1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Niagara area, Canada

    FGU - Where would I find my FGU license key if it's not in my FG store :< ?

    I hate to be that guy, but I've just downloaded FGU and asking for the key, which I understand should be in the FG store, but I can't find it there.

    I backed the Kickstarter at the Rookie Upgrade - Ultimate level. Did I miss a step to 'link' the Kickstarter pledge with the FG Store?

    My apologies, knowing you must be getting a million questions around FGU. My thanks!


  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Blog Entries
    I just sent you your link. Your pledge was unclaimed on our system.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Niagara area, Canada
    Thanks Doug -- sorry for putting you and the gang through hoops :< .

  4. #4
    Hello =D
    I really hate to be that gal, but I have the exact same problem as the original poster here. Any chance you can help me too? I have no idea where to claim my kickstarter pledge.
    So sorry for the inconvenience!
    Thank you so much for your time in advance.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by LivaWilborg View Post
    Hello =D
    I really hate to be that gal, but I have the exact same problem as the original poster here. Any chance you can help me too? I have no idea where to claim my kickstarter pledge.
    So sorry for the inconvenience!
    Thank you so much for your time in advance.
    We'll see if ddavidson will see this, but you can visit support.fantasygrounds.com and reach out to our support staff as well.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  6. #6
    Thank you so much for a super quick reply!
    I have written to support now!
    Thank you for your time and help =D

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