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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Tell them that the Combat Groups Extension only works for 5E.
    You're late. The ground has already shifted under my feet yet again.
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  2. #122
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    I am coming to the conclusion that nobody knows what they are talking about. Skipping the mails I've been receiving I'll simply give my last response as it applies to FG/DMsG/WOTC.

    Anyone. Anyone at all, that tries to explain to me that people are telling me things with clear clarity is simply not seeing what I'm seeing.

    I've been given contradictory information by all parties.

    But I suppose only I have that opinion.
    It is too soon for there to be real clarity at this time.
    It might take some time.

  3. #123
    I edited my post... and its the whole planet moving, all the time, at an immense velocity around the sun.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    It is too soon for there to be real clarity at this time.
    It might take some time.
    Then I wish the powers that be in FG/DMsG/WOTC would actually just say that. We don't know yet, we are all talking it over.

    Instead I get "WOTC says not to .ext", "FG says new portal in the works", "WOTC says not all .ext", "Some of your .ext are good", "none of your .ext are good", "No .ext is good", "Move to DriveThruRPG", "You can't move to DriveThruRPG"...

    If I went by all the stuff that is said it could be distilled down to one simple phrase.

    You're screwed. Deal with it.

    Fair enough.
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  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    I am coming to the conclusion that nobody knows what they are talking about. Skipping the mails I've been receiving I'll simply give my last response as it applies to FG/DMsG/WOTC.

    Anyone. Anyone at all, that tries to explain to me that people are telling me things with clear clarity is simply not seeing what I'm seeing.

    I've been given contradictory information by all parties.

    But I suppose only I have that opinion.
    We can only speculate in many aspects at that point (sorry, when I made it not clear somewhere that I was just speculating; basically everything was speculation from me besides that one posted link to an answer of SmiteWorks about DriveThroughRPG )

  6. #126
    DMsG latest...

    If Fantasy Grounds is telling you that you can't move your title because of our exclusivity agreement we are waiving that in this case.

    Your title may use the 5e rule set, but that does not make it strictly game content of Dungeons & Dragons. There are many 5E-related titles on DriveThruRPG that are specifically designed for 5E but that still aren't allowed on DMsGuild.

    I apologize for the confusion, we were still working on clarification of what is and isn't allowed.

    Extension files are allowed on DMsGuild, but only if they are very specifically supplemental to a D&D adventure module or resource.

    So as we've stated, we are happy to help move your titles to DriveThruRPG if you would like.
    My response...
    That actually made sense. I’ll pass this on - hopefully you guys actually talk to FG soon so I don’t move and find out it was something else that prevents it.
    Thank you for putting up with all this I know you were caught in between. Nice when nobody goes crazy in this sort of situation.
    So now of course, back in FG's court. I feel like a ping pong ball.
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  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    I think they are in the process of figuring out what is correct in the moment, too; but, when I understood correctly, a shift to DriveThrough is not simply allowed, see! (also the posts afterwards, one needs a separate agreement).
    yes, even patreon and such (where you are just taking donations for your work and giving away the extensions regardless of donation) is not allowed (i asked in that same thread).

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    yes, even patreon and such (where you are just taking donations for your work and giving away the extensions regardless of donation) is not allowed (i asked in that same thread).
    Well hopefully someone in FG is reading these mails I'm posting because while I have no issues in moving - I have no intention of doing so until all parties agree - yes you can.
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  9. #129
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Well hopefully someone in FG is reading these mails I'm posting because while I have no issues in moving - I have no intention of doing so until all parties agree - yes you can.
    There are 3 companies and dozens of individuals involved.
    I would be surprised if this is resolved in less than a week and not at all surprised if its not resolved within a month.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    There are 3 companies and dozens of individuals involved.
    I would be surprised if this is resolved in less than a week and not at all surprised if its not resolved within a month.
    That statement would make more sense if I was not told to move to DriveThruRPG - let us help you. Then told no you can't. Now yes, maybe you can?

    See, had I been a wide eyed innocent, or an incoherent angry nut job, I could have already been shifted someplace else (DTRPG) and immediately dumped to the curb.

    For all I know - someone else was made this offer and jumped only to find out to their lament that "too bad we were wrong".

    So really, I think someone can clarify if DTRPG is valid place for these extensions. Because being told "Don't GO!" and "GO!" at same time is NOT sitting around taking time to make a decision. That's actively directing me to do things.
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