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  1. #81
    Using Classic. Draging skills from the Alphabetical Skills List into the skills tab (for example, Firearm and Melee Weapon). The new additions do not stay in the character sheet after returning to launcher or exiting the program. I'd like to keep such skills both in the main tab and the skills tab, for accounting purposes. Thank you!

  2. #82

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe
    I can verify this behavior. I dragged "shield" and "martial arts" from the Alphabetical Skills List (in the rules module) to a character sheet in Classic, Unity and in a 2017 version of the ruleset. In all cases the "shield" skill was saved and stayed but "martial arts" did not. Do note there is a difference between the skills. Martial arts is a "sub-label" skill while "shield" is a "normal" skill. It would appear that sub-label skills that are dragged onto the character sheet are not properly stored or saved.

  3. #83
    Ok, thank you for the report. I'll have a look and see what it is doing.
    Dominic Morta
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  4. #84

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    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe

    Problems creating new skills when you are using skill categories

    When you create a new skill and you have the skill category option turned on, you want to be able to set the skill category, but there is (currently) no way of doing this.

    I read in an old changelog that you are supposed to be able to drag a skill from one category to another, but this doesn't work anymore. I tested it on an old version of the ruleset (from 2017), using Classic, and it works. It looks a bit odd, you drag two d10 (as if you where dragging a dice roll) and drop the dice on a new category, but it works. The feature that allowed dragging of skills to a new skill category was added in version 0.31.402. If you try and do the same in the current version on unity it does not work. You still drag dices but nothing happens. The current version behaves differently on classic. When you drag an existing skill in Classic, then you move the character sheet, and when you drag a new skill then you drag the name (but the skill is not moved to a new category).

    It would be nice if the option to drag a skill (new or existing) to a new category could be re-implemented.

    Another option would be to change what happens when you single or double click on the skill name. Currently a skill roll is performed. That could be changed so that the skill record is shown, then you could change the skill category that way. This is implemented in the CoC 7 ruleset, when you click on a skill name a skill form is opened. I see that a skill record form is included in the basic roleplaying ruleset but it seems like it's not used.

    Anyhow, not being able to change the skill category makes it impossible to add new skills to the character sheet and that's a rather big problem (IMO).


  5. #85

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    Mar 2009
    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe

    Problem with creating "sub-skills"

    Some more investigations into why dragging skills that are sub-skills from the skill list to the character sheet doesn't work (see post #81 above).

    In fact the handling of sub-label skills (skills that have a "father", such as Art, that can have many descendants) is not working properly. When you try and create a new sub-skill a whole new skill is created, and there's no way of making it become a sub-skill. The problem has been solved in the CoC rulesets. In those rulesets you can set the skill list in edit mode and click on a button and that way add descendants. For example, by clicking on a button labeled "Ln" you can create a new language sub-skill. But this means that you'll need one button per skill that can have sub-skills (and this may differ between the various basic roleplaying games...). The solution exists though so it should be doable.


  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by peterb View Post
    When you create a new skill and you have the skill category option turned on, you want to be able to set the skill category, but there is (currently) no way of doing this.

    I read in an old changelog that you are supposed to be able to drag a skill from one category to another, but this doesn't work anymore. I tested it on an old version of the ruleset (from 2017), using Classic, and it works. It looks a bit odd, you drag two d10 (as if you where dragging a dice roll) and drop the dice on a new category, but it works. The feature that allowed dragging of skills to a new skill category was added in version 0.31.402. If you try and do the same in the current version on unity it does not work. You still drag dices but nothing happens. The current version behaves differently on classic. When you drag an existing skill in Classic, then you move the character sheet, and when you drag a new skill then you drag the name (but the skill is not moved to a new category).

    It would be nice if the option to drag a skill (new or existing) to a new category could be re-implemented.

    Another option would be to change what happens when you single or double click on the skill name. Currently a skill roll is performed. That could be changed so that the skill record is shown, then you could change the skill category that way. This is implemented in the CoC 7 ruleset, when you click on a skill name a skill form is opened. I see that a skill record form is included in the basic roleplaying ruleset but it seems like it's not used.

    Anyhow, not being able to change the skill category makes it impossible to add new skills to the character sheet and that's a rather big problem (IMO).

    If you set up the skill in the "Skills" sidebar option, it will allow you to set the base and also the skill category for the new skill. Then you drag the link from the new skill or index window to the character sheet to add it to the sheet.

    I noticed while setting this up that the base won't transfer from the drop, but you can change it from the sheet for the mean time till I can fix that functionality. As for direct skill adds using the radial, it's not able to change the skill information due to no linkage from the sheet to the skill window. Subskills were setup as they currently are performing. If you hit enter on a sub skill of say Art, it will add another Art with a subskill able to type in the subskill label. No plans on expanding this at this time.

    Both posts have some great ideas and will consider it for expansion of the ruleset.
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  7. #87

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    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe
    Thanks superteddy57!

    I did notice, just this afternoon, that there where some new buttons in the sidebar that I had not seen before due to my sidebar setup. I have been fiddling with adding skills and it works fine. One way of adding new skills would be to create a new skill module, or even make a copy of the Game System module and add/edit skills (and professions, items etc.) that way. That would enable you to adapt the ruleset to a given setting. That's the path I will take, for now.

    Thanks for the good work!


  8. #88

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    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe

    Mods not working as intended.

    The problem is that a mod does not modify the skill level as it should, instead it modifies the dice roll result which gives the wrong end effect. If you add, say -10, to the mod window and then make a skill roll, then the result of the dice roll is modified by -10. Which is wrong.

    In BRP a mod, like -10, is intended to modify the target number, a skill level or ability roll level etc. So if you have a Dodge skill at 60% and you get a -10 modification, then your temporary effective Dodge skill is 50%. You roll against this new level with an un-modified d100. By changing the skill level, the chances of getting a fumble, a special or a critical result are also changed. They go up with a bonus and down with a malus.

    Looking at desktop\scripts\modifierstack.lua I see no obvious way of modifying the target number. The skill roll mechanics in \scripts\manager_action_skill.lua, for example, does have a rRoll.nTarget variable that represents the target number but you have no connection to the modifier stack in that script.

    I discovered this problem when I was coding a Physical Penalty mod that would affect all skills with a physical component. I managed to use the ModifierStack.addSlot function to add the mod to the modifier stack but the end result was not what I expected.

    Any ideas on how to solve this problem?


  9. #89
    The modifiers window and the modifier stack on the desktop are a general system that applies to all game systems. It is specifically set up to modify the rolls; not to directly modify target numbers which would be a different kind of modifier.

    If you flip the sign of the number for applying the modifier, then it should be equivalent to rolling with a reduced target number.


  10. #90
    Stollesson's Avatar
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    Peterb you might want to look at the "easy" and "difficult" function instead, they work as you describe.

    "Baseball isn't just a game, it's a metaphor for life. We dress alike, we follow the rules, we run in circles, there are winners and losers, and suddenly it,s over." Bizarro

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