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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Conspiracy View Post
    Having a play with Polymorphism extension and noticed that if I use rob2e's coding for spells it won't enable the spell or power in effect.

    Polymorph (60) (C) = instead of Polymorph
    As specifically described in DMsG text description of the extension - it expects the spell or power as normally defined in FGU to be defined in order to enable the pull down in polymorphism. It must find that exact keyword in there. Nor will it work with that spell once enabled - only the polymorphism subwindow functions will do that. That’s why I specifically mentioned it and showed it in video.

    No idea what the extension your talking about is, but it’s not polymorphism and if not adding the expected keyword in spell power area of actions tab as described in text and shown in video it obviously will not do anything with my stuff.

    That’s all guessing based on your short explanation as I’ve only used and verified this extension under the ones in my signature. And while I’ve seen someone say it worked with other extensions - which is great and I’m happy for them - you will never hear me claim it does unless I personally run with it.

    Pretty sure other extension developers will tell you same thing about their extensions and unknown (like mine) running with there stuff.
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  2. #22
    Sorry it's not an extension, it's a module. The Polymorph (60) (C) = spell lets you know the range is 60 feet and it is a concentration spell, = means it works with Kent McCullough's extensions, without the need to open the spell up.
    Last edited by Conspiracy; August 31st, 2020 at 01:02.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Conspiracy View Post
    Sorry it's not an extension, it's a module. The Polymorph (60) (C) = spell lets you know the range is 60 feet and it is a concentration spell, = means it works with Kent McCullough's extensions, without the need to open the spell up.
    Then it’s a completely separate thing which will not effect my stuff one way or the other and neither will my stuff effect it. Just like the normal polymorph spell execution will not effect my stuff nor I it.

    You choose to use the one you want but don’t expect any of them to have knowledge of the other as they are not aware of each others existence.
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  4. #24
    That's no problem at all.
    If it's ok with you can I modify the extension for my own use?
    It's a brilliant extension. Thanks for spending the time to make it.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Conspiracy View Post
    That's no problem at all.
    If it's ok with you can I modify the extension for my own use?
    It's a brilliant extension. Thanks for spending the time to make it.
    Per the license I stuck in all the code modifying it for yourself is absolutely ok
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  6. #26
    Is there anything I can do to get the Polymorphism to show up on the PC sheet. From all the forum chat this extension is supposed to be currently functioning. I do have one click druid and one click more installed which is mainly a mod with some extensions to work with druid wild shape.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have watched your video and still the PC sheet shows nothing.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by shezingzh View Post
    Is there anything I can do to get the Polymorphism to show up on the PC sheet. From all the forum chat this extension is supposed to be currently functioning. I do have one click druid and one click more installed which is mainly a mod with some extensions to work with druid wild shape.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have watched your video and still the PC sheet shows nothing.

    But, if you read the text in DMsG and watched the video - you should realize that a character sheet will show nothing unless its in combat tracker.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; September 3rd, 2020 at 21:39.
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  8. #28
    Recently downloaded the Polymorphism from SilentRuin and found out how powerful it was tested it out with over 50 mods and 18 extensions including one click druid and one click more. I was more than ecstatic having been given a personal walk through of how the extension worked and what was required to set it up. My players who play a changeling were stunned at how easy it was to turn themselves into other people. Using Polymorphism and one click Druid and One click more made it doubly easier for my Players to do disguises and transform on the fly.

    Polymorphism was incredible and all of my players mainly the changelings and the warlocks were more than happy with the results.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by shezingzh View Post
    Recently downloaded the Polymorphism from SilentRuin and found out how powerful it was tested it out with over 50 mods and 18 extensions including one click druid and one click more. I was more than ecstatic having been given a personal walk through of how the extension worked and what was required to set it up. My players who play a changeling were stunned at how easy it was to turn themselves into other people. Using Polymorphism and one click Druid and One click more made it doubly easier for my Players to do disguises and transform on the fly.

    Polymorphism was incredible and all of my players mainly the changelings and the warlocks were more than happy with the results.
    Sounds like you got inventive with the feature/spells to support some homebrew sort of things. Which is fine as this is pretty flexible. Also, happy to see its not damaging any other extensions (as far as you can tell). I tried to leave a minimal footprint where I "could" achieve it. But for obvious reasons - I will never claim it works with anything but what I run with - still glad to hear it currently is working without hurting other things.

    I figure I'll put out the section of code that decides how my stuff actually decides if I display a supported feature/spell as that had a direct impact on what you were trying to do. Here is the code - for those who care - that decides for NPC and PC where I determine if I show up on the sheet with my polymorphism and what shows up in it...

    	-- Determine if PC or NPC sheet support polymorph spells/powers that would require sub_polymorphism to be displayed for casting.
    	if bNPC then
    		-- NPC's have things in actions, traits, or spells DB entries
    		for _,nodeAction in pairs(DB.getChildren(node, "actions")) do
    			local sName = DB.getValue(nodeAction, "name", "");
    			if sName ==  Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_Wild_Shape") then
    				bDisplay = true;
    				-- filter has this.
    				if not window.polymorphism_filter.hasValue(sName) then
    				if sFilter == sName then
    					bFoundFilter = true;
    		for _,nodeTrait in pairs(DB.getChildren(node, "traits")) do
    			local sName = DB.getValue(nodeTrait, "name", "");
    			if sName == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_Shapechanger") then
    				bDisplay = true;
    				-- filter has this.
    				if not window.polymorphism_filter.hasValue(sName) then
    				if sFilter == sName then
    					bFoundFilter = true;
    		for _,nodeSpell in pairs(DB.getChildren(node, "spells")) do
    			local sFoundName = nil;
    			local sName = DB.getValue(nodeSpell, "name", "");
    			-- dropping spells in NPC's include the level so we have to specifically check the text. 
    			local nStartOf, nnEndOf, sFound = sName:find(Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_TruePolymorphSpell"));
    			if nStartOf == 1 then 
    				sFoundName = Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_TruePolymorphSpell");
    				nStartOf, nnEndOf, sFound = sName:find(Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_PolymorphSpell"));
    				if nStartOf == 1 then 
    					sFoundName = Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_PolymorphSpell");
    					nStartOf, nnEndOf, sFound = sName:find(Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_AnimalShapesSpell"));
    					if nStartOf == 1 then 
    						sFoundName = Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_AnimalShapesSpell");
    						nStartOf, nnEndOf, sFound = sName:find(Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_ShapechangeSpell"));
    						if nStartOf == 1 then 
    							sFoundName = Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_ShapechangeSpell");
    			if sFoundName then
    				bDisplay = true;
    				-- filter has this.
    				if not window.polymorphism_filter.hasValue(sFoundName) then
    				if sFilter == sFoundName then
    					bFoundFilter = true;
    		-- PC's have things in traits or powers DB entries
    		bDisplay = CharManager.hasFeature(node, Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_Wild_Shape"));
    		if bDisplay then
    			-- filter has this. 
    			if sFilter == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_Wild_Shape") then
    				bFoundFilter = true;
    		for _,nodePower in pairs(DB.getChildren(node, "powers")) do
    			local sName = DB.getValue(nodePower, "name", "");
    			if sName == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_PolymorphSpell") or 
    				sName == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_TruePolymorphSpell") or 
    				sName == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_AnimalShapesSpell") or 
    				sName == Interface.getString("polymorph_filter_ShapechangeSpell")
    				bDisplay = true;
    				-- filter has this.
    				if not window.polymorphism_filter.hasValue(sName) then
    				if sFilter == sName then
    					bFoundFilter = true;
    If you don't understand it don't worry about it - but it shows exactly what would need to be in a PC or NPC db.xml definition in order for me to come alive on the sheet. In user terms - that is what feature/spell/trait needs to be dropped into your PC abilities or actions page and into your NPC main page. You can watch video to try and grok that
    Last edited by SilentRuin; September 3rd, 2020 at 18:03.
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  10. #30
    Hi, here are a few images that demonstrate what I'm seeing.
    When using it with MadNomads Character Tweaks.

    The polymorph change, is only visible in Inventory tab, instead it should be present in the action tab to activate?

    I tried to DM you but.. couldn't figure out how to add images so I posted it to your thread instead.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by vaughnlannister; September 3rd, 2020 at 23:21.

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