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  1. Skulls & Shackles official modules 5 & 6
  2. Wonderful Image - Item Hardness and Hitpoints
  3. Very Bored at In-Laws Thinking about Stealth
  4. Stay Thirsty My Friends
  5. Random herb search table(s)
  6. Legal licenses for posting modules with d20pfsrd content.
  7. Animal Companions: can carry things or not?
  8. Effects on Items
  9. PF1 Creature types
  10. Weapon stats in Action Tab, Probably a dumb question...
  11. [BUG][PF1e/3.5] Manual Roller not rolling crit damage
  12. Missing Racial Traits after character import from hero labs! Any ideas?
  13. Crit Confirmation
  14. Weapon type ATK Bonus
  15. A link to text tool in 3.5/PF?
  16. Give control of the summons to PC
  17. [Bug] Critical confirmation does not always take ATK effects take into account
  18. Channel Energy Question
  19. This error begun to pop in my conscole every single time i open Fantasy Grounds
  20. Error while using the IF conditional.
  21. An Effect for Loosing the Dex Bonus
  22. Bug related to today's hotfix about custom DC
  23. all damage dice entries gone
  24. Prot Good/evil effect
  25. Kineticist in Fantasy Grounds
  26. Spells and spell effects
  27. Add more damage types?
  28. Modifiers to Auto-Stabilization rolls?
  29. Alcohols of Golarion
  30. Lightning Bolt AoE
  31. Maps - Siege of Durgams Folly
  32. Vital Strike
  33. Effect Question
  34. Rapid Shot, Many Shot and multiple attacks
  35. Asking about an extension for ignoring armor class bonuses
  36. Player's Handbook / DM Guide for 3.5 Ruleset
  37. What is supposed to be automated?
  38. Splitting of the 3.5e and PF1 forums
  39. [BUG 3.5e/PF1] ATK effects on next roll and full attack
  40. Anyone in need of a player?
  41. How do to multi-attacks with a PC sheet
  42. Remove Effect not working.
  43. weapon boxes
  44. Unity Documentation issue for 3.5E
  45. How does the DR on the character sheet for 3.5e actually work?
  46. [BUG] REGEN, FHEAL etc. are causing effect removal error when used with fixed mod
  47. Channel Energy Question?
  48. Creating 3.5e Prestige Class spells
  49. Can't get ATK effects to work with IFT?
  50. DR and Weapon Enhancement Bonus
  51. Effect Question
  52. Rapid Shot, Many Shot and multiple attacks??
  53. Special Attacks
  54. 3.5 Parser
  55. CR calculator?
  56. Extension: Prepopulate Coins
  57. Need help to set up a feat (Robilar's Gambit)
  58. Growing list of features I am finding that FGU just lacks.
  59. [Tutorial] Adding damage types to 3.5e/PF1
  60. So I finally updated my FG since before February's update...
  61. 3.5 PHB Sourcebook
  62. Cannot get Damage Reduction or energy resistance to work
  63. FG theme
  64. Damage Resistance for NPC types?
  65. Area spell templates
  66. [3.5] Flat-footed monk and AC
  67. PF AP in a 3.5 game
  68. [Bug] Unity Font issues with Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Korvosa
  69. [Bug] STR effects taken twice into account for effects
  70. Official 3.5e Bug Report Thread
  71. Very minor bug in the 3.5E ruleset
  72. 3e-3.5 standard house rules/fixes? also vs 5e
  73. Looking for cool printouts if you have any
  74. Attack Modifiers Extension
  75. Flaming burst and Undead.
  76. Add book material to 3.5 or convert module to 5e?
  77. The Complete SRD for Fantasy Grounds
  78. Spell Record Actions extension
  79. I need a hero (a heroic mechanics sage)
  80. Charsheet skills naming suggestion
  81. Enhanced Skills extension
  82. isWeapon returning false unexpectedly
  83. notifyApplyHRFC
  84. Align Weapon
  85. New record headers need some adjustment in 3.5e/PF1e
  86. Vampiric attacks
  87. What is available for 3.5e?
  88. 3.5 content?
  89. Channel Energy Question?
  90. Outgoing Concealment
  91. Noobie Question - Really Dumb D&D 3.5 SRD
  92. Proposal to change record_spells.xml
  93. Two lua "errors"
  94. BUG? Spells only appearing on mini sheet actions for spontaneous casters
  95. Looking for 3.5 DM for discord
  96. Kender
  97. FGU 2E adventure to 3.5
  98. experienced FG 3.5 DM willing to give a tutorial?
  99. D&D 3.5 NPC Stat Block Importer
  100. Improved Critical: Ray
  101. Do we have a better way to deal with wildshapes yet?
  102. Setting up duration in Spell/Ability Effects for 3.5
  103. D20 modern?
  104. Accurate concealment options?
  105. Negating the damage on a successful save