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  1. #101
    Hi. This job is simply awesome. Congratulations and thank you so much.

  2. #102

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    Welcome to the forums, but what are you talking about? What job?

  3. #103
    This might be a longshot for a feature request but in the Savage Worlds rullset you can drag a character into the NPC window and turn a character into a NPC. It's a nice easy method for building custom NPCs. Is there any possibility you could have that?

  4. #104

    Join Date
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    Isanti, MN
    What's with the insistence of some GMs on making mooks as detailed as characters?

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanaric View Post
    This might be a longshot for a feature request but in the Savage Worlds rullset you can drag a character into the NPC window and turn a character into a NPC. It's a nice easy method for building custom NPCs. Is there any possibility you could have that?
    It's something I've thought about cause I do tend to have NPCs that are basically characters. Thinking of all those drow cleric, cleric/magic-users and fighter/thieves from D1-3. Having a cleric or a magic-user moved into as a NPC would be somewhat nice in some cases. It's not a huge deal but... what I might could do is take the data on the character sheet and convert it to NPC sheet... which in theory isn't that much different now. The benefit of that would be that it would keep ability scores, saves, gear, actions and inventory.

    I've got this on my TODO but have a lot of other items before it. Next thing I hear will be for drag/drop NPC to PC Which might actually be more useful for game tables that have PCs that do a lot of charming or pets.

    Right now im holding off any more major work till 3.3.2 drops cause I need to backport the 5e and coreRPG effects code. Fortunately that is soon(tm).
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  6. #106
    So, wanted to get some feedback on this. Right now anyone that gets a natural 20 gets a crit hit. In some cases it takes a natural 20 for the creature (or pc) to hit the creature. Does it make sense that the target can only hit with a crit?

    I've configured a check to look for that situation and if so it won't allow crit and plan to test it in my games but was curious what anyone else thought. Crit hits/misses are really an optional rule anyway so just wondering what makes sense.

    I don't really want to make a "campaign setting" for this since it's really not something that happens all that much and making the campaign settings so overloaded is just not my idea of a good idea.

    I have been tempted to add a option for Crit/Fumbles on/off tho. Some folks might not use them at all.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  7. #107
    My preference would be to add in the Criticals from Combat and Tactics. That is just me. I am happy to have them stay as they are as well.
    DM/GM Since 1985. Unity and Classic Ultimate License.

  8. #108
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    So, wanted to get some feedback on this. Right now anyone that gets a natural 20 gets a crit hit. In some cases it takes a natural 20 for the creature (or pc) to hit the creature. Does it make sense that the target can only hit with a crit?
    I always thought it made sense that sometimes the only way to hit somethings is to crit them. For example, the moster in armor so heavy that the only way to harm it is to hit it through the eye socket. Or the dragon with scales nearly impenetrable that you can only hurt it if you get so lucky to hit where the one scale is missing...

    But anyway, the rules do say you can always hit with a nat 20 and a nat 20 is a crit so... I don't have a problem with it. But allowing an option is never a bad thing.

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  9. #109
    I got curious so I've checked the player Handbook (revised, pg 182), Impossible to-hit nimbers. That paragraph do not mention anywhere being "a critical" nor being an optional rule. It just say that the dm can in some cases waive the rule and define the cases where you always hit and always miss.
    Probably we started calling it a critical after playing later editions and maybe rolemaster
    So, to answer to Celestian: yes it make sense, please add it Sir (maybe just call them "automatic hit" ), and If you felel like doing a bit more work add the switch for crit systems like the C&T options rules and tables.
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    - Players live a thousand lives, a DM let live a thousand universes -

  10. #110
    This is from the 2e DMG:

    Some players feel combat should involve more than just the chance to hit and the amount of damage done. Some propose elaborate tables--critical hit tables--detailing all manner of horrible results and misfortunes.
    The simplest critical hit system makes every natural 20 rolled on the attack roll count for double damage. Roll the appropriate damage dice twice for the attack (do not double the result of a single damage roll) and only count damage modifiers for Strength, magic, etc., once.
    A second method is to allow characters or monsters to make an extra attack each time they roll a natural 20. The additional attack is made immediately, at the same target, and is figured just like a normal attack. As long as a natural 20 is rolled, the character or monster continues to make additional attacks. A very lucky character could roll a 20 on his first attack and then roll a 20 on his additional attack, allowing him to roll a third attack. If this attack also resulted in a 20, a fourth attack could be made, etc. This system gives characters the chance of causing extra damage without guaranteeing success.
    DM/GM Since 1985. Unity and Classic Ultimate License.

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