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Thread: 13A Bug Reports

  1. #161
    Verified and a fix was pushed for review.
    Dominic Morta
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  2. #162
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Couple of other things came up; both might be limitations of the ruleset, rather than bugs, but they were:

    (1) The cleric power "Turn Undead" says you make a roll adjusted by "WIS + CHA + LVL" - but the entry in the powers tab only does a single attribute plus level. We have made it roll off WIS and added the characters current CHA modifier manually (-1 for this character) as we couldn't see a way to have multiple attributes modifiers affect a power.

    (2) The class ability Heal says it can be used twice per battle - When copied into the power list, it doesn't "light up" in any way, and only has a single "tickbox" to track usage - is there a clever / automated way to note it has two uses? It seems to have that information in the library, but not sure if anything uses it.

    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  3. #163
    The first one looks like an issue with the parser on collecting more than one attribute. I would set a hotkey to create a mode of the player's wisdom to add before clicking on the roll button. This will add in the correct modifier for now. As for Heal, this is also relevant to other similar rulesets (ex 5E), when placed into action lists, it will most likely only set it for a single use. If you cycle to preperation, you can see a number box that will allow you to change the number of slots that will be available once you switch to combat.

    13th Age2.PNG

    13th Age1.PNG
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  4. #164
    On the main page, when rolling saving throws, EASY saving should succeed on 6+, NORMAL saving throws on 11+, and HARD saving throws on 16+. (by RAW)

    When rolling via the roll button, the success/failure description in the chat box does not match the correct interpretation of the roll (i.e. failure/success status is incorrect). What's more, the interpretation is inconsistent, that is, sometimes a roll of 14 will listed as success and sometimes it will be a failure (I cannot figure out rhyme or reason for this). This inconsistency happens with easy, normal. and hard save difficulties.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Grail Starseeker View Post
    On the main page, when rolling saving throws, EASY saving should succeed on 6+, NORMAL saving throws on 11+, and HARD saving throws on 16+. (by RAW)

    When rolling via the roll button, the success/failure description in the chat box does not match the correct interpretation of the roll (i.e. failure/success status is incorrect). What's more, the interpretation is inconsistent, that is, sometimes a roll of 14 will listed as success and sometimes it will be a failure (I cannot figure out rhyme or reason for this). This inconsistency happens with easy, normal. and hard save difficulties.
    I can confirm this bug. Through the use of the Manual Dice Roller, it seems that the difficulty toggle isn't doing anything, and it's locked into a Normal save. All saves currently FAIL on a 1-10 and all SUCCEED on an 11-20. If the toggle is set to Easy, it should succeed on 6-20, and if the toggle is set to Hard, it should fail on 1-15.

    Easy = 6+
    Normal = 11+
    Hard = 16+
    I primarily use FG for:
    13th Age
    Cypher (Numenera)

  6. #166
    I was able to track down what was causing it as it was not linked to the save roll. I will push a fix for this issue.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    I was able to track down what was causing it as it was not linked to the save roll. I will push a fix for this issue.
    Thank you so much @superteddy57! You're a rockstar!
    I primarily use FG for:
    13th Age
    Cypher (Numenera)

  8. #168
    Hi there!

    As you can see in the image, I think there must be an error in the 13th Age Reference Manual. The Armor Bonus for Sorcerers and Wizards should be +1, not +10.

    13th Age Wizard Armor.jpg

  9. #169
    Pushed a hotfix for this issue.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  10. #170
    Hi all,

    I've just tried to run my first combat in 13th Age since FGU was released (rather than the beta version) and it had lots of bugs that weren't there before:
    1) Every time I try to open a character sheet it throws up errors - it looks like it's looking for a reflex save, which 13th Age doesn't have? I had the same problem trying to make defences appear on the combat tracker.
    2) The combat tracker appeared odd - again, perhaps because it was trying to fit in a defence that wasn't there.
    3) Character wounds weren't showing up on the combat tracker, but did on the party sheet
    4) Defences values seemed to go a bit hay-wire, seemingly changing whenever somebody (including me) clicked into or out of a character sheet.

    It looks like it's trying to rely too heavily on the D&D4th rules, which it's based on - but I have no idea why it might be doing that. Can anybody help?


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