & Barbarians GM Guide
  27. [MACOS][SAWO] Can't use /die exploding dices...
  28. [MACOSX][SAWO] Can't use short key in story mode (French Keyboard)
  29. Difficult Terrain
  30. [MacOSX][SWADE] Ctrl + U set format to italic and not underlined
  31. Missing Hellknight players guide
  32. Locked in 30FPS?
  33. Demo users
  34. How to run FGC campaign in FGU?
  35. Feature Request: Cloud / Lobby Control Panel
  36. Bug: Resizing token after rotating +/- 90 degress, deletes it.
  37. Demo Account Trying to Force Upgrade.
  38. Having trouble moving windows
  39. Bug: Zoom to fit from toolbar
  40. Bug: Party Sheet
  41. Bug: Locking drawing layer while player is already in drawing mode.
  42. Bug: Link pins that are made shareable don't show on client.
  43. DM Hold "SHIFT" Token Move reveals map
  44. Bug: Occasional severe memory leak on token drop on map.
  45. Mac Unity - can't connect localhost with 2nd copy
  46. Win10 OS, PFRPG, Error opening "Mummy's Mask - Players Guide"
  47. [MACOS][FEATURE] Not possible to go back to launcher when exiting
  48. [FEATURE ?] Drag mouse on an image move the window and not the image.
  49. [MACOSX][5E][BUG] When exporting to a module, pins on the map have wrong links
  50. player can't take control of another character
  51. Cannot run a session now with crashes/connection errors/maps disappearing
  52. Bug: Updater Freezing during install
  53. Error in 2E windowclass: Window class (imagepanelwindow_toolbar) defined with merge a
  54. (PF2) Demo user kicked, can't return
  55. FGC Discount or License for those with FGU Ultimate?
  56. Can we please have it so PC portraits and tokens retain the original image quality.
  57. Recent Updater Issues and Feedback
  58. Bug: When running low on memory large map appears grey when loaded from module.
  59. Party Sheet - Character Info Obscured by HP Bar
  60. Module Export Broken
  61. Map Reset
  62. Assets button: 5E Theme - Wizards
  63. My first official FGU session with my group! :)
  64. OS type API call?
  65. I can't move in the narrow halls of Cragmaw Hideout (5E - Lost Mines of Phandelver)
  66. Bug: Sometimes unable to interact (edit) with Note entries.
  67. Pathfinder 2 Combat Tracker
  68. Adding custom images and maps
  69. Testing map layers
  70. Bug: Starfinder campaign - new error as of 2/21/2020 - Could not find image file
  71. Map Graphic Artifact
  72. Eraser not working for drawings
  73. Missing Eberron Rising From The Last War
  74. Color Picker
  75. Some [SWADE] Findings
  76. Mac FGU app in subfolder of /Applications
  77. SWADE pointer issue
  78. receiving warning every time an image is opened.
  79. [FGU]GURPS Adapted for the platform + Party Sheet Error + MacOS Error
  80. "Folder" button shortcut to the local filesystem folder is missing in "Images & Maps"
  81. MacOS: Unable to connect to local network game
  82. Live Session Play Test Summary
  83. D&D 5E Module Names & Authors
  84. Doubt about LOS limitations
  85. Missing feature from FGC
  86. The macOS installation & uninstallation experience is miserable. (+ INSTRUCTIONS)
  87. Token Auto-Scale to Grid
  88. Unable to locate program: FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe
  89. Memory tuning & Optimizations yet?
  90. Re-download Beta?
  91. MacOS Installation locations
  92. Loading module
  93. Dungeondraft - Worth keeping an eye on.
  94. PF Naval Combat Error
  95. Snap to grid not turning off
  96. Water effect bug
  97. [Bug] Importing pregenerated character error
  98. [COSMETIC][MAC] Long campain title overlaping in launcher
  99. Updater endlessly restarts
  100. Bug: Many asset manager tokens and images show upside down and cause error.
  101. Fantasy Grounds Unity updater not unzipping
  102. Updated Mac installer
  103. Bug: Empty/CreateOnEmpty for Windowlist not visible when empty.
  104. Pins showing as colored square blocks
  105. Migrated Legacy Campaign from FGC no longer loading
  106. Had to reinstall Windows 10, so that means had to reinstall FG Unity.
  107. Cannot connect between Macs on a Lan
  108. How do you turn on Line of Sight?
  109. UI Size
  110. Hard to see numbers in Wnd box in Combat Tracker
  111. Copy and Paste in NPC stat blocks
  112. Demo player don't work
  113. New installers for Windows and Mac
  114. Add category button in the images/maps window does not work.
  115. [Bug]5e Tokens broken
  116. launching FGU and opening windows (performance)
  117. No Custom Button for easily creating new items
  118. Having to scroll in the title bar to see the title or the link button
  119. AC border off in character sheet
  120. Moving Pointers on map resizes when moving
  121. File transfer?
  122. [BUG] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Rule Set / Dice Tower Rolls too Many Dice
  123. Weapons on the 5e character sheet Actions tab are hidden.
  124. FGU Updater didn't finish the updating the updater job :)
  125. Character Conversion
  126. Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment error
  127. Large Tables Performing Very Slowly
  128. Error When Joining Player Laptop to DM Host
  129. Import .mod not visible in library
  130. Unable to lock tokens
  131. Color differences and side Tabs looking different between FGC/FGU
  132. Long Hangtime When Clicking or Closing Program (Opening NPCs, Items, Story, etc)
  133. FGU Wishlist
  134. Has anybody been able to host a game with FG Unity on a Mac?
  135. cannot bring maps in from folder.
  136. Class abilities vs special abilities
  137. Cursor off when typing
  138. character icon blank
  139. map toolbar only visible when map is in the background
  140. Accidentally Moved Campaign Subfolder to FGU directory. Now it wont open in FGC
  141. Can no longer update Fantsy Grounds Unity
  142. LOS not saving
  143. Extensions may have issues if they are nested under multiple rulesets
  144. Draw Colors and dice colors the same
  145. converting campaign to fgu - moduledb files duplicate text
  146. Player Side Line of Sight
  147. overlapping portraits back
  148. Should players see other player's tokens?
  149. Adding monsters to combat tracker disables special abilities link
  150. Isometric Maps?
  151. [Bug] Releasing ownership does not release LoS
  152. Mess with stamps.
  153. Linux users: Request for information and feedback
  154. Combat Modifiers in Combat Tracker
  155. Map Packs & FGU Map Making
  156. FGU lobby server down?
  157. Some results of the playtesting yesterday.
  158. Bug (?) Passing through Locked and Closed Doors
  159. Players De-Syncing
  160. Effect/Action coding on items, spells and features
  161. FGU doesn't load a campaign
  162. Uninstalling FGU removed all data, data directory included
  163. Demo user require license?
  164. After today's update
  165. After today's update there is no more fullscreen option on the background radial menu
  166. Error loading Pathfinder: Ruins of Azlant, AP 4: City in the Deep
  167. Receiving error when players trying to connect
  168. Vampire The Masquerade 5th ed load error in unity
  169. Vampire The Masquerade 5th ed Character sheet tab error in unity
  170. Megadungeon
  171. Moving images around
  172. sorting takes really long loading time
  173. Matchmaker down again - players can't connect
  174. Sharing tokens to player
  175. FGU Updater appears to update even if another instance of FGU is running
  176. Lots of disconnects/syncing issues today
  177. Opening of doors by players not letting other players through
  178. LoS System Feedback
  179. Isometric token positioning, diagonal distance calculation problems and pointers
  180. [SWADE] Party vision doesn't work using LOS
  181. Campaign transferred from FGC duplicates content in modified story entries
  182. FGU Image Layer Names?
  183. Ambient lighting functionality not working
  184. Player can't join
  185. Hanging at Acquiring File List
  186. User Interface tiny of HDPI screen
  187. License Check Failed?
  188. Graphics in FGU
  189. Map showing up full screen (no UI other than the dice)
  190. when I can purchase FGU in Steam Store?
  191. Extensions that load for me (GM) get errors when client connects
  192. Will there be a way to add my own maps and images in the Unity release version??
  193. opening image does not initially display unidentified field
  194. No scroll bar or scroll bar arrows in Image window
  195. Show/Hide Shortcuts + Deleting tokens
  196. Library Categories missing?
  197. Lobby: No Connection
  198. Unable to add images to running campaign
  199. 4th Edition Ruleset specific issues
  200. FG Updater executable locations
  201. Unable to launch a Campaign
  202. Help! License issues! Technical issues! Questions!
  203. Lock token
  204. Edits to Story entries not being preserved
  205. Not Recognizing MODs Not Purchased From Store?
  206. FGU Open Beta & NDA
  207. Command /reload not working
  208. Connection error
  209. Domain names do not work in the IP field like they did in FGC.
  210. Gifting Playtest Access
  211. Secured my Ultimate Unity License. Is there a list of steps on how to install?
  212. Dual DM Games
  213. Mac control character issue
  214. The only thing stopping me to use Unity for my regular weekly game..
  215. Can I install FGII and Unity on the same machine?
  216. Unity and an existing campaign
  217. Modifiers and NPC rolls
  218. Deleting Assets from token folder
  219. FGU Windows 2020-03-16 black map screen for players (Win or Mac) when maximized
  220. FGU Mac 2020-03-13 problems with unlock/edit pane
  221. FGU Mac 2020-03-13 can't share map when map window maximized
  222. Confidentiality playtest agreement
  223. Doors: Lockable?
  224. Language Selection in Chat for Players
  225. LOS development question
  226. FGU Usernames
  227. What player(classic,FGU)/DM(classic,FGU) combinations work?
  228. FGU Early Access - Updates
  229. Unity too slow
  230. Toggle toolbar button missing the toolbar
  231. Fantasy window just closed
  232. Player unable to connect testing connections.
  233. Campaign does not show up in lobby for players
  234. Does FGU overwrite FGC or are they two separate programs
  235. Weather effects crash because of using two monitors
  236. Can't get modules to work in FGU
  237. How to disable 3D dice sound?
  238. Learning how to add line of sight quick question.
  239. Visibility of enemies
  240. Trouble Joining Game - Stuck on Loading Screen
  241. FGU will not log in
  242. FGU VTM5e Character sheet
  243. Capturing printscreen keypress
  244. Player pointers are throwing an error. GM pointers work fine.
  245. Player Side, DEMO to Ultimate, no LOS
  246. Map links placed in chat do not have a clickable hover state.
  247. No Language Fonts
  248. Unable to update session list from lobby server
  249. Full screen.
  250. /clear command missing