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  1. #1

    Dropping an item from a parcel with more than 1 count into charsheet - BUGGED

    I spent an enormous amount of time today trying to figure out why my extension had the charsheet inventory item count drop back to 1 anytime a parcel was used to drop the item with count > 1 in it and a player was attached to the host for that sheet.

    Only to find its FGU doing it RAW with no extensions.

    Here is how to duplicate it.
    FGU 5E ruleset.
    1) Create a parcel.
    2) Put a unique item in that the charsheet does not have in its inventory.
    3) Make that item count in the parcel > 1.
    4) Connect a player to your host.
    5) Have player pick a character - Bring up a character sheet - open inventory tab.
    6) Have host open that same character sheet to its inventory tab.
    7) Open parcel on host and drag your unique item with > 1 count into the charsheet inventory.
    8) Watch the count on your host immediately flash back a count of 1.
    9) Watch the count on your player inventory show the count you actually just put in there.
    10) See the count in the DB actually reflect the hosts version of count of 1 as the true value even though player still shows the count you moved over originally until you change that count (then they get in synch correctly).

    Bugged. Please fix. I need this to work as it does in host without a player attached - do the same operations without a player attached and you'll see how it should work.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; March 1st, 2021 at 01:16.
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  2. #2
    Same issue in 4E.

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    This has always been the behavior of FG. Whenever an items is dragged and dropped onto a charactersheet, it always just drops a quantity of one. I've never tried doing it from a parcel, but you can see this behavior when dragging from the party inventory. FG will add one of those items, unique or not, and decrement the party inventory by one.

    There are possibilities for other behavior here, like if the source has a qty >1 to have a pop up or other manner to transfer more than 1, but as far as I know, current behavior is intentional.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    This has always been the behavior of FG. Whenever an items is dragged and dropped onto a charactersheet, it always just drops a quantity of one. I've never tried doing it from a parcel, but you can see this behavior when dragging from the party inventory. FG will add one of those items, unique or not, and decrement the party inventory by one.

    There are possibilities for other behavior here, like if the source has a qty >1 to have a pop up or other manner to transfer more than 1, but as far as I know, current behavior is intentional.
    (Sigh) Read more than the first line. This is nothing of what you think it is. I understand how parcels work - including what you thought this was about - which it is not. Parcels transfer whole entries they are not charsheets.
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  5. #5
    You know what? I'm just going to fix my own version of it and leave FGU to fix theirs whenever.

    If they are interested the bug to make the mysterious 1 setting not matter is to make parcel to charsheet to behave like the other things and move it out of the if statement is in to the one below it....

    		elseif (sSourceRecordType == "partysheet" and sTargetRecordType == "charsheet") or
    				(sSourceRecordType == "treasureparcel" and sTargetRecordType == "charsheet") or
     				(sSourceRecordType == "charsheet" and sTargetRecordType == "treasureparcel") or 
    				(sSourceRecordType == "charsheet" and sTargetRecordType == "charsheet") or
    				(sSourceRecordType == "charsheet" and sTargetRecordType == "partysheet") then
    			if bTransferAll then
    				bCountN = true;
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  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yes, I can reproduce this.

    If I create a parcel with three potions of healing and drag the parcel and drop it on inventory then on the DM screen only 1 item is shown whereas in the client view it shows three. If I then drag in another single potion into the inventory then both client and host show 4 as the total - so the character sheet is not showing the correct count on the DM host but as you say the database value must be 3. It doesn't matter either whether I share the parcel first and have the client drag/drop the parcel into the inventory - the host still only shows 1 item. Additionally if I simply drag the item from the parcel into the inventory then I again get 1 on the DM side and three in the client. And finally if I distribute the parcel via the Party sheet then once again the DM gets 1 and the client three.

    So, yes; currently adding multiples of an item to the inventory at once is bugged on the DM side.
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  7. #7
    I don't think that it is intended to do any type of such distributions from a parcel directly; normally such things (with higher amount of 1) are done via the party sheet and shift-drag

    (and now I was writing it I see that Moon Wizard already wrote you that on Discord )

    EDIT: Of course may be nice to be able to do that via a parcel, too, I think, though I personally use the party sheet all the time
    Last edited by Kelrugem; March 1st, 2021 at 14:37.

  8. #8
    Even my above fix is only a partial fix for the issue. I’ll try to fix my stuff with a better patch - single parcel to charsheet is still whacked if you try to use shift with it if a player is attached. I won’t take any bets if I do kludge it that it won’t all fall apart after they truly fix it but per my usual coding luck - rock... meet hard place.
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    I don't think that it is intended to do any type of such distributions from a parcel directly; normally such things (with higher amount of 1) are done via the party sheet and shift-drag

    (and now I was writing it I see that Moon Wizard already wrote you that on Discord )

    EDIT: Of course may be nice to be able to do that via a parcel, too, I think, though I personally use the party sheet all the time
    You to don’t understand. Hence why I’ll fix it myself.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    You to don’t understand. Hence why I’ll fix it myself.
    I do understand since I can reproduce it Moreover, for example when you share the parcel with the player, then I can also reproduce it on the client by drag&drop Hence, I am very aware of that (is already the case for a longer time as far as I remember). Simply saying that it is not (yet) intended to distribute items directly from parcels which is why you see such things; not saying that it may or may not be adjusted So, no reason to be blunt

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