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  1. #71
    What a royal pain... for the computer literate - sometimes your dns cache can be scrambled by something (who knows why or how)...

    Go into your windows "cmd" window and keyin:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    This resolved my issue.
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  2. #72
    VLC stopped working for players tonight with bot showing deafened with no way to enable it. I'll have to investigate but had lots of sound troubles and had to turn it all off.
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  3. #73
    Still not sure what is going on (deafend is normal as bot can't hear). Everything works on host side but will only work across discord bot (to players) if I have virtual cable set on my windows sound settings output. If I set to my headphones the players can't hear anything from the VLC end - only the kenku end. I uninstalled/reinstalled the VLC 2.0 and virtual cable - and all appears to be functioning but somehow the VLC sounds going through virtual cable into Kenku and then into discord bot are not showing up. The discord bot channel only seems to catch things when I set my windows sound settings output to virtual cable.

    This used to work regardless of where I have my windows sound settings going.
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  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Still not sure what is going on (deafend is normal as bot can't hear). Everything works on host side but will only work across discord bot (to players) if I have virtual cable set on my windows sound settings output. If I set to my headphones the players can't hear anything from the VLC end - only the kenku end. I uninstalled/reinstalled the VLC 2.0 and virtual cable - and all appears to be functioning but somehow the VLC sounds going through virtual cable into Kenku and then into discord bot are not showing up. The discord bot channel only seems to catch things when I set my windows sound settings output to virtual cable.

    This used to work regardless of where I have my windows sound settings going.
    I don't juse kenku a ton but I'm pretty familiar with it. If you want to DM me on discord I'm happy to see if I can help troubleshoot with you.
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  5. #75
    Gwydion made a workaround for me that worked great. Though it involves not using the video on page 1's VLC settings (using Direct X output instead) - but I'll let him explain if he wishes.
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  6. #76
    Another tip I've found in pre game session testing is in addition to using VLC settings Direct X output - I also set Kenku to multiple outputs and select My Computer as one of them. This allows my speakers or headphones to still hear the sounds coming through Kenku. Still a bit confused, as my speaker was not picking up sound effects but my headphones were. Not sure if it was discord default not piping stuff properly to all the active sound systems or that something else was going on. But this insured I always get sound whether on my headphones or speakers. All this used to work fine so not sure what changed so this may just be a hack solution for something wrong on my end - but it works. Which is all I care about.
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  7. #77
    Hi Bayne7400. Awesome post!
    I'm having trouble with one part. "If you are using 5E you can purchase the sound packs on the store, make a copy, set the sound file to your sound file under VLC sound settings, and export that module to use in any 5E campaign."

    This is exactly what I would like to do, but being new to Fantasy Grounds, I still have not learned how to do this. I've searched but no luck. Could you point me in the direction of some recommended documentation on doing this?

    Thanks and sorry if I'm bringing up a dead post.

  8. #78
    To copy a sound trigger you open the menu from the sidebar and drag the link off then back onto this list of sound triggers. This will let you unlock the record and make changes if you desire. Is this what you are asking?

  9. #79
    YES! That's exactly what I was trying to do. Given how easy it was no wonder there were no instructions. I just tried it and it worked without issue.

  10. #80

    I am puzzled on this topic by one thing.

    I have VLC 3.0.20 setup with a web interface.

    When I use chrome to open http://localhost:8080 I get this response:
    Password for Web interface has not been set.
    Please use --http-password, or set a password in
    Preferences > All > Main interfaces > Lua > Lua HTTP > Password.

    When I open http://localhost:8080/requests I get
    404 Not found (/requests)

    When I invoke C:\"Program Files"\VLC\vlc.exe --http-password="" I still get:
    Password for Web interface has not been set.
    Please use --http-password, or set a password in
    Preferences > All > Main interfaces > Lua > Lua HTTP > Password.

    What should I do to allow VLC to accept connections from FGU without a password?

    Web Dove

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