5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    I am just as guilty or a part of this issue too. I just happened to learn my own lesson sooner. My greater worry is the potential for extensions to be removed as a marketable asset on the Forge if this becomes a greater issue.
    I think there be drama is all. Because literally - since I arrived into FGU 3 years ago - I've never seen a time that extensions were not breaking things. Ever. And for sure the FGU side of things has gotten much less likely to break extensions as they give you time to adjust to breaking changes in TEST.

    So all seems much better in that respect.

    Now are there more people tossing extensions out there where they put zero time into tracking FGU changes or that they just "do their thing" with no attempt at all to play nice with others and do the minimal imprint in commonly shared code and insure they call the old code where possible?

    Don't know. As I tend to use only about 4 extensions I don't write myself and I know they react quick to any breaking of their code. Plus I'm not that picky outside of outright breakage - "good enough" (no console errors or visible interruption of my desired session playstyle) is all I expect.

    Also there is an influx of users that simply don't understand the core concept of all extensions no matter who they got them from...

    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  2. #12
    I too don't think there's a definitive solution to the issue - but there are things that could be done to mitigate the problem, partially.
    One thing would be to let user decide what to update and what not to: say for example that I use two extensions, AwesomeDiceCombobulator and ChatDefustigator. ChatDefustigator has a minor bug that fustigates the chat instead of defustigating it when someone rolls a 6 on a d6. ADC works perfectly.
    Then one day I see on the forum that the developer of ChatDefustigator has fixed the bug: nice! But at the same time, I see that some users are reporting that the new version of AwesomeDiceCombobulator has a bug that does not combobulate the dice anymore when there's more than 3 players in the game, and my game has 4 players.
    So what do I do? If I update, I update everything, swapping a bug for another; if I don't update, I keep having the previous bug. And if there's an update to FGU, or an update to a module, I am basically forced to update to the "new bug" (because when I update, everything updates).
    Competitor FoundryVTT has an example of how to deal with updates separately, where in the initial screens I see all the Game Systems (rulesets) and I can update each one independently, all the Add-on modules (extensions) and each one can be updated independently, and the Software Update screen allows me to update the application itself. A similar structure for the FantasyGroundsUpdater would allow us to hold back from updating an extension when we know that a new bug has been introduced, keeping the working version. It does not solve all the issues of extensions that break, but it sure mitigates the problem a bit.

  3. #13

    Thank You Zeno.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    I too don't think there's a definitive solution to the issue - but there are things that could be done to mitigate the problem, partially.
    Thank You Zeno, I too think there must be things that can be done to mitigate the problem, and yours is a good idea.

    As to using mods, the mods -- I use mods to help the players and make the game run smoother and quicker (when everything is working),

    and that's a better experience for MY PLAYERS, and bottom line, after 40 years of DM'ing that's My goal - To give the BEST experience to My Players I can.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

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