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  1. #1

    Smite Works Blind Update Breaking a lot of EXTs


    This is pretty crappy of you to knowingly putting out an update without telling anyone breaking a ton of EXTs. This is complete bull. You knew this would break them.
    FGU is built on the fact that it supports EXT creation. No heads up at all on this change makes me just want to look for another VTT.

    That is all, voicing my displeasure.

  2. #2
    I have seen plenty of messages about upcoming changes for the past month on the forums and discord.

  3. #3
    Yes, there were many messages saying about the changes and if there are changes and to bring us improvements and possibilities it is to bring us results, I dare to go further on the other platform until they stabilized there were many broken "extensions" and people abandoned them for others to take over, there were many rulesets created by the simple fact of saying here it is and there it is not, so encourage the small team that strives to bring results, partnerships with new systems, be part of the community that wants to grow and see it grow and not part of the community that just want to charge and receive....

  4. #4
    There was an unannounced one on 7/19 that broke one of mine - but you are correct - the vast number of breakages were given plenty of time to compensate for them the release the week before as I had made my own fixes (they broke all my extensions) 3 weeks before in TEST. A lot of devs did not do this and that was not FGU's fault.

    However, I too complained about dropping in unannounced argument changes on 7/19 that Moon explained was due to his not knowing some extensions (one of mine) were overriding that level of the code. In my case it was messageDamage which is the only place I can grab Damage Exceed data or total damage data for the extension.

    So - no fault of FGU for the major breaking changes the previous week which was in TEST for plenty of time to determine how to handle them for the go live date. And... well... I've said what I wanted to say on the 7/19 argument changes already.

    EXTENSIONS = RISK - live it - accept it - or don't use them.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; July 21st, 2022 at 17:47.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    I have seen plenty of messages about upcoming changes for the past month on the forums and discord.
    Quote Originally Posted by yako2020 View Post
    Yes, there were many messages saying about the changes and if there are changes and to bring us improvements and possibilities it is to bring us results, I dare to go further on the other platform until they stabilized there were many broken "extensions" and people abandoned them for others to take over, there were many rulesets created by the simple fact of saying here it is and there it is not, so encourage the small team that strives to bring results, partnerships with new systems, be part of the community that wants to grow and see it grow and not part of the community that just want to charge and receive....
    Talking about the latest update that broke a ton of exts, you are talking about the update before this one which was on test server.
    Last edited by MrDDT; July 21st, 2022 at 19:39.

  6. #6
    I am not suggesting that Smiteworks couldn't do more to help make devs lives easier but you also can't put all of the blame on them for breaking extensions. There are so many interactions between what is and what changes and depending on how the dev wrote their code it could break... or it could keep working.

    However, they could go a long way to alleviating these issues or help them get resolved quicker if they documented changes better. When CoreRPG (and 5E) ruleset functions are changed, explain the functions updated and what needs to be done to change the previous use case to the new. Also explain WHY this was done. Same goes for API changes.

    They've gotten better since I started working with FG but I'd be happy to see more.
    Last edited by celestian; July 21st, 2022 at 21:11.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  7. #7
    It would be nice if there was a button for update forge only - or even better yet a update list that allowed you to select which updates to perform.


  8. #8
    Best case scenario would be for Smiteworks to add quite a few of these extensions to the base code. It's truly mind-boggling that some of the extensions that exist, had to be created at all.

    Some of the most useful, quality-of-life-improving extensions have been around for more than a year. Why aren't we seeing those picked up and added to the client? So many of the extensions offer features/improvements that objectively improve the platform by huge margins. However, the constant maintenance for the coders is a massive burden and no-one is getting rich from writing extensions. In fact, some of the most useful extensions are free.

    It makes more than sense for SW to pick up these features and include them in the base code so that the creators aren't constantly playing catchup after each patch.
    Last edited by BushViper; December 24th, 2022 at 15:37.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by BushViper View Post
    Best case scenario would be for Smiteworks to add quite a few of these extensions to the base code. It's truly mind-boggling that some of the extensions that exist, had to be created at all.

    Some of the most useful, quality-of-life-improving extensions have been around for more than a year. Why aren't we seeing those picked up and added to the client? So many of the extensions offer features/improvements that objectively improve the platform by huge margin. However, the constant maintenance for the coders is a massive burden and no-one is getting rich from writing extensions. In fact, some of the most useful extensions are free.

    It makes more than sense for SW to pick up these features and include them in the base code so that the creators aren't constantly playing catchup after each patch.

    The ability to write extensions is not a accident that some random coder hacked, it is by design, to allow users to add things they want. Eventually Unity will allow even more extensibility.

    Lots of extensions over the years got added to the Core too.

    MintyFresh wrote this in his blog:

    "Software products do not have to be extensible to be successful - nearly every smart phone app is not extensible, and they’re wildly successful. Fantasy Grounds is an exception to the closed system mentality, it’s amazingly extensible - put some code in auxiliary files and FG‘s functionality can be vastly changed without touching the underlying program. So why would Smiteworks do this? I believe it is vision. It is my understanding that Smiteworks is a small company. Extensibility allows rule sets and modules to be developed with less staff and with less capital. Each rule set is really just an extension of the CoreRPG. Exposing the extensibility to the public is even more remarkable. Anyone can enhance the Smiteworks’ product and increase it’s appeal to more and more players. We’re each and every one of us richer for it."

    Last edited by Jiminimonka; December 24th, 2022 at 11:38.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    The ability to write extensions is not a accident that some random coder hacked, it is by design, to allow users to add things they want. Eventually Unity will allow even more extensibility.

    Lots of extensions over the years got added to the Core too.
    1) It's the only reason I currently use FGU. Without this there are much better platforms to use and are lower overhead and costs.

    2)Lots of exts over the years is very relative, I would say very few are added to FGU. There are 1000+ exts out there and most have been around for over a year. Less than 1% have been added. Is less than 1% "A lot" to you? It isnt to me. When you consider some of them are very very very easy to add into the code.

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