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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygmunt Molotch View Post
    not sure if this is bad form or not, as I have no idea if this is currently being maintained

    but due to the extension redrawing the entire actions tab, having a load order of 200, and not having the merge xml tag (thanks Bmos)

    this extension was incompatible with some others which add functionality to the actions tab (like extra buttons for loaded weapons cf: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...aded-Indicator)

    I just edited this so it is compatible and does not redraw the entire actions tab

    hope that helps

    (does exactly the same as the original code, but I just threw away unnecessary stuff, and added merge)

    Attachment 41051
    Nice thanks

    By the way, except for certain licenses, we are allowed to reupload extensions (with the name of the original author included etc., for reference etc.) when the original developer is not answering in around two weeks (there was some thread)

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    except for certain licenses, we are allowed to reupload extensions (with the name of the original author included etc., for reference etc.) when the original developer is not answering in around two weeks (there was some thread)
    for reference of others:
    Quote Originally Posted by graphil View Post
    Some developers may no longer be active in the community, give the dev a couple of weeks to respond and if they don't respond you have done the polite thing and should be able to use their code (as long as the extension does not specifically say you can't). If you do use other people's code please mention them in the extension - it's only fair to give credit where credit is due.

    Extension developers who don't want other people to use their code should say so in their extension.

  3. #23
    Is there a way to add a skill to the action tab. Specifically I want to add the Perception skill to the action tab. It doesn't necessarily have to be part of this extension. This just seems like a good place to ask this question. Personally I think it would be a good thing to add to this extension as Perception is a skill that is used so often. But I certainly understand it others think differently about that

    I'm willing to modify or create a new extension, but when I looked at coding this I was not able to figure it out.

    From what I could understand it doesn't appear that there is a reference directly to the Perception skill but rather a link to skill number X, with no way, that I could see, to link skill number X to perception. I'm sure their is a way to do that goes beyond my limited knowledge of how the ruleset works.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygmunt Molotch View Post
    not sure if this is bad form or not, as I have no idea if this is currently being maintained

    but due to the extension redrawing the entire actions tab, having a load order of 200, and not having the merge xml tag (thanks Bmos)

    this extension was incompatible with some others which add functionality to the actions tab (like extra buttons for loaded weapons cf: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...aded-Indicator)

    I just edited this so it is compatible, in Unity (not classic) and does not redraw the entire actions tab

    hope that helps

    (does exactly the same as the original code, but I just threw away unnecessary stuff, and added merge)

    link to extension page here

    image of what the extension looks like now

    Attachment 41167

    This version no longer works in FGU after the 2/16 updates.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by dllewell View Post
    This version no longer works in FGU after the 2/16 updates.
    I expect if this does not, then neither will the original unsupported one work with the new update

    I don't think I'll be supporting the new version soon, at least while I understand the way the changes affect things (real life depending etc)

  6. #26
    Hey all,

    alas you are right, due to my lack of time IRL I cannot maintain longer this extension for the moment.
    With all my apologies...

    JDRVIRTUEL: Le JdR virtuel en français - https://www.jdrvirtuel.com

  7. #27
    In the version written by Zygmunt (Post #20), it looks like their was an extra close bracket in the code that the new ruleset code did not like. I removed that bracket and it now works in FGU. The modified extension is attached.

    The version written by Markjan, that was updated by Trenloe (Post #12), works fine in FGU.

    I have not tested the FGC version as I haven't upgraded my FGC to the newest version.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by dllewell View Post
    In the version written by Zygmunt (Post #20), it looks like their was an extra close bracket in the code that the new ruleset code did not like. I removed that bracket and it now works in FGU. The modified extension is attached.

    The version written by Markjan, that was updated by Trenloe (Post #12), works fine in FGU.

    I have not tested the FGC version as I haven't upgraded my FGC to the newest version.
    That's brilliant Dllewell, would you mind if I copy that edit and reuploaded that, and credit you? (or you can submit them to this repo, https://github.com/Morturg/FG-Extra-Actions, and it'll be all shiny )

    scratch that, I've added and credited and logged them here,

    Last edited by Zygmunt Molotch; February 23rd, 2021 at 04:27.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygmunt Molotch View Post
    That's brilliant Dllewell, would you mind if I copy that edit and reuploaded that, and credit you? (or you can submit them to this repo, https://github.com/Morturg/FG-Extra-Actions, and it'll be all shiny )

    scratch that, I've added and credited and logged them here,

    Sounds good. Thank you Zygmunt

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