Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Release Updates for January 2nd, 2024

    Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

    In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

    Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

    Note: Fantasy Grounds Classic is no longer receiving regular updates. These updates are for Fantasy Grounds Unity unless specifically noted.

    The following products have been updated:

    D&D Acquisitions Incorporated (D&D fifth edition)
    • [Added] Line of sight data

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Player Core (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Force Barrage scaling
    • [Fixed] Spirit blast damage type.

    PFRPG2-data (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Player Core - Force Barrage scaling
    • [Fixed] Player Core - Spirit blast damage type.
    • [Fixed] GM Core - missing usage data for elixirs and healing potions

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - GM Core (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Added] Missing usage data for elixirs and healing potions.

    Mini-Dungeons Bundle #206-210 (5E Compatible)
    • [Added] Screenshot images

    Rultmoork (5E Compatible)
    • [Fixed] Reference Manual > Beastiary List - Changed to Bestiary List
    • [Fixed] Reference Manual >Bestiary List > Stone Troll - picture updated to proper image
    • [Fixed] NPC > Cultist (Dexterous-Flow) > token - updated to blue flow token
    • [Fixed] NPC > Cultist (Tough-Flow) > token - updated to blue flow token
    • [Fixed] NPC > Cultist (Flow) > token - updated to blue flow token

    Cyberpunk Red: Core Rulebook (Cyberpunk Red)
    • [Added] support for MAKER bonuses from effects
    • [Fixed] some issues around the ATTACK ct effect

    Tomb of Tiberesh (5E Compatible)
    • [Added] Line of sight to maps

    Paths to Adventure: Caves and Caverns (Generic Add-ons)
    • [Added] Line of sight to maps

    Rifts (R): The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Some theme issues fixed (thanks Moon Wizard)
    • [Added] Cauterized Wound effect (so laser damage victims get a +2 vs Bleeding Out rolls.
    • [Updated] General tidy up and such.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG Ruleset (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] Ruleset minor version = 2 (v19.2). Needed to suppress campaign switch message for new camaigns.
    • [Updated] Campaign switch message not displayed for new campaigns.
    • [Updated] VsDC action handles Lore (xxx) rolls.
    • [Updated] Switch to Remastered message only applies to old campaigns (DB version 19.1 or less).
    • [Added] Rarity field to ancestry record.
    • [Added] Help button to weapon action editor window.
    • [Added] button_stringcycler_charskill control that dynamically builds skills from PC skill list.
    • [Fixed] "Trigger" field label blank.
    • [Fixed] Lookupdata main record linked activities not being added to PC.
    • [Fixed] Removed some duplicate close buttons.
    • [Fixed] "Trigger" field label blank.
    • [Fixed] Lookupdata main record linked activities not being added to PC.
    • [Added] Rarity field to ancestry record.

  2. #2
    Ruleset (D&D 4E, D20 Modern, 13 Age)
    • [Fixed] Some combo boxes were not usable in party sheet, due to clipping.

    Ruleset (Traveller 2E)
    • [Fixed] List view sub-headers not the correct color in default theme.

    Ruleset (Starfinder)
    • [Fixed] Party sheet group roll buttons generate script errors.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; January 3rd, 2024 at 18:46.

  3. #3
    Ruleset (Fallout 2d20)
    • [Fixed] Removed gate keeping systems to allow home brewing of SPECIAL traits. Now able to go below 4 and exceed 12
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  4. #4
    Ruleset (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Dragging and dropping tokens onto map from PC/NPC not already on combat tracker generates script error, and does not add PC/NPC to CT automatically.

  5. #5
    Monsters of the Multiverse (5E)
    • [Fixed] Lizardfolk Languages trait is empty of text.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  6. #6
    Ruleset (Mongoose Traveller 2E)
    • [Fixed] Partysheet characteristic linkage broken
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying (Vaesen)
    • [Added] Capital to PC Sheet
    • [Added] Unarmed block reaction to combat tracker
    • [Updated] Character Wizard layout & stile
    • [Fixed] Reported issues with Dance of Dreams adventure

    A Wicked Secret & And Other Mysteries (Vaesen)
    • [Fixed] A Wicked Secret reported issues with typos and NPCs
    • [Fixed] A Silver of the Sea reported issues with NPCs
    Last edited by lokiare; January 5th, 2024 at 19:09. Reason: Updating fixes.

  8. #8
    Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (5E)
    • [Fixed] images throwing errors when attempting to open.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

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