View Full Version : Official 3.5e Bug Report Thread

July 17th, 2021, 01:14
Please post bugs related to the ruleset here. Please provide as much detail as possible. This would include steps taken before bug/error appears and images of the console output or issue. Also please ensure you are disabling all extensions and testing again prior to reporting bugs/errors. If this resolves the issue, then it would be best to report the issue in the extension's thread instead.

July 17th, 2021, 01:17
Nice thanks a lot :) Here some recent bug report: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?69649-Bug-STR-effects-taken-twice-into-account-for-effects (if you want I can repeat/copy the post fully in here) :)

September 29th, 2021, 20:58
Not per se a bug but a warning in the console.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create Character
2. Add Spell Class
3. Add a spell
4. Add a Spell Action -> Damage
5. Open the details of the damage field
6. Add Item in the damage details

Three warnings pop up in the console:

WARNING: Frame fielddice contains out-of-range values in BottomLeft.
WARNING: Frame fielddice contains out-of-range values in Bottom.
WARNING: Frame fielddice contains out-of-range values in BottomRight.

When you reload the campaign and open the damage details, the warnings pop up again.

September 29th, 2021, 21:03
Warnings shouldn't impede game play and can be dismissed. Is the console window opening and impeding game play? Those particular ones are informing that the frame exceeds the parent control.

September 29th, 2021, 22:29
Warnings shouldn't impede game play and can be dismissed. Is the console window opening and impeding game play? Those particular ones are informing that the frame exceeds the parent control.

No, everything is fine and not disrupting gameplay. Just wanted to let know in case someone wants to fix/get rid of the warnings :)

September 29th, 2021, 22:40
Ah, that is great to hear! Thank you for the report and we will add it to bug list.

October 24th, 2021, 14:23
There seems to be an inconsistency in skill effects usage between the wiki and behavior in FGU and I'd like to know how to do things right.

For example "Fascinated" has the following modifiers listed:
SKILL:-4 spot listen perception

This does not work when typed out as effect.

SKILL:-4 spot, listen, perception works however. No difference if perception is deleted as it is not used in 3.5e.

So either an error in the wiki or in FGU.

Moon Wizard
October 25th, 2021, 15:49
It was the wiki that was incorrect. The effects have also evolved over time, as more specificity was needed. I've updated the wiki.


December 22nd, 2021, 18:33
In every wand's description is an error (module 3.5E Magic Items).

See image attached.


February 8th, 2022, 01:28
Got an error today while my players did level up. The new multiclass class would override the already existing class and give that one another level.
As I use a dozen extensions and one heavily written for myself, I debugged the last two hours to no avail. Then I did look at the ruleset code and tested without extensions in a fresh campaign.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new 3.5e campaign
2. Load the "3.5E Tome of Battle" and "3.5E UA" modules
3. Create a character
4. Drop the class "Savage Bard" onto the character
5. Drop the class "Crusader" onto the character
6. The character now has 2 savage bard levels.

I've dug until I got into this code which is probably responsible for this behavior (manager_char.lua).

-- Try and match an existing class entry, or create a new one
local sRecordSansModule = StringManager.split(sRecord, "@")[1];
local nodeClass = nil;
for _,v in pairs(nodeList.getChildren()) do
local _,sExistingClassPath = DB.getValue(v, "shortcut", "", "");
if sExistingClassPath == "" then
local sExistingClassName = StringManager.trim(DB.getValue(v, "name", "")):lower();
if sExistingClassName ~= "" and (sExistingClassName == sClassNameLower) then
nodeClass = v;
local sExistingClassPathSansModule = StringManager.split(sExistingClassPath, "@")[1];
if sExistingClassPathSansModule == sRecordSansModule then
nodeClass = v;

The modules were created in Fantasy Grounds Unity and exported via /export. As those have copyrighted material from 3.5e shall I sent them to [email protected] linking this thread?

February 9th, 2022, 18:41
Got an error today while my players did level up. The new multiclass class would override the already existing class and give that one another level.
As I use a dozen extensions and one heavily written for myself, I debugged the last two hours to no avail. Then I did look at the ruleset code and tested without extensions in a fresh campaign.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new 3.5e campaign
2. Load the "3.5E Tome of Battle" and "3.5E UA" modules
3. Create a character
4. Drop the class "Savage Bard" onto the character
5. Drop the class "Crusader" onto the character
6. The character now has 2 savage bard levels.

I've dug until I got into this code which is probably responsible for this behavior (manager_char.lua).

-- Try and match an existing class entry, or create a new one
local sRecordSansModule = StringManager.split(sRecord, "@")[1];
local nodeClass = nil;
for _,v in pairs(nodeList.getChildren()) do
local _,sExistingClassPath = DB.getValue(v, "shortcut", "", "");
if sExistingClassPath == "" then
local sExistingClassName = StringManager.trim(DB.getValue(v, "name", "")):lower();
if sExistingClassName ~= "" and (sExistingClassName == sClassNameLower) then
nodeClass = v;
local sExistingClassPathSansModule = StringManager.split(sExistingClassPath, "@")[1];
if sExistingClassPathSansModule == sRecordSansModule then
nodeClass = v;

The modules were created in Fantasy Grounds Unity and exported via /export. As those have copyrighted material from 3.5e shall I sent them to [email protected] linking this thread?

This was fixed (tested it) in the latest TEST changes. Thank you.
[5E/3.5E/PFRPG] Class drag and drop would sometimes match to the wrong class for third party modules. Fixed to require name match.

March 6th, 2022, 23:23
Small one, PF1e module but afaik it's the underlying 3.5e ruleset at fault.

1. Create a new 3.5e or PF1e campaign
2. Load the module "PFRPG Basic Rules"
3. Create a new character
4. Give that character the "Elf" race
5. See "Low-Light Vision 7" under senses

The 7 comes from the "See Chapter 7." in the module.

You could either get rid of such lines in the traits or catch such cases in the race parsing.

June 9th, 2022, 16:35
A bug but "only" a warning in console.

1. Create a new character
2. Put a number into one of the abilities (for example INT: 18)
3. Create a new spell class
4. Cycle the ability stat cycler a few rounds.

You get the following in the console:
[WARNING] setValue: Recursive call terminated for (CONTROL_NUMBER) (dcstatmod)

Though I don't know of any gameplay issues I would be very grateful if this could be fixed because anyone wanting to do something with the dcstatmod could find themself in trouble (e.g. extension dev) :)

June 11th, 2022, 15:35
Thanks for the reports. We will investigate this and may take some time for a fix as an upcoming update will lock down the rulesets for some time.

Moon Wizard
June 11th, 2022, 21:35
I'll get this in the next ruleset pass. It's part of 3.5E/PFRPG/SFRPG/d20Mod.


June 11th, 2022, 22:19
Thank you very much superteddy57 and Moon Wizard :)

June 17th, 2022, 01:30
Hi :)

As also noted here, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38100-Official-Pathfinder-Modules-Bug-Report-Thread&p=653325&viewfull=1#post653325, and in some other very old thread I cannot find anymore, the TYPE conditional does not work with respect to types consisting of two words like monstrous humanoid and magical beast :)

July 28th, 2022, 00:57
I've noticed my characters shield equipment items are adding their AC as "armor" and not as "shield".

Spell effects work normally, adding AC as "armor" or "shield" as noted in the effect, but what my player has noticed is they are trying to cast an armor spell and use an effect "AC: 6 armor" and that effect isn't stacking properly with their equipped shield equipment, so instead of equipping a shield they are using another spell with the effect "AC: 3 shield". This gives them the correct total AC as a workaround, but the equipment doesn't seem to be working correctly with spell effects.

I duplicated it in vanilla Fantasy Grounds Unity with no mods loaded, and also had Zarestia duplicate it.

Moon Wizard
August 16th, 2022, 02:30

I had this queued up to look at when I had a moment; and remembered it when responding to a separate thread with a similar issue.

In that case, it was because the ruleset is looking for a very specific set of data to qualify as a shield. (Either Type = "Shield" or "Shields"; or Type = "Armor" and Subtype = "Shields")

What does the Item record look like for that shield? Where did you get the item from? Was it from a module or entered manually?


August 16th, 2022, 14:46

I had this queued up to look at when I had a moment; and remembered it when responding to a separate thread with a similar issue.

In that case, it was because the ruleset is looking for a very specific set of data to qualify as a shield. (Either Type = "Shield" or "Shields"; or Type = "Armor" and Subtype = "Shields")

What does the Item record look like for that shield? Where did you get the item from? Was it from a module or entered manually?


As I replicated the issue before Trennik posted, I can answer that.
The "Shield, heavy steel" from the 3.5E Basic Rules didn't work as intended.

After the update from yesterday/today, it works now giving the character a +2 shield bonus to AC.
The update should make all module shields give the expected values.

February 24th, 2023, 01:11
After the update from today, I can see some artifacs when switching the modes on characters with large spell lists (Level 11 PC). This is tested with no extensions and doesn't seem to happen in 5E, thus I post here.

1. Create a new character.
2. Give that character some wizard levels (mine has 11)
3. Drag a few dozen spells over and prepare spells for an adventuring day.
4. Cycle through the modes. When cycling from combat to another mode, you can see artifacts of other spells benath the character sheet.


Moon Wizard
February 24th, 2023, 02:01
Thanks for reporting.

Can you post a XML export of that character for me to test with?


February 24th, 2023, 14:35
Thanks for reporting.

Can you post a XML export of that character for me to test with?


Had to sleep in the meantime. See attached XML.

Moon Wizard
February 27th, 2023, 09:47
Thanks for the sheet. Hoping to be able to dig in on this over the next week; since it's most likely an engine-level issue.


March 9th, 2023, 13:49
In the combat tab the "stat" values/labels don't update anymore and only show 0.
In the picture I have 14 Dex but the "Base" shows as 0, same for saves. It also doesn't update when I cycle through it, though the end value is correct on the left side.

This is in a fresh campaign with no extensions of course.


March 9th, 2023, 14:33
Thanks, was able to locate the issue, need some time testing it to ensure any other control using the template works properly with the changes.

Moon Wizard
March 9th, 2023, 16:06
I've pushed @superteddy57's fix as part of the fixes today.


March 20th, 2023, 15:14
The bite damage on the statblock of the gibbering mouther is not working.

It's written like this Bite +4 melee (1) but only outputs actual damage if you either specify all damage types manually (1 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing) or write it as dice (1d1).

Moon Wizard
March 29th, 2023, 02:04
This should be fixed with today's update for Pathfinder, Starfinder, D&D 3.5E, and d20 Modern.


April 29th, 2023, 11:03
I do not know whether I search in a wrong way, but it looks like that the 3.5E Monster manual does not list any of the true dragons :) Neither chromatic nor the metal ones :)

May 30th, 2023, 20:22
Not sure why but I am missing portions of the mods even though they are loaded .I've tried Uninstalling and reinstalling FG but it doesn't help. In basic rules it's missing classes, feats, races and skills. and everything in the Monsters.5749957499

Moon Wizard
May 30th, 2023, 23:12
I'm not seeing that in my version.

Can you try going to the FG data folder and renaming (or deleting) the extensions, modules, and rulesets subfolders; and running a new Check For Updates from the FG launch screen?
(FG data folder can be reached via folder button in upper left of FG launch screen.)


May 30th, 2023, 23:58
That worked. Thank you.

June 23rd, 2023, 17:12
In the newest patch, if one hits an enemy and it is in crit threat range, the attack icon is not the one of a hit anymore. The attack icon in the chat message is the one of a miss :)

As far as I see, in the script AttackManager, function applyAttack, is the following missing at the end:

elseif string.match(sResults, "CRITICAL THREAT%]") then
msgLong.icon = "roll_attack_hit";

That was still there in the previous ruleset code :)

July 2nd, 2023, 09:59
In the newest patch, if one hits an enemy and it is in crit threat range, the attack icon is not the one of a hit anymore. The attack icon in the chat message is the one of a miss :)

As far as I see, in the script AttackManager, function applyAttack, is the following missing at the end:

elseif string.match(sResults, "CRITICAL THREAT%]") then
msgLong.icon = "roll_attack_hit";

That was still there in the previous ruleset code :)

Thanks for fixing it :)

September 8th, 2023, 22:51
I filed ticket SUPPORT-23324 but am reposting here in case that is helpful.

I believe the 3.5E Spells module is broken. If you create a new campaign, load the module, and click it in the left pane of the Modules window, a series of links becomes available in the right pane. Most of these links work just fine, but if you click the link for either Wizard/Sorcerer schools of magic or cleric domains, you get a bunch of errors.

Even though you get errors, the link opens a new window. For the most part, this is ok, but there is a dark bar across the top that is supposed to display the wizard school or domain. The bar is empty, and if you click this bar (to collapse the section, I believe), you get another error. Screenshots attached.

During my test, I made sure that no themes or extensions were loaded.

Thank you.

Moon Wizard
September 8th, 2023, 22:53
I just pushed an update for this about an hour ago. Can you run a new Check for Updates, and let me know if you are still having this issue?


September 8th, 2023, 22:58
Man, you guys are FAST!

I just checked, and there is good news and bad news: The issue has been fixed for cleric domains but not for wiz/sorc schools of magic.

Take care,

Moon Wizard
September 10th, 2023, 02:06
I'll get the spell school one fixed for the standard Tuesday update cycle.


September 10th, 2023, 18:02
Apologies, but could I give you one more thing to look at?

When a creature with a spellcasting class has to make an attack roll from the Spells tab, the creature's size modifier is not applied to the attack rolls. I tested and this is true for melee, ranged, melee touch and ranged touch.

To replicate, take your pick, but you can start with an Athach (Huge) and give it any caster level and any caster stat you like. Give it one of any spell level you like and add scorching ray to its sheet.

The Athach has a BAB of +10 and Dex of 13 (+1), so independent of size, it gets +11 for ranged attack. Click the ranged touch attack button for the spell, and you'll see it indeed gets +11. It should suffer a -2 penalty for being Huge for a total mod of +9.

If you make a copy of the Athach and change its size in the Type box on the Main tab (Small, Medium, Large, etc.) and then try the ranged attack button, you can see the creature's size does not affect the modifier.

Similarly, you can change the attack roll for scorching ray to melee, ranged and/or ranged touch. The size modifier again is never applied.

Thank you,

Moon Wizard
September 10th, 2023, 18:09
Size modifiers have always needed to be added into the attack rolls sheets directly; it has never been automated. All the NPCs in the SRD reflect their size modifiers in their attack rolls per information I reviewed years ago.


September 10th, 2023, 19:43
Interesting. I knew you had to manually set everything in the attack rolls on the main tab and just assumed they would be automated for spells. I'll adjust. Thank you.

September 13th, 2023, 02:36
The issue with the wizard/sorcerer schools has been fixed. Thank you very much for taking care of this.

December 3rd, 2023, 07:28
When you multi-class, the system is not doing class skill/non-class skill cost correctly. For example, If you go rogue at level 1, then you go Cleric at level 2, when you gain the skill pts for your cleric level the system is letting you put a point into Hide at the 1 for 1 cost, not at 2 for 1, it is not a class skill at that moment when you increase it. see rule below for D&D 3.5

From Player’s Handbook pg. 60.
Skill points must be spent according to the class that the multiclass character just advanced in.

If you are still confused about this rule in 3.5, read abilities like Adaptive learning.

Adaptive Learning (Ex): At 1st level, a human paragon can designate any one of his human paragon class skills as an adaptive skill. This skill is treated as a class skill in all respects for all classes that character has levels in, both current and future. For example, if a human paragon chooses Spot as an adaptive skill, he treats Spot as a class skill for all future class levels he gains, even if it is not normally a class skill for the class in question. Page 44 Unearthed Arcana.

December 4th, 2023, 04:33
Not sure that is truly a reasonably correctible item. perhaps an option to add 1 or more additional columns of radio buttons for each class skill set, and a way to choose which one to activate for skill increases (a radio button at the top to choose 1 set?). otherwise you need to track on your own during the skill choice phase perhaps.

December 6th, 2023, 01:45
There is an issue in the base 3.5E ruleset with how it calculates the number of skill points a character gets when they level up. When you add the skill points that are gained from the class with your intelligence modifier, and the total value is a negative number, then you can get negative skill points. In the example below the cleric class gets two skill points at level up and the character has an intelligence modifier of negative four.

You are supposed to get a minimum of 1 skill point as specified in this ruling: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#intelligenceInt

This is the current code for how the skill points are calculated:
File Location: \scripts\manager_char
Line: 1903

if nSkillPoints > 0 then
local nSkillAbilityScore = DB.getValue(nodeChar, "abilities.intelligence.score", 10);
local nAbilitySkillPoints = math.floor((nSkillAbilityScore - 10) / 2);
local nBonusSkillPoints = 0;
if DataCommon.isPFRPG() then
if hasTrait(nodeChar, "Skilled") then
nBonusSkillPoints = nBonusSkillPoints + 1;
if nTotalLevel == 1 then
nSkillPoints = nSkillPoints * 4;
nAbilitySkillPoints = nAbilitySkillPoints * 4;

DB.setValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", "number", DB.getValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", 0) + nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints + nBonusSkillPoints);

I was able to code a fix for this on my end, but I am an amateur at lua so there is probably a better way to do it. The main purpose is to check if the total value of the skill points is less than one, and if it is then set the skill value to one for that level up.

if nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints + nBonusSkillPoints > 0 then
if nTotalLevel == 1 then
DB.setValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", "number", DB.getValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", 0) + (nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints + nBonusSkillPoints) * 4 );
DB.setValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", "number", DB.getValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", 0) + nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints + nBonusSkillPoints);
if nTotalLevel == 1 then
DB.setValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", "number", DB.getValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", 0) + 1 * 4);
DB.setValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", "number", DB.getValue(nodeClass, "skillranks", 0) + 1);

This is the output i get with the updated code but with the same character parameters.

Moon Wizard
December 7th, 2023, 18:07
Thanks for the report, as well as the detailed look and suggested fix. I'll put something in the beta Test channel later today; and the plan is to release the beta Test code in mid-Dec timeframe.


December 14th, 2023, 07:05
After this last patch around 12 December, I can no longer change the skill to be rolled in the party sheet.

Moon Wizard
December 15th, 2023, 00:31
I've pushed a hot fix to address this. Please run a new Check for Updates.


December 16th, 2023, 04:54
I've pushed a hot fix to address this. Please run a new Check for Updates.


It works! Thanks, good work.

December 21st, 2023, 03:16
I noticed the new update to the 3.5E now prevents negative skill points, Yay! However, I did encounter an issue with the skill points being added at 1st level. The starting skill points do not get multiplied by 4 if they are below the maximum value. Below is some code I made as an example which gives the correct number of skill points for first level if below the max.

local nAddPoints = math.max(nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints, 1);

if nTotalLevel == 1 then
nAddPoints = math.max(nSkillPoints + nAbilitySkillPoints, 4);

Moon Wizard
December 21st, 2023, 23:15
Just put a similar change into Test channel. (Targeted for release some time after new year.)


December 22nd, 2023, 05:43
Improved Overrun in FG says no attack of opportunity. The actual rules don't state this see actual rule below.

From D20 SRD:
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack.

Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent, the target may not choose to avoid you. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to knock down your opponent.

Normal: Without this feat, the target of an overrun can choose to avoid you or to block you.

Special: A fighter may select Improved Overrun as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Moon Wizard
December 22nd, 2023, 18:48
Pushing an update to fix the summary text today.


December 23rd, 2023, 21:34
Pushing an update to fix the summary text today.


Thanks, you are a model human being.

January 28th, 2024, 09:01
I do not know whether I search in a wrong way, but it looks like that the 3.5E Monster manual does not list any of the true dragons :) Neither chromatic nor the metal ones :)

Another "issue" about the 3.5E module: The new feature of adding NPCs directly from the NPC list, automatically creating a CT entry, won't work with the 3.5E SRD module since the NPC entries do not have any tokens attached and so one cannot drag&drop them on the map (the pin just creates a shortcut on the map)
Is it possible to add generic token letters to the NPC entries, like what happens when they are added to the CT? :) Or alternatively, would be nice to allow editing the token slot without the need to create a copy first :)

(I can understand that there may be no resources to add dragons to the SRD module. If I ever add them manually, then I can send that to you so that it can be added to the official module, if okay :) )

March 11th, 2024, 18:36
Identified a bug while developing an extension.

1. Create two custom modules with classes, export them
2. Load module1 and add the first listed class to a character
3. Unload module1 and load module2
4. Redrag the class which already exists but is not loaded in charsheet_classes window to do a levelup.
5. Now, the first class of module2 gets added

I can do a short video if that helps understanding it.
The reason for this happening should be that exporting via FGU generates no names like in the Basic Rules 3.5e module but IDs in the database path.
The addClass() function in manager_char.lua compares the names but not the modules. Hence FGU thinks id-0001@module1 is the same as id-0001@module2, although they're of different books.

March 14th, 2024, 19:24
Thank you for the report. Sorry for the delay. I will check this out.

March 17th, 2024, 05:40
Identified a bug while developing an extension.

1. Create two custom modules with classes, export them
2. Load module1 and add the first listed class to a character
3. Unload module1 and load module2
4. Redrag the class which already exists but is not loaded in charsheet_classes window to do a levelup.
5. Now, the first class of module2 gets added

I can do a short video if that helps understanding it.
The reason for this happening should be that exporting via FGU generates no names like in the Basic Rules 3.5e module but IDs in the database path.
The addClass() function in manager_char.lua compares the names but not the modules. Hence FGU thinks id-0001@module1 is the same as id-0001@module2, although they're of different books.

I went through the steps you provided above. Can you show me the video of what you are doing as I think I might be missing a step. I'm unable to do it if I create two 1 class modules and using the steps provided. It gives me a chat warrning that the module1 is not loaded.

March 17th, 2024, 18:09
I went through the steps you provided above. Can you show me the video of what you are doing as I think I might be missing a step. I'm unable to do it if I create two 1 class modules and using the steps provided. It gives me a chat warrning that the module1 is not loaded.

See here: https://jumpshare.com/s/I7Xyj4IwpZSRxuQrr7M5. I can share the module I created via PM if needed.

March 17th, 2024, 18:33
Yes, please share both if possible. I'm not able to replicate with the modules I created. I did a mix of copy SRD modules and fresh custom classes and still couldn't replicate it

March 17th, 2024, 21:00
Thanks, I believe I found the issue. Looks like it's a function that is changing the module reference to a wildcard if it can't find the module loaded. I'll find the solution to get this working as intended.

Moon Wizard
March 20th, 2024, 01:59
The update @superteddy57 mentioned is now in the patch system. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.
