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  1. #111
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coyote670 View Post
    Question: I'm running a PF AP that hasn't been officially converted to FG (Shattered Star). We are finishing chapter 1, and I just created a module for chapter 2, using a development campaign. How do I create the module for chapter 3? If I use the same dev campaign, it will include everything from chapter 2 and 3, won't it? Do I just create a new development campaign for each chapter?
    So Minty has good input.

    I don't know how big those chapters are, or the total length of a AP. If each chapter is equivalent of only a few (~8) pages in a printed module you can probably put all the chapters into one Development campaign/Module. Think of how big the official modules are, and that's probably a reasonable size to set as your max.

    Other things to consider, more modules and dev campaigns probably don't hurt, unless they have a lot of 'cross' or re-used content, like items or NPCs. In that case, you might want to take Minty's approach and have a central common module and then chapter modules.

    Sorry I don't have specific advice for this AP, I just don't know it

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  2. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by coyote670 View Post
    Question: I'm running a PF AP that hasn't been officially converted to FG (Shattered Star). We are finishing chapter 1, and I just created a module for chapter 2, using a development campaign. How do I create the module for chapter 3? If I use the same dev campaign, it will include everything from chapter 2 and 3, won't it? Do I just create a new development campaign for each chapter?
    I've created quite a few modules and I have found that creating a new campaign for each module works best. Therefore having a shell campaign to RUN the game in is a good idea. Once I finish exporting the module, then I move that developmental campaign into an archives folder right in the campaign folder. It doesn't seem to affect anything as FG seems to ignore it. I keep the original developmental campaign in the archives folder just in case I made some kind of mistake or until I am sure I won't be making any more edits to the module.

  3. #113
    Okay, thanks folks. I like the idea of the archive.

  4. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Create a Module Development Campaign
    Create a new campaign using the ruleset the module is designed for. Only use this for the creation of your module, do not use it as a live campaign with players. Even if you are only creating this for your own use with a single group, this is still the recommended practice. A name that includes "Development" or similar is suggested.

    Story Entries
    Story entries should be consistently named and formatted throughout your module. They should include links to; maps, encounters, parcels, Next/Previous story entries and any other logical entry.
    Thank you for this guide. I've referenced it many times since I've started GMing. NPC, Item and Image development are pretty simple (for someone who's new to VTTs in general). A few questions though:

    1. Story Entries. It's been easy to add those. But all my new story entries are Uncategorized. Is there a way to categorize them? Otherwise, I'm following a name convention.

    2. Module Development Campaign. So, is the rationale for creating a Development Campaign is to create all the content, export it to a New Campaign, then run the live session in that New Campaign? What happens if I don't do that? I've just ran a few sessions with my current campaign, so I'm not THAT far into things I can't just start a Development Campaign.

    Thanks for all this great guidance!

    EDIT: So, I've reading the more recent posts, and one thing that confuses me is the use of the term "module", which can refer to an "adventure" or "adventure path" (which have been called modules) or the technical "widget" in FG that you can activate/deactivate in your Library (sorry if I'm not describing this accurately; I'm not a techie). Creating separate "modules" is really creating separate campaigns in the Launcher?
    Last edited by Ryuson; October 19th, 2020 at 01:22.

  5. #115
    In reverse order (and keeping in mind I'm a newb at this stuff):

    2. When you export the module, you give it a name; when you then activate it in New Campaign, it shows up as a category. So...

    1. You create it in a development campaign, export it, import it in the game you're running, and the story entries will have the category of whatever you named that exported module. For example, I'm running Shattered Star; I entered all the stuff for book 2 in a development campaign, and exported it, naming it "Shattered Star Chapter 2: Curse of the Lady's Light". Now, in the campaign we play in, I can go to Parcels, Items, Encounters, etc, and the Group dropdown has "Shattered Star Chapter 2: Curse of the Lady's Light" as an option.

    Modules you create get activated like any other module - once they are in the right folder, start FG, find the module listing in the Data Module Activation window, and click the Load button. (Not-pro tip: don't click to allow the players to load your adventure module. D'oh!)

    A Fantasy Ground module is an individual unit of info that you can load into a campaign - it can represent a rulebook, an adventure (frequently known as "a module" in old school D&D), a sourcebook, someone's house rules, or any number of other things.

  6. #116
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuson View Post
    Thank you for this guide. I've referenced it many times since I've started GMing. NPC, Item and Image development are pretty simple (for someone who's new to VTTs in general). A few questions though:

    1. Story Entries. It's been easy to add those. But all my new story entries are Uncategorized. Is there a way to categorize them? Otherwise, I'm following a name convention.

    2. Module Development Campaign. So, is the rationale for creating a Development Campaign is to create all the content, export it to a New Campaign, then run the live session in that New Campaign? What happens if I don't do that? I've just ran a few sessions with my current campaign, so I'm not THAT far into things I can't just start a Development Campaign.

    Thanks for all this great guidance!

    EDIT: So, I've reading the more recent posts, and one thing that confuses me is the use of the term "module", which can refer to an "adventure" or "adventure path" (which have been called modules) or the technical "widget" in FG that you can activate/deactivate in your Library (sorry if I'm not describing this accurately; I'm not a techie). Creating separate "modules" is really creating separate campaigns in the Launcher?
    You can create categories in your development campaign (or any campaign). Click the edit list button and add anew line and then call it whatever you want. You can create entries in that category if you have it selected when you create new entries; or you can drag and drop existing entries into it. When you export your module these categories will export with it.

    The rationale for a development campaign is so that the material you create in it can be exported and then used in multiple campaigns. If you are just creating the content and only intend to ever run this as a single campaign for one group then you don't need to worry about a development campaign. A development campaign allows you to add new things, edit existing ones or even delete things and then use that in any other campaign.

    A module isn't a campaign. A module is something which you load into a campaign from the module activation screen. A module can be a complete adventure, a reference manual or just a list of NPCs or items. Modules are something you use in a campaign and are not a campaign in or of themselves.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #117
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    One other reason I use development campaigns and then export into modules for use in my play campaigns is so I can more easily manage content in my play campaign. My campaigns tend to go a long time (years), and if everything I create I did straight in the paly campaign I would have tons of stuff in there. And I don't like to delete stuff. So for example, my current group started by delving into my own version of the Undermountain. Hundreds of maps and story entries etc. Then they moved onto Dragon Heist, but I also created a bunch of custom content for DH based upon the Alexandrian Remix. Then they did Storm Lord's Wrath, which I also have a custom module for additional content.

    Had I not done that, managing all my custom content and saving it for potential future re-use, would be a nightmare!

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  8. #118
    Hi guys,
    I am starting to create my own campaing and following the beatiful work pin on this thread I decided to split modules as follow (always are dev campaign):
    1) World (Region, Faith, Religion, Group, Faction ...) for this campaign I use Worlbuilder extension I found very useful to organize the data
    2) Story (all the plot of campaing)
    3) NPC (all NPC not hostile)
    4) Monsters (all monster/NPC hostile)
    5) Items (any tipe of items and related shops)
    6) Hazards (encounter, drop, parcels, traps ...)
    7) Core (this is the campaign for the live)

    I would take only necessary chunk of the modules above to add to a "session/chapter" module to load in the live campaign so in the future is possible to come back to a specific module so I have the following question..

    How can I manage link from a module to another?? If I duplicate entry with drag & drog the system will ask every time the module to come from but if I copy the entry I loose the connection with the original module
    Example: I have an entry like a place in World module and want to link to a NPC from the module NPC exported so drag & drop the entry then export this module.. so if I have understand correctly to open the link I need to load the NPC module?!?

    Sorry if my question is trivial or silly but I am going crazy about this.
    By the way I attach a sample (I have to link Brother Satarin if he is come from NPC modules)???

    Thank you to all for the tons of info you give us beginner!!!

  9. #119
    When linking to another module, there is no around loading the module it links to unless the data is duplicated within the same module. Personal use modules can be merged and streamline data to the same module. If this is being used for public use or commercial and it links to a paid product it would need to be linked and not duplicated.
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  10. #120
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yes. Anything which you link that exists in another module needs the module linked to to be open in the campaign.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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