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  1. #331
    That would be me!


  2. #332
    Patou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    I heard a rumor that every time somebody asks for a date Doug resets the release clock...
    Great Horny Toads Batman... ahh i mean Nylanfs
    Patou a.k.a: Patmaster
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  3. #333
    ddavison's Avatar
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    No, no, no. That’s not how we operate.

    To be more accurate, every time I throw out a target date, either Carl or John moves back the release date. ;P

    The real reason is that we put stuff into Test and if it works as designed and without any significant issues, we move it to LIVE. This time, we uncovered issues in Test that still need to be resolved. Performance issues and/or data issues are both critical pieces to get right. If it was just tweaking aesthetics, we could have probably still released.

  4. #334
    Bus meet John, John meet Bus <Push>

  5. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    I heard a rumor that every time somebody asks for a date Doug resets the release clock...
    It's a nice looking clock. Great mahogany with brass hands. Kinda looks like a chess clock
    Dominic Morta
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    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

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    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  6. #336
    For the record the latest update seems to have thrashed its performance so I wouldn't be too quick in asking it to come out of test. It is great when it works but there is a bit to go yet

    (I had two players with light on them in a dimly lit scene, last week it was fine, last night no changes it slowed to single digit framerate, and made the scene look like it was being blasted with light)

  7. #337
    I am not asking since I don't want that clock to be reset, but I do have a big final fight in a cave coming up soon in both of my campaigns. It sure would be nice to get this lighting in time for that.

    In all seriousness, take your time, get things right and we will enjoy it when it does go LIVE.

  8. #338
    There is no spoon

  9. #339
    when it is going to be release ?

  10. #340
    I'm really happy to have bought and to have been part of the beta.
    Unity is improving fast and is a great tool that i can't see myself without.

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