View Full Version : FGU 4.1 (test) Player Problems

March 25th, 2021, 20:48
Hi guys, i have posted it on "connections problems" but i tink no one see this.

My group (i'm the GM) is trying to use the 4.1 verson. 4/5 players have no problemas to connect im my session, but one guy just can't connect. We do the same thing that the others guys did, but he get stuck on the "Attempting resolved connection to server". I tried check my log, but don't see the "row" of he trying to connect, when another player try to connect i can see!

We rollback to the "live version" 4.0.10 and he can connect easly!

Any one get this problem? Any suggestion to solve it?

March 25th, 2021, 20:51
I have not seen any widespread problems so something might have gone wrong with the player's update to the test channel. I would have him clear out everything in test and then re-update to the test channel.

March 25th, 2021, 20:52
Sounds like the player hasn't changed over to the Test version and then updated.

March 25th, 2021, 20:52
Hi guys, i have posted it on "connections problems" but i tink no one see this.

My group (i'm the GM) is trying to use the 4.1 verson. 4/5 players have no problemas to connect im my session, but one guy just can't connect. We do the same thing that the others guys did, but he get stuck on the "Attempting resolved connection to server". I tried check my log, but don't see the "row" of he trying to connect, when another player try to connect i can see!

We rollback to the "live version" 4.0.10 and he can connect easly!

Any one get this problem? Any suggestion to solve it?

Post both GM and player error logs here. Don't check your logs, lets the devs do that.

March 26th, 2021, 15:38
Post both GM and player error logs here. Don't check your logs, lets the devs do that.

I will do it today!

And try to do the update with the player.

Tks guys!

April 23rd, 2021, 16:21
I am having the same issue. Any update on this topic?

April 23rd, 2021, 17:44
Usually, if only one player is having a problem - it's something about that player's setup. Didn't successfully switch to Test, Firewall, Security Software, etc.

April 23rd, 2021, 17:49
I am having the same issue. Any update on this topic?
Welcome :)

As mentioned, if it is only one player, then it is almost always a problem with that players computer or network. Please include the logs of both the player and GM and the details of the connection attempt (error received, etc) See the link in my signature for more info on how to do all this.

April 28th, 2021, 21:18
Thank you for the replies. I will get the logs and send over today.