


Assets and Settings

This is a global built in package that provides global interfaces to token specific activities.

Only tokens which are placed into token containers are handled by these functions. Imagecontrols are currently the only valid token container objects.



function getToken(containernodename, containerid)

Gets the tokeninstance object referred to by the container node name and ID parameters.


containernodename   (string)   

The database path identifier for the container node

containerid   (number)   

The ID of the token within the container node

Return values

A tokeninstance object representing the requested token, or nil if the container does not exist or the ID is not valid.


function onAdd(target)

This handler is called when a token is added to a token container.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event


function onClickDown(target, button, image)

This handler is called when a mouse button is pressed down on a token.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

button   (number)   

Returns a numerical value indicating the button pressed (1 = left, 2 = middle, 4 = button 4, 5 = button 5). Right button is used for radial menus.

image   (imagecontrol)   

The imagecontrol object in which the token was clicked.


function onClickRelease(target, button, image)

This handler is called when a mouse button is released on a token.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

button   (number)   

Returns a numerical value indicating the button released (1 = left, 2 = middle, 4 = button 4, 5 = button 5). Right button is used for radial menus.

image   (imagecontrol)   

The imagecontrol object in which the token was clicked.


function onContainerChanged(target, oldcontainernode, oldcontainerid)

This handler is called after a token is dragged from one container to another.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

oldcontainernode   (databasenode)   

A databasenode object representing the underlying database node of the old container, or nil if the no previous container found.

oldcontainerid   (number)   

The old ID of the token within the old container.


function onDelete(target)

This handler is called just before a token is deleted.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event


function onDoubleClick(target, image)

This handler is called when the left mouse button is double-clicked on a token.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

image   (imagecontrol)   

The imagecontrol object in which the token was clicked.


function onDrag(target, button, x, y, dragdata)

This function is called when the mouse is moved after having been pressed down on the token. The event is called repeatedly as the user adjusts the mouse position.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

button   (number)   

1 if the event was caused by the left mouse button, 2 if it was caused by the middle (wheel) button.

x   (number)   

The X coordinate relative to the top left corner of the token

y   (number)   

The Y coordinate relative to the top left corner of the token

dragdata   (dragdata)   

A dragdata object containing the state of values connected to the mouse cursor as part of a drag and drop operation.

Return values

This function should return true if it handled the event and the processing of the event should be stopped. A value of false indicates that the default framework functionality for the this particular control should not be executed, but the processing should continue for the element below this control, if any. A return value of nil (or the absence of a return statement) indicates that the framework should continue handling the event normally.


function onDragEnd(target, dragdata)

This function is called when the mouse is released at the end of a drag operation that started on the token. The dragdata object is first passed to the onDrop handler in the receiving control, which can set properties in the dragdata object that notify this control of the events.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

dragdata   (dragdata)   

A dragdata object containing the state of values connected to the mouse cursor as part of a drag and drop operation.


function onDragStart(target, button, x, y, dragdata)

This function is called when the mouse is moved after having been pressed down on the token. The event is called once.

If a customized drag and drop transfer is done, the dragdata parameter should be used to make the required changes.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

button   (number)   

1 if the event was caused by the left mouse button, 2 if it was caused by the middle (wheel) button.

x   (number)   

The X coordinate relative to the top left corner of the token

y   (number)   

The Y coordinate relative to the top left corner of the token

dragdata   (dragdata)   

A dragdata object containing the state of values connected to the mouse cursor as part of a drag and drop operation.

Return values

This function should return true if it handled the event and the processing of the event should be stopped. A value of false indicates that the default framework functionality for the this particular control should not be executed, but the processing should continue for the element below this control, if any. A return value of nil (or the absence of a return statement) indicates that the framework should continue handling the event normally.


function onDrop(target, dragdata)

This handler is called when a drag and drop operation finishes on a token. The dragdata parameter should be used to access the dragged information.

To transfer information back to the object where the drag originated, the same dragdata object is passed to the onDragEnd function in that object.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

dragdata   (dragdata)   

A dragdata object containing the state of values connected to the mouse cursor as part of a drag and drop operation.


function onHover(target, state)

This handler is called when the hover state of a token changes.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

state   (boolean)   

true if the mouse is entering the area, false if leaving


function onHoverUpdate(target, x, y)

This handler is called when the mouse cursor is moved while over a token.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

x   (number)   

The X coordinate of the mouse pointer in pixels relative to the top left corner of the token

y   (number)   

The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in pixels relative to the top left corner of the token


function onScaleChanged(target)

This handler is called after a token's individual scale is changed.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event


function onTargetUpdate(source, target, targeted)

This handler is called when the targeting information for a token is changed.


source   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance that is the targeting source.

target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance that is the targeting target.

targeted   (boolean)   

Whether the target token is currently targeted by the source token.


function onWheel(target, notches)

This handler is called when the mouse wheel is spun over a token.


target   (tokeninstance)   

The tokeninstance triggering the event

notches   (number)   

This number specifies the number of notches the wheel was spun. Typically one notch corresponds to one adjustment step on the wheel.

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