View Full Version : General bug with story templates

February 22nd, 2021, 19:44
Is there a general bug with story templates where all the tables the template pulls from look right and work right on their own but the system still reads them wrong in some way? I am not in front of my PC right now but the table I think it is hung up on has 10 choices using a d10. I'm pretty sure its set up right because another call to a table in the same template works fine. I can submit a ticket but I wanted to see if this is a known issue.

Moon Wizard
February 22nd, 2021, 21:49
I haven't heard of that. If you can post specific examples or even better, an example campaign; that would help.


February 23rd, 2021, 03:33
I discovered what the problem was. Lua and or XML does not like stuff like this '&'. When I removed this sign and replaced it with the word 'and' it worked.