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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by FredSuper6 View Post
    The issue is; with the extension loaded, the npc does not retain its image if I add one. If I unload the extension, then add an image to an npc it remembers it. If I reload FG with the extension loaded, it will remember an image added to an npc in a previous load. The reason I mentioned the CT, is because that is one of the ways I discovered the issue. If I added an image into the CT after the npc was added there it would work as intended. Ultimately the issue is isolated to the npc's image, and nothing else. Hopefully I made this more clear this time, sorry for causing some confusion. If you would like more clarity, I am happy to provide it.
    I'm having this issue also. I run a lot of exts and not tracked it down to if there is a conflict with the EXTs or just this EXT alone. But I can see this issue all the time.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by FredSuper6 View Post
    The issue is; with the extension loaded, the npc does not retain its image if I add one. If I unload the extension, then add an image to an npc it remembers it. If I reload FG with the extension loaded, it will remember an image added to an npc in a previous load. The reason I mentioned the CT, is because that is one of the ways I discovered the issue. If I added an image into the CT after the npc was added there it would work as intended. Ultimately the issue is isolated to the npc's image, and nothing else. Hopefully I made this more clear this time, sorry for causing some confusion. If you would like more clarity, I am happy to provide it.
    Yeah replacing the token in the pure FGU project has it working meaning the pure FGU project was probably not pure and that token I tested with had been "touched" by something that whacked it. As DI has ct and token code getting replaced for I know not what reason - I'll give a shot at trying to see what part of this has whacked the token in this weird way. The danger with replacing corerpg code is that it can change over time - it should only be a last resort. And I admit I can not tell why half the CT stuff they replaced was even replaced completely to start with. May take a while to figure out - if I can. For sure its directly related to the token since I had it happening in a campaign with no extensions (but which probably had DI in it as some point during its past for the token I played with - as in it replaced it with a DI or something probably).
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  3. #243
    I just created a pristine case and can't duplicate it with DI in place. Remind me exactly how you got in this state. For SURE there is a db.xml that is used to track the current CT token - if that is somehow out of whack then you will lose the token to what is defined in there.
    For example - my test case was replacing Aarakocra with the animal token for a bear. Both the Aarakocra CT db entry and the deathmanager entry reference the same "new" token. And I can't get it to fail. So the question I have is how can I duplicate this in a new 5e campaign? Because I cannot duplicate it in a pristine case. I could duplicate it in a very old project - but as that is no longer "bad" I don't know how it got in that state. DI will remember the last token defined (only in certain instances) and then that is what it will use till its replace or changed. Supposedly.
                    <npc type="string"></npc>
                    <token type="token">tokens/animal_bear_a_01.png@Animal Tokens</token>
    That works fine
    I do remember how this could be corrupted though somehow and had to be "fixed" before the CT would work again. In other words, if this record has an old token in it.

    Also pretty user if there is NO deathmanager entry for the CT then it will default to looking up the NPC token list token field.
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  4. #244
    Yeah I've tried to get this <deathindicator> out of synch but cannot - it always works. If you find you have a CT entry that is out of synch then just remove it it from CT and put it back in and replace the token again. The only way you should be seeing what your seeing is if this db.xml data tag structure is out of synch with your current CT. I do not know how you get in that state. If you can tell me how to duplicate it from a new campaign maybe we can see how it happens.

    But the fix is to put it back in synch by removing it and replacing it and putting the token back in. Any time the CT has a token replaced that <deathmanager> reference to it will be updated - and when removed it will be removed. If out of synch though then you'll have to do the fix I stated.

    If something else is going on I'll have to have a way to duplicate it that works. Right now creating a new campaign - adding in my modules - dropping an NPC into the CT - replacing the token - works fine. Now I saw it not work in a raw FGU campaign but have not been able to duplicate even that when I replaced the CT. So obviously more than just the <deathmanager> stuff can cause this - maybe an old bad token placement function?

    Either way - without a way to duplicate it in a pristine project I don't know how to fix what I can't duplicate.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; August 30th, 2021 at 22:02.
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  5. #245
    The CT is not the main issue. The entry in the npc sheet is the issue. Hopefully, these screenshots can help communicate the problem. The second screenshot was taken after I closed and re-opened the npc.
    DI issue-1.PNG

    DI issue-2.PNG

    Thank you so much for spending time trying to fix the issue. It is possible that there is a conflict with some other extensions I have, but not using DI is the quick fix. It also doesn't break anything long-term. If I close out of FG and unselect DI before I launch the campaign, I can do everything fine. It is just annoying to remember to flick it off to prepare for a session, then flick it on to play a session.

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by FredSuper6 View Post
    The CT is not the main issue. The entry in the npc sheet is the issue. Hopefully, these screenshots can help communicate the problem. The second screenshot was taken after I closed and re-opened the npc.
    DI issue-1.PNG

    DI issue-2.PNG

    Thank you so much for spending time trying to fix the issue. It is possible that there is a conflict with some other extensions I have, but not using DI is the quick fix. It also doesn't break anything long-term. If I close out of FG and unselect DI before I launch the campaign, I can do everything fine. It is just annoying to remember to flick it off to prepare for a session, then flick it on to play a session.
    I'm looking for how to duplicate it - this just shows it happening. For example, in a fresh project I drop and NPC into the CT and the map - then change the token in the CT OR the NPC sheet for the CT and it works fine. The CT is involved if your sheet is derived from the CT. If you are talking about an NPC that is not in the CT then that has not been clear. So, in an empty campaign (not yours a new one you create) step by step how do I duplicate this? Because I cannot. The only way I've seen it happen is if the data is out of synch for the <deathindicators> tag in the db.xml and then simply removing the NPC and replacing it puts it back in synch. If there is no <deathindicators> tag then it will always update from the NPC list.

    So in my personal experience I have never NOT updated the NPC list version's token if I'm going to change a token representation. But if I do it after it is placed in the CT that is a different data version independent (not shared data like a PC) in the CT alone. The sheet you bring up from it IS the CT version. So, I've created a new campaign as I stated in previous post and could not come up with pattern to duplicate what your seeing. I need that pattern to show me how to duplicate it so I can figure out what the issue is.

    The new campaign should only have DI as the only extension. If you can't duplicate it then you need to figure out what the conflict is - because if someone is stomping the code that replaces the token in the CT and updates the <deathindicator> tag - then yeah. Its not going to work. But until you tell me how to duplicate it with just my stuff (or find the conflict) - I have no way to fix it or tell you what is wrong with it.

    IF it is a conflict it will be because someone stomped the "onDrop" code for the CT token without preserving anything previously called. As I did not write this stuff I'm not even sure this one preserves previous calls to it either.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; August 31st, 2021 at 17:24.
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  7. #247
    Yeah, it looks like a conflict with another extension. Sorry for wasting your time.

  8. #248
    Cool work but are the blood indicators supposed to be that big? The Indicator: Tooltip style (status) shouldn´t make it smaller somehow, and is now working for me? I could not find an answer, sorry if it is discussed somewhere else:
    What I mean is, the blood on the token is set in a 15x15 feet area, even in medium tokens, and it is stopping me from clicking in the tokens that are adjacent to the bloodied PC (I have to drag them out of the way). The tombstones work just fine.
    Last edited by BobLobLaw; September 9th, 2021 at 19:47.

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by BobLobLaw View Post
    Cool work but are the blood indicators supposed to be that big? The Indicator: Tooltip style (status) shouldn´t make it smaller somehow, and is now working for me? I could not find an answer, sorry if it is discussed somewhere else:
    What I mean is, the blood on the token is set in a 15x15 feet area, even in medium tokens, and it is stopping me from clicking in the tokens that are adjacent to the bloodied PC (I have to drag them out of the way). The tombstones work just fine.
    Blood indicators size properly on every map token I have. I know someone else had problems with special tokens at one time where they had weird token or map grid sizes (don't remember) that somehow caused some kind of scaling mismatch but that is somewhere buried in this thread from a long time ago that was resolved. I killed a number of different sized PCs and critters from DMG with the important NPC flag set for NPCs and the blood spatter token sizing was just fine.

    So not sure what your seeing or why. I assume your not using any other extensions that mess with sizing of anything also.
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  10. #250
    Created a new campaign with only DI and it worked as expected. I´m sorry to bother you first, without checking. Thank you.

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