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  1. #1

    PFRPG - Extra Actions

    UNITY ONLY and only really of benefit if you also want to use the Loaded Indicator by Bmos, found here

    previously PFRPG - Raccourcis Actions was not compatible with other extensions which modify and draw on the actions tab on the PC sheet

    the version I have placed here, is compatible with those

    this image shows you that it adds extra functions (the original did) to the actions tab but this version is also compatible with the loaded indicator extension (because it no longer redraws the whole tab)

    Screenshot 2020-11-14 160644.png

    original extensions found here (i believe no longer maintained, so that's why I edited it, if I'm wrong, please take this upstream and you have my apologies)

    reposted in PF1e, as it's compatible with core, pf1e and 3.5

    if you dont use unity, it wont work, if you dont use the loaded indicator, you can just as well use the original
    Last edited by Zygmunt Molotch; July 31st, 2021 at 08:43. Reason: updated version

  2. #2
    Nice job!
    Quote Originally Posted by graphil View Post
    Some developers may no longer be active in the community, give the dev a couple of weeks to respond and if they don't respond you have done the polite thing and should be able to use their code (as long as the extension does not specifically say you can't). If you do use other people's code please mention them in the extension - it's only fair to give credit where credit is due.

    Extension developers who don't want other people to use their code should say so in their extension.

  3. #3

    loaded this up. it may be interacting with my current extensions and not work at all... whole actions tab is blank.

    confirmed it by unloading extension and was back to normal. (reinstalling old raccourcis version for now).

    empty actions tab:

    loaded extensions:

    Attached Images Attached Images
    roll dice. it builds character.

  4. #4
    It seems to be broken in FG Classic as in tahl_liadon's pictures.
    Works great in Unity though.
    I think it's because of this bug. If so, the only way to fix it in Classic is probably to bring the windowclass script into your extension also (which sucks because it increases the likelihood of compatibility issues).

    Couple suggestions:
    Grapple -> CMB
    Add label to AC
    Last edited by bmos; November 14th, 2020 at 00:28.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post
    loaded this up. it may be interacting with my current extensions and not work at all... whole actions tab is blank.

    confirmed it by unloading extension and was back to normal. (reinstalling old raccourcis version for now).
    ah, yes, I stopped using Classic, sorry I didn't check that!

    probably should say, this is only worth it if you're using Unity, but also the loaded extension, from Bmos, otherwise the previous raccourcis one, works fine
    Last edited by Zygmunt Molotch; November 14th, 2020 at 07:39.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Nice job!
    noted, updated the extension.xml with credits
    Last edited by Zygmunt Molotch; November 14th, 2020 at 07:37.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Couple suggestions:
    Grapple -> CMB
    Add label to AC
    added AC label to the left

    grapple was silly but it's because thats what the variable is called in combat, changed label to cmb

    Screenshot 2020-11-14 160644.png
    Last edited by Zygmunt Molotch; November 14th, 2020 at 08:06.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygmunt Molotch View Post
    ah, yes, I stopped using Classic, sorry I didn't check that!

    probably should say, this is only worth it if you're using Unity, but also the loaded extension, from Bmos, otherwise the previous raccourcis one, works fine
    For clarity, Zygmunt is saying that my Loaded Indicator extension is not compatible with Raccourcis Actions (but is compatible with this new version of his).

  9. #9
    I think your github repo might be private still (but I greatly appreciate that you have one!)

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    I think your github repo might be private still (but I greatly appreciate that you have one!)
    it was! changed now!

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