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  1. #21
    As I keep getting asked here, in PMs, and in discord privately and publicly - I do not believe this extension will be for sale again till next year sometime. Sorry, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Here is a quote on the earliest it might happen. And I say "might".
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  2. #22
    Sorry to hear that SilentRuin.. pity.. it looks like a really cool extension!

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    As I keep getting asked here, in PMs, and in discord privately and publicly - I do not believe this extension will be for sale again till next year sometime. Sorry, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Here is a quote on the earliest it might happen. And I say "might".
    As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never happened....is that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by SmackDaddy View Post
    As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never happened....is that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....
    The only behind the scenes stuff going on is people putting out lies about this being a "hoax" or "over". The only place I know of that was done was a private discord server where the owner apologized to me directly for implying it was all not true. However, if by "over" you mean DMsG has been directed by WOTC to jettison all .ext files as they are not licensed to be sold there - then "yes". It's over and done. When they will actually do this? Who knows. For sure new ones can no longer be put out there. It has NOTHING to do with publishers as anyone can use DMsG. Read the threads I've posted. Or the discord I've posted. Nothing has changed.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by SmackDaddy View Post
    As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never happened....is that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....
    Hi SmackDaddy, I'd like to respond on behalf of Grim Press and to clear up any confusion. We did not pull the Combat Groups Extension from sale, the DMsGuild did. Extensions that are not created specifically to support 5e modules are not allowed to be sold on the DMSGuild. We have been told that all existing extensions will be pulled form the DMsGuild if they do not meet this requirement, but we have no indication of when this will happen.

    We have discussed this at length on our discord. You are free join and read should it be of interest to you.
    Last edited by Grimlore; December 18th, 2020 at 20:01.
    Check out the Grim Press Website!
    See our FG releases on the Fantasy Grounds Store.
    We're also releasing content on the FG Forge.
    Join our community Discord server to engage with us directly: discord.gg/grimpress.

  6. #26

  7. #27
    ok, I hope to hear from you soon. This extension will be a gamechanger, for sure.

  8. #28
    I heard Rob2e was moving his extensions that were disallowed from DMSguild to drive-through-rpg I think.

    Hope that helps!

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by vaughnlannister View Post
    I heard Rob2e was moving his extensions that were disallowed from DMSguild to drive-through-rpg I think.

    Hope that helps!
    Honestly, I get told different things. SW has told me in FG forum threads I've linked, and via communications through Grim Press, that they DO NOT want .ext on DTRPG because of the accounting/licensing headaches. But who knows? I sometimes don't think anyone has a clear picture of what is allowed and what is not as I keep getting conflicting messages (such as yours telling me someone is putting .ext on DTRPG). I am - as I have been for 3 weeks - utterly confused. And more or less trapped in a hurry up and wait position.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  10. #30
    It was the DMSguild guys that contacted him directly about some extensions that should be moved to drive-through, so they might still contact you as well..?
    Hope this will clear up soon for you!

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