1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Release Updates for June 22nd, 2021

    Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

    In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the modules window from Library->Modules, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

    Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

    The following products have been updated:

    Pathfinder 2 RPG Ruleset (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Issue with [HP ...] automation on items not operating correctly as carried state cycled.
    • [Fixed] 10 minutes exploration mode message indicated "encounter" not "exploration".
    • [Updated] Grouped list Add to PC buttons the same on the beginning and end of the record row.
    • [Added] Bestiary 3, Lost Omens Ancestry Guide and Azerketi Web Supplement to Campaign setup module options.

    Rolemaster Classic (Rolemaster Classic)
    • [Fixed] Combat Tracker labels not showing the complete label in FGC
    • [Fixed] Opening character sheet resets Senses field to the race default
    • [Fixed] Table Resolver Crit Mod doesn't reset if attacking the same enemy
    • [Updated] Story frame to use CoreRPG graphic

    The Pirates of Drinax (Traveller 2E (Mongoose))
    • [Fixed] Sun & Shadow Adventure now links to local Gazelle Class Close Escort instance in the 3.02 Spacebattle.
    • [Fixed] Book 1. Broken links fixed within Chapter 11.
    • [Fixed] Book 1. Missing Lyonesse III Spacecraft Image.

    13th Age Ruleset (13th Age)
    • [Fixed] NPC sheets are resizable again.
    • [Added] Ported GlobalDebug framework from PF2 ruleset into 13A and adding scoping functionality.
    • [Fixed] Ongoing damage was either not applied at all, or applied at the wrong time.
    • [Fixed] Incorrect labels for PD and MD on the combat tab of the character sheet.
    • [Fixed] Ability control in backgrounds tab not updating correctly.
    • [Fixed] Level/role control on NPC sheet clipping when text gets long.
    • [Fixed] Incremental Advances label on main tab of character sheet extending past frame boundaries.
    • [Fixed] Background list items were clipping controls in the window.
    • [Fixed] Cleaned up odd behavior in the interaction between the backgrounds tab on the character sheet, and the backgrounds tab in the party sheet. They are no longer as tightly linked as they once were.
    • [Added] 4E skill challenge window replaced with a skill/background window for triggering skill/background tests to one or multiple players at the same time, and allowing them to select the background to use.
    • [Updated] More 4e ruleset dependency-breaking.
    • [Removed] Unused link control in background items.
    • [Added] Drag/drop information added to races in core rules module.
    • [Added] Races and classes added to sidebar along with race and class window classes.
    • [Added] Drop/drop race assignment now supported in character sheet. Supports changing race via drag/drop as well.
    • [Added] Drag/drop information added to classes in core rules module.
    • [Added] Drag/drop character leveling initial work. Still in-progress, not yet enabled.

    Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Added] All remaining NPC treasure parcels for the bestiary
    • [Added] All remaining spell lists for the bestiary

    Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition Companion (Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition)
    • [Fixed] Added missing Clan Logos for Character Sheets
    • [Fixed] Clans now showing alongside other Clans in the Sidebar lists

    Alien the Roleplaying Game (Alien Roleplaying Game)
    • [Added] Ruleset manual now moved to Fantasy Grounds Wiki
    • [Added] Token module to core ruleset (delivered ahead of 2.0, documented here)
    • [Added] Prefix added to story groups (delivered ahead of 2.0, documented here)
    • [Added] Panic levels are tracked in the Combat Tracker. When Panic roll is made automatically after yellow die lands on the ALIEN symbol or manually via "Make Panic Roll" button next to the Stress tracker, if the character is on the Combat Tracker, effect marking the panic level will be added. Further panic rolls will update the effect as per the rules. If the panic roll results in panic level lower than the current one, the panic level will increase with one level.
    • [Added] When player receives or removes a condition on the character sheet, this is now reported in the chat if the character is claimed by a connected player.
    • [Added] When player drags & drops an effect from the FX library to the Critical Injuries frame, this is reported in the chat for the connected player
    • [Added] Hull Damage counter in character's ship sheet now behaves as PC Health - the maximum valid damage boxes are equal to the Hull value and the boxes are enabled/disabled dynamically
    • [Added] Two colonial marines desktop decals available in the base ruleset
    • [Added] Ship's Inventory enhanced with location & sorting capabilities as in PC inventory
    • [Added] Global languages - English, Russian and Chinese
    • [Added] Chinese decorative font for the Chinese language
    • [Added] Initiative rolls by default no longer allow duplicate values for combatants. Switch in Options "Initiative: Allow NPCs to share initiative" allows to turn this behavior on/off for NPCs. PCs will never share initiative unless manually overridden by the Game Mother (example: ship combat to group combatants to the ship’s initiative)
    • [Added] Receiving damage in combat now increases the stress with 1 point automatically
    • [Added] Character sheet enhanced with "Ship" tab that facilitates ship combat. Based on position assignment done by the Game Mother on starship Crew tab, the appropriate crew actions are displayed. Rolls are taking modifiers from ship parameters and armaments.
    • [Added] PC Ship sheet enhanced with "Crew" tab that facilitates ship combat from GM side in case of missing players or AI/NPCs taking certain crew positions. Rolls are taking modifiers from ship parameters and armaments.
    • [Added] Player ships and NPC ships can be added to combat tracker. Player starships are references with Hull and Armor being linked values for starships. NPC ships are instances that can be modified.
    • [Added] Pushed rolls that generate Panic Roll now trigger automatic roll on Panic table.
    • [Added] Initiative sub-menu in Combat Tracker to automatically roll all PC, NPC initiative and reset combat (clears initiative and resets combat round to 1)
    • [Added] Starship armor rolls can be made directly from the sheet
    • [Updated] If PC Ship’s Passengers, Thrusters and Armor display zero if value is cleared
    • [Updated] Active Equipment Frame in Combat tab updated with new gear information icon and extra column headers
    • [Updated] iAdd/iEdit/iDelete buttons adjusted across the Character/Ship Sheets
    • [Updated] Slow/Fast actions for PC can be now toggled by GM in the Combat Tracker
    • [Updated] Party Sheet with global currency list
    • [Updated] Starships library and sheet enhanced with links to AI/Armaments/Modules/Upgrades. Modules updated accordingly.
    • [Updated] Vehicle library and sheet enhanced with links to Vehicle Weapons. Modules updated accordingly.
    • [Updated] NPC sheet hides automatically the xenomorph-related values (Armor vs Fire, Acid Splash) when Type is not equal to XENOMORPH or OTHER.
    • [Updated] New icon for roll buttons based on the Alien RPG original Base Dice art
    • [Fixed] Party Sheet displays all currencies
    • [Fixed] Party Sheet Loot Manager builds the currencies list in the coin parcel section
    • [Fixed] Armor Rating roll from Party Sheet
    • [Fixed] Pushed attack rolls now appear in combat tracker as separate entry
    • [Fixed] Panic rolls can be pushed.
    • [Fixed] Typo in table names (delivered ahead of 2.0, documented here)
    • [Fixed] Console Error when reaction is rolled by the character while outside of combat tracker

    Destroyer of Worlds (Alien Roleplaying Game)
    • [Updated] Content update for Alien 2.0

    Chariot of the Gods (Alien Roleplaying Game)
    • [Updated] Content update for Alien 2.0

    Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Distant Realms (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] 0background picture

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background picture

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA
    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Age of Ashes AP 3: Tomorrow Must Burn (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] Added the Efficient Capture ability as an attack roll for easier usage.
    • [Updated] Modified to use the new PF2 automation effects for special abilities
    • [Updated] Created dynamic lighting elements

    Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Absalom (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background image

    Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Construct Handbook (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background picture
    • [Fixed] atk to reflect 1 standard action
    • [Added] description of all the special abilities (universal monster rule)

    Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Fixed] ATK of NPCS to reflect 1 standard action
    • [Added] Special abilities from the universal monster rule in full detain on the NPC sheet
    • [Fixed] npc ATK to reflect 1 standard action
    • [Added] complete description of all special abilities (including those listed in the universal monster rule)

    Sprawlrunners (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Fixed issue with Gifted Arcane Background missing (needed for Spirits)

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Added] special ability description in full (including universal monster rule) to the npc monster described in the book

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background picture
    • [Fixed] npc ATK: set to reflect 1 standard action
    • [Fixed] replaced a special character with a character that can be read in fantasy grounds for better readability
    • [Added] special abilities described in full, including universal monster rule
    • [Updated] linked monsters to the bestiary 1 (except for the classic monster represented in the books and the variant). this product will now require the bestiary 1 open for the wandering monster table to function properly

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: The Great Beyond - A Guide to the Multiverse (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background picture
    • [Fixed] NPC ATK to reflect 1 standard action
    • [Added] Special attack description (in full), including universal monster rules for better referencing

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background image
    • [Fixed] NPC ATK to account for 1 singled attack
    • [Added] special abilities description in the NPC stat sheet

    Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Dragons Revisited (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Fixed] NPCs ATK to reflect a standard action
    • [Fixed] minor typo
    • [Added] special abilities found in the universal monster rule directly in the NPC sheet for easier referencing.

    Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Chronicles: Into the Darklands (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background picture
    • [Fixed] replaced special character with proper character
    • [Fixed] atk in npc to reflect single attack
    • [Added] special abilities from the universal monster rule in the npc description for the "local" npc (those within the module)
    • [Updated] link npc (monster) to the bestiary 1, 2 and 4. the npc that are mentioned in the actual book are still within the module (not linked). Intellect devourer, for example.

    Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Removed] background image
    • [Fixed] changed a special character (not displaying) to a proper character that will display in fantasy grounds
    • [Added] added special abilities description to hawk familiar and caustic drake
    • [Updated] made a link to the bestiary 1-3 for the npc mentioned in the random encounter table. This is done to maintain accuracy of data for the monster statistics. for the table to function properly bestiary 1-3 need to be loaded

    Pathfinder RPG - Planar Adventures (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Updated] all the npc (except the new ones presented in planar adventure) are now linked to the bestiaries and other volume. for the random encounter table to function properly, someone has to have bestiary 1-6 activated, book of the damned, and horror adventure. This will keep npc updated properly by keeping them in one place (the book where they originate)

    Pathfinder RPG - Book of the Damned (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Fixed] one npc had the wrong family (qlippoth instead of daemon)

    Pathfinder RPG: Horror Adventures (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)
    • [Fixed] renamed one npc to have a proper name according to the rule established by paizo

  3. #3
    Starfinder RPG (Ruleset)
    • [Fixed] Damage calculation using effects of DR, RESIST, and IMMUNE
    • [Fixed] Spell damage adds the magic damage type so DR and RESIST will factor correctly
    • [Fixed] Error when characters attempted to change role
    • [Fixed] Entangled was not being factored correctly when appropriate. Would correctly be added to attack rolls, but shouldn't be on damage rolls. Expanded conditions that are already tracked to include this check as well.

    Vampire the Masquerade 5e (Ruleset)
    • [Added] Clan token images introduced by Companion module to allow them to load on Character sheet.

    Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden (5e)
    • [Fixed] Shapeshifting NPCs had Humanoid Only in the Spellcasting header and was causing issues with the spell parsing.
    Last edited by superteddy57; June 22nd, 2021 at 22:43.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  4. #4
    Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
    • [Added] CT combatants can be edited by opening records from shortcut link
    • [Added] Edit button added to combat tracker
    • [Added] Ungroup button added to combat tracker
    • [Added] PC sheet supports animal smarts
    • [Added] Built-in in support for Low Light Vision, Night Vision and Darksight visions
    • [Added] Vision and light effects can be defined into character item and abilities
    • [Added] Modifications fields for item records
    • [Added] Modifications fields for all armor types
    • [Added] Wild die can be defined for non-wild card character with effects framework
    • [Added] PC portrait right click option to whisper
    • [Updated] Combat tracker layout updated
    • [Updated] Add combatant to combat tracker group by dropping shortcut link into action card icon
    • [Updated] Combat tracker performance improvements
    • [Updated] NPC wild card status can be toggled with a click
    • [Updated] Vehicle's combat tracker wild card status will affects rolls made from the vehicle sheet
    • [Updated] Change combat tracker visibility, faction, identified and wild card values for all group member values by holding ALT down
    • [Updated] Lightning settings updated to match Savage Worlds rules
    • [Updated] Distracted, vulnerable, entangled, bound, stunned and the drop effects can be applied to other combatants from effects list
    • [Updated] Non-wild card NPCs can have bennies in combat tracker
    • [Fixed] Attacking PC vehicle uses characters's size. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Occasional script error when removing combatant. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Script error when toggling AFK. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Add all PCs to combat tracker does not work. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Script error when using light effect presents. Fixed
    • [Fixed] NPC numbering started with 2. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Combat tracker group removal was flunky. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Party sheet bennies field was updated with wrong information. Fixed
    • [Removed] Combat tracker group button removed. Groups can be managed with action card and combat tracker edit buttons, see above
    • [Removed] Combat tracker groups collapse feature removed for sake of simplicity and consistency
    • [Removed] Combat tracker extract from group by drag feature removed. Use combat tracker edit feature to extract combatants, see above
    • [Removed] Option "CT: Host controls client CT" removed for sake of simplicity and consistency
    • [Removed] Option "CT: Group members inherit leader's values" removed

    Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition
    • [Added] CT combatants can be edited by opening records from shortcut link
    • [Added] Edit button added to combat tracker
    • [Added] Ungroup button added to combat tracker
    • [Added] PC sheet supports animal smarts
    • [Added] Built-in in support for Low Light Vision, Night Vision and Darksight visions
    • [Added] Vision and light effects can be defined into character item and abilities
    • [Added] Modifications fields for item records
    • [Added] Modifications fields for all armor types
    • [Added] Wild die can be defined for non-wild card character with effects framework
    • [Added] PC portrait right click option to whisper
    • [Updated] Combat tracker layout updated
    • [Updated] Add combatant to combat tracker group by dropping shortcut link into action card icon
    • [Updated] Combat tracker performance improvements
    • [Updated] NPC wild card status can be toggled with a click
    • [Updated] Vehicle's combat tracker wild card status will affects rolls made from the vehicle sheet
    • [Updated] Change combat tracker visibility, faction, identified and wild card values for all group member values by holding ALT down
    • [Updated] Lightning settings updated to match Savage Worlds rules
    • [Updated] Distracted, vulnerable, entangled, bound, stunned and the drop effects can be applied to other combatants from effects list
    • [Updated] Non-wild card NPCs can have bennies in combat tracker
    • [Fixed] Minimum strength calculation does not work. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Attacking PC vehicle uses characters's size. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Occasional script error when removing combatant. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Script error when toggling AFK. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Add all PCs to combat tracker does not work. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Script error when using light effect presents. Fixed
    • [Fixed] NPC numbering started with 2. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Combat tracker group removal was flunky. Fixed
    • [Fixed] Party sheet bennies field was updated with wrong information. Fixed
    • [Removed] Combat tracker group button removed. Groups can be managed with action card and combat tracker edit buttons, see above
    • [Removed] Combat tracker groups collapse feature removed for sake of simplicity and consistency
    • [Removed] Combat tracker extract from group by drag feature removed. Use combat tracker edit feature to extract combatants, see above
    • [Removed] Option "CT: Host controls client CT" removed for sake of simplicity and consistency
    • [Removed] Option "CT: Group members inherit leader's values" removed

    Crystal Heart
    • [Updated] Compatibility update

    Deadlands: The Weird West
    • [Updated] Compatibility update

    Weird West Companion
    • [Updated] Compatibility update

    SWADE Minisettings
    • [Updated] Compatibility update

    • [Updated] Compatibility update

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