This is a global built in package that provides global level interfaces to the program data base.
See databasenode for more information on data base nodes and their operation.
function addChildCategory(nodeid, category)
Adds a child category for the specified data base node.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
category (table (or string))
New category information (or name)
function addHandler(nodepath, event, callback)
Add an event handler callback function to a specified database event on any node matching the specified database path.
The handler function should have the following signature: [function name]([parameters]). The parameters will vary depending on the database event the function is attached to, as follows.
* [onAdd] parameters = (nodeAdded)
* [onCategoryChange] parameters = (nodeChanged)
* [onChildAdded] parameters = (nodeParent, nodeChildAdded)
* [onChildCategoriesChange] parameters = (nodeParent)
* [onChildDeleted] parameters = (nodeParent)
* [onChildUpdate] parameters = (nodeParent, nodeChildUpdated)
* [onDelete] parameters = (nodeToBeDeleted)
* [onIntegrityChange] parameters = (nodeChanged)
* [onUpdate] parameters = (nodeUpdated)
nodepath (string)
A data base path identifier. The '*' character can be used as a wildcard for a path segment.
event (string)
The event to be captured (onUpdate, onAdd, onDelete, onObserverUpdate, onChildAdded, onChildUpdate, onChildDeleted, onIntegrityChange)
callback (function)
The function to be called when the event triggers
function addHolder(sourcenode, username, owner)
This function adds the specified user as a holder for the specified database node and all child nodes. If the owner flag is set, the user will
also be able to modify the contents of data nodes. In such a case, any existing ownership is revoked.
This function will only work if running as a host.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
username (string)
The username of the user gaining the status
owner (boolean)
If true, the user will also be flagged as the owner of the node.
function backup()
Only available on host.
Creates a backup of the current database, saved to a unique file name. (db.script.#.xml)
function convertCampaign(ruleset)
Converts the current campaign to a different specified ruleset.
ruleset (string)
Target ruleset for conversion
function copyNode(sourcenodeid, destnodeid)
This function can be used to copy the contents of a data base node, using data node identifier paths. Either paths or objects can be used as parameters.
The source database node must exist, and the destination node if it exists already must be the same value type.
Copying of image database nodes is not supported. A new image node will be created as an empty drawing with no token, pointer, mask, or drawing data.
sourcenodeid (string (or databasenode))
The data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) for the source node
destnodeid (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) for the destination node
Return values
databasenode object representing the destination node, or
nil if the node
was unable to be created for any reason.
function createChild(sourcenode, [name], [type])
Create, or if it already exists fetch, the specified child node under the specified node.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
name (string) [optional]
A relative node identifier specifying the child node to find. If this parameter is omitted,
a new unique node name will be generated.
type (string) [optional]
The type of node to create. If this parameter is omitted, an intermediate node will be created.
Leaf nodes can be of types "number", "string", "formattedtext", "image", "dice" or "windowreference".
Return values
If the node already exists, the return value is a reference to that node. If it was created, a
reference to the created node is returned. If there was an error, returns nil.
function createNode(nodeid, [type])
This function creates a new top level data base node of the given type.
nodeid (string)
A data base node identifier
type (string) [optional]
The type of node to create. If this parameter is omitted, an intermediate node will be created. Leaf nodes
can be of types "number", "string", "formattedtext", "image", "dice" or "windowreference".
Return values
databasenode object representing the created node, or
nil if the operation
function deleteChild(sourcenode, name)
Deletes the specified child node under the specified node. (if it exists)
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
name (string)
A relative node identifier specifying the child node to delete
function deleteChildren(sourcenode)
Deletes all children under the specified node. (if it exists)
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
function deleteNode(nodeid)
This function deletes a data base node.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
function export(filename, targetnode, [rewrite], [listexport])
This function exports an XML data file to the host's hard drive containing the contents of the specified database node.
A root node to contain the exported contents is always created in the XML data file.
The export will follow these criteria depending on the rewrite and listexport parameters:
If rewrite and listexport not defined, then the data file root node will contain an export of all the children of the specified node.
If rewrite is defined but listexport is missing or false, then the data file root node will contain a tag set using the value of the rewrite parameter which will contain an export of all the children of the specified node. (Ex: To export a single character from a ruleset, DB.export("output.xml", "charsheet.id-00001", "character"))
If rewrite is defined and listexport is true, then the exporter will assume that the node to export is a list node. The data file root node will contain a tag set for each child record of the target database using the value of the rewrite parameter instead of the child node ID which will contain an export of all the children of the matching child node. (Ex: To export all characters from a ruleset, DB.export("output.xml", "charsheet", "character", true))
This function will only work if running as a host.
filename (string)
The name of the file to be imported.
targetnode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
rewrite (string) [optional]
See function description.
listexport (boolean) [optional]
See function description.
function findNode(nodeid)
This function can be used to find a data base node in a global scope based on a global database node identifier.
nodeid (string)
A global data base node identifier
Return values
databasenode object representing the given identifier, or
nil if the node
was not found
function getCategory(nodeid)
Gets the category information for the specified data base node.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
Category information for specified node, including the following fields (name, mergeid, base, decal). The name field is the name of the category. The merge ID field is a value that can be specified for each module to allow multiple modules to be listed in a single category. The base field is a number defining the index of the background tab to use when displaying the category. The decal field is a number defining the index of the decal to use when displaying the category. The combination of all four entries defines a unique category.
function getChild(sourcenode, name)
Fetches the specified child node under the specified node.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
name (string)
A relative node identifier specifying the child node to find
Return values
databasenode object representing the node, or
nil if the node could
not be found or the specified node identifier does not exist.
function getChildCategories(nodeid)
Gets the child categories for the specified data base node.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
An integer-indexed table of category records. Each category record is a table with the following fields (name, mergeid, base, decal).
function getChildCount([source], sourcepath)
Get the number of child nodes belonging to the specified node.
source (databasenode) [optional]
Optional source node to whic path is relative.
sourcepath (string)
Path to the database node.
Return values
The number of child nodes, or zero if database node does not exist.
function getChildren([source], sourcepath)
Get all the child nodes of the specified node.
source (databasenode) [optional]
Optional source node.
sourcepath (string)
Absolute path (if no database node parameter), or relative path from the database node parameter.
Return values
The child nodes are returned as
databasenode objects in a table with keys corresponding
to the names of the child nodes. If the database node does not exist, an empty table is returned.
function getChildrenGlobal([source], sourcepath)
Get all the child nodes of the specified path. The path to use in the child lookup will be calculated from the parameters, then any children of that path will be compiled across the campaign database as well as all loaded module databases.
source (databasenode) [optional]
Optional source node.
sourcepath (string)
Absolute path (if no database node parameter), or relative path from the database node parameter.
Return values
The child nodes are returned as
databasenode objects in a table with keys corresponding
to the names of the child nodes. If the database node does not exist, an empty table is returned.
function getDefaultChildCategory(nodeid, category)
Gets the default child category for the specified data base node. When new child nodes are created under this node, the default category is given to those child nodes.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
category (string)
Category to set as default (or category name)
Return values
The name of the default category assigned to child nodes under the specified node.
function getHolders(sourcenode)
This function returns a list of all users registered as holders for the specified database node. Holders will be notified of changes to the node
value. Users are automatically added to the holder list as a result of window sharing operations.
This function will only work if running as a host.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
Returns an integer indexed table containing the usernames of all registered holders for this node.
function getImportRulesetVersion()
Returns the release number of the ruleset used to save the data currently being imported (or last imported if called after import event).
Return values
The major version number
The minor version number
A table containing the major version number of each ruleset layer, where the key is the name of the ruleset layer.
A table containing the minor version number of each ruleset layer, where the key is the name of the ruleset layer.
function getImportVersion()
Returns the version number of the FG client used to save the data currently being imported (or last imported if called after import event).
Return values
The major version number
The minor version number
function getModule(sourcenode)
Retrieves the name of the module the data base node was loaded from.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
Returns the name of the module the node was loaded from, or nil if the node was not loaded from a module
function getOwner(nodeid)
Only valid on host.
This function returns the username of the client acting as the current owner of the specified node.
Only the GM or the node owner can alter the value of the database node contents.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
Returns the username of the user owning the node, or nil if no owner is registered.
function getParent(sourcenode)
Fetches the parent of the specified node.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
databasenode object representing the parent node, or
nil if the current
node is a root level node or the specified node identifier does not exist.
function getPath([node], [value])
Returns a database path comprised of the optional databasenode parameter and any path parameters provided. The module portion of the path returned will be inherited from the databasenode parameter. (if provided, and if the node is from a module)
Database paths are of the form: [node].(...).[node][@Module Name]
where there can be any number of valid XML tag names concatenated by periods to form the main path and the at symbol and module name is optional.
node (databasenode) [optional]
A databasenode object to be used as the basis for the path returned.
value (...) [optional]
One or more strings to be appended to database path returned.
Return values
The string representation of the databasenode path
function getRoot(dbname)
Returns the root node for the specified database. If parameter missing or empty string, then the root of the campaign database is returned. Otherwise, the string is assumed to be a module name.
dbname (string)
Name of the database
Return values
databasenode object representing the root node, or
nil if the module specified is not loaded or does not exist.
function getRulesetVersion(sourcenode)
Returns the release number of the ruleset last used to save the data, as defined by the release attribute of the database definition root element.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
The major version number
The minor version number
A table containing the major version number of each ruleset layer, where the key is the name of the ruleset layer.
A table containing the minor version number of each ruleset layer, where the key is the name of the ruleset layer.
function getText(sourcenode, [subpath], [default])
Returns a textual representation of the value contained in the specified database node. If the node type is not string, number or formattedtext, then the default values will be returned or nil if no default values specified.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
subpath (string) [optional]
If the first parameter has type databasenode, then this parameter specifies the relative data node identifier path from the specified node object.
default (...) [optional]
The value(s) to be returned if getText fails. (node does not exist; or not string, number or formattedtext value type)
Return values
Returns the string value of the database node value.
function getType(nodeid)
Get the string identifying the type of the specified node. The possible values are "node" (representing an intermediate node),
"number", "string", "formattedtext", "image", "dice" and "windowreference".
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
The type string
function getValue(sourcenode, [subpath], [default])
Returns the value contained in the specified database node. The return value(s) vary depending on the type of the node. If the node does not exist or if the node is a non-value type, then the default values passed in will be returned or nil if no default values are specified.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
subpath (string) [optional]
If the first parameter has type databasenode, then this parameter specifies the relative data node identifier path from the specified node object.
default (...) [optional]
The value(s) to be returned if getValue fails. (node does not exist; or non-value node)
Return values
Returns data contained in the database node
function getVersion(sourcenode)
Returns the version number of the FG client last used to save the data, or since the last updateVersion call.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
The major version number
The minor version number
function import(filename, targetnode, [listchildname])
This function imports an XML data file from the host's hard drive as children of the specified database node.
The root node of the XML data file is always ignored.
If a list child name is specified, then the target node will be assumed to be a list node, and each XML record under the data file root node with the given list child name will instantiate a unique list record and copy
the contents from the XML sub-record to the new unique list record. (Ex: To import all characters from an XML file, DB.import("output.xml", "charsheet", "character"))
This function will only work if running as a host.
filename (string)
The name of the file to be imported.
targetnode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
listchildname (string) [optional]
See function description.
function isIntact(sourcenode)
Database nodes loaded from modules are modifiable unless marked static. These modifications are local to a campaign, and the node may be reverted
back to its original state. This function may be used to check if such a node has any changes applied.
Non-module campaign data base nodes always return false.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
Returns false if the node has been modified, true if it is identical to the module contents
function isOwner(nodeid)
This function returns whether the current user can modify the specified node.
Only the GM or the node owner can alter the value of the database node contents.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
Returns true if the user is the GM or owns the node, or false otherwise.
function isPublic(nodeid)
Returns whether the specified node is public.
Public nodes are available for viewing by any user, whether GM or player. A node can still be shared with specific players without being made public.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
Return values
Returns true if the node is public, false if it is not
function isReadOnly(sourcenode)
Determines whether the specified database node can be edited. Reasons for database nodes to be non-editable include:
nodes marked as static, nodes from client or common modules, nodes not owned by client (host owns all nodes)
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
Returns true if the node is not editable, false otherwise
function isStatic(sourcenode)
Database nodes may be flagged as static, disabling value editing completely. This flag is generally used for non-alterable
reference data loaded from rules modules. This function can be used to check if a node is part of the static content.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
Return values
Returns true if the node is static, false otherwise
function onAuxCharLoad(source)
A handler function that will be called when a character tree is loaded into memory that exists outside the primary database. (campaign characters in local mode, local characters in client mode)
source (databasenode)
A databasenode object reference identifying the node causing the event
function onImport(source)
A handler function that will be called when a database tree is imported into the primary database. (i.e. character import)
source (databasenode)
A databasenode object reference identifying the node causing the event
function onIntegrityChange(source)
A handler function that will be called when a node loaded from a module is either reverted back to its original state or receives a user modification.
source (databasenode)
A databasenode object reference identifying the node causing the event
function removeAllHolders(sourcenode)
This function removes all users from the holder list for the specified database node and all child nodes. The data is deleted from any
client instance and any windows having a deleted node as their data source will be closed.
This function will only work if running as a host.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
function removeChildCategory(nodeid, category)
Removes a child category for the specified data base node. Any child nodes in this category will be given an empty category.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
category (table (or string))
Category to remove by name (either "name" element or string)
function removeHandler(nodepath, event, callback)
Remove an event handler callback function previously specified using addHandler function.
nodepath (string)
A data base path identifier. The '*' character can be used as a wildcard for a path segment.
event (string)
The event to be captured (onUpdate, onAdd, onDelete, onObserverUpdate, onChildAdded, onChildUpdate, onChildDeleted, onIntegrityChange)
callback (function)
The callback function to be removed
function removeHolder(sourcenode, username)
This function removes the specified user from the holder list for the specified database node and all child nodes. The data is deleted from the
client instance and any windows having a deleted node as their data source will be closed.
This function will only work if running as a host.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
username (string)
The username of the user losing the holder status
function revert(sourcenode)
Return a node loaded from a module back to the state it was when loaded. If the target node was not loaded from a module, or if it does not have
any changes, this operation has no effect.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
function setCategory(nodeid, category)
Sets the category for the specified data base node. The category parameter can also be a table with a "name" element.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
category (table (or string))
Category information for specified node, including the following fields (name, mergeid, base, decal). If a string is specified, it will be used as a new table with the string as the name element.
function setDefaultChildCategory(nodeid, category)
Sets the default child category for the specified data base node. When new child nodes are created under this node, the default category is given to those child nodes.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
category (table (or string))
Category name to set as default (either "name" element or string)
function setOwner(nodeid, owner)
Only valid on host.
This function sets the owner of the specified node to the specified player name.
Only the GM or the node owner can alter the value of the database node contents.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
owner (string)
The name of the player to gain ownership of the data base node
function setPublic(nodeid, value)
Sets whether the specified node is public. While public, all addHolder, removeHolder and removeAllHolders function calls will be ignored.
Public nodes are available for viewing by any user, whether GM or player. A node can still be shared with specific players without being made public.
Rulesets with compatibility less than v3.0 that call this function will generate a script error.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
value (boolean)
If set to true, then the node will be set to the public state; otherwise, the node will be set to the non-public (unshared) state.
function setStatic(sourcenode, state)
Sets the static flag of a database node. The values of static nodes are not modifiable.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
state (boolean)
A value of true to set the node static, or false to remove the static state.
function setValue(sourcenode, [subpath], type, value)
Sets the data in the specified database node path. If the node exists already, the type value must match the existing database node type. If the node does not exist, a new node will be created with the specified type. The format of the value parameter(s) depends on the type of the node.
sourcenode (string (or databasenode))
A data node identifier path (or a databasenode object) representing the target node
subpath (string) [optional]
If the first parameter has type databasenode, then this parameter specifies the relative data node identifier path from the specified node object.
type (string)
Identifier for the data type of the new or existing node.
value (...)
Data to be placed in the database node
function updateChildCategory(nodeid, source_category, target_category)
Updates the child category information for the specified data base node. The source category with the given name will be replaced wih tht target category, and the category information for all child nodes will be updated.
nodeid (string (or databasenode))
Data node identifier path (or databasenode object)
source_category (table (or string))
Original category information (or name)
target_category (table (or string))
Desired category information (or name)
function updateVersion()
Sets the version number value of the campaign database to the current FG and ruleset versions.