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    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Pathfinder Playtest - Adventure products issues/defects

    We now have 4 Pathfinder Playtest products available in the Fantasy Grounds store - 3 Pathfinder Society scenarios (thanks to Gwydion) and the early access Doomsday Dawn campaign.

    These are all excellent products designed to get you introduced to the Pathfinder Playtest and involved in the upcoming story lines!

    Please post any issues with these products in this thread.

    Keep in mind that the PFRPG2 ruleset is an early access ruleset and is constantly under development, with many features not yet available. Some info on what is still to be developed here: Therefore, some features may not be possible in the released scenarios at this stage.
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  2. #2

    Doomsday Dawn: DD01-09.A10 Befouled Shrine Encounter (Spoiler!)

    Good morning. Reading the Paizo threads on Doomsday Dawn, I found a post by Jason Jacobs, the Creative Director talking about the encounter with Drakus the Taker in Room A10 in the Ashen Ossuary. The encounter has a stat block for a Giant Rat which was an error in printing. The encounter was intended to be a solo encounter. Jason stated that anyone running the adventure should ignore/remove the Dire (Giant) Rat. For the full text of the post, see below:

    Jason Jacobs, Creative Director

    TL;DR: The dire rat is not supposed to be there in the encounter; ignore it when you run "The Lost Star."

    Looks like this dire rat got into the text at some point during the secondary development pass for the adventure. Click below if you wanna see what caused it. (In any case, while the pretty unique set of circumstances that allowed this error to happen will be in place for some of the adventures for 2nd edition we'll be working on over the next several months, it's now something I know to be on the lookout for and, once we're officially in the era of the new edition, probably won't be a big issue...)

    Developing Doomsday Dawn was tricky, and was done in 2 passes. My first, more extensive pass was to make sure the whole book held together plot-wise, that the adventure flowed, was fun to read, and all of that, but also to do as much syncing up with the playtest rules as possible, since when the adventures were written during a few months before my pass started, the playtest rules were still very much in active creation mode. At the same time this was going on, the document got its first significant editing pass.
    Then, once I was done, the text went back to the design team for them to playtest the whole thing and to give the rules side of things a look over. Once that was done, the adventure entered a SECOND development phase where someone went through and incorporated all of the notes from the first edit pass and the playtest. It appears that it's at this stage that the dire rat made its appearance in the encounter—in the text turnover to layout at this point, the dire rat entry is even in a weirdly formatted font that doesn't match the rest of the text file; formatting that got normalized automatically as part of the importing of text into the final layout files to begin the last several rounds of editing.

    So... short and bitter version, it is indeed a copy/paste error that ended up in print. Sorry about that, all!
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  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    TL;DR: The dire rat is not supposed to be there in the encounter; ignore it when you run "The Lost Star."
    When was that posted? Because that hasn't made it into the official product update PDF.
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  4. #4
    Sorry... Its a pretty obscure "correction". It isn't in the errata so if you don't want to adjust it I completely understand. Its on the paizo forum. Here is a link and here is a screenshot to the actual post on the page.
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  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    Sorry... Its a pretty obscure "correction". It isn't in the errata so if you don't want to adjust it I completely understand. Its on the paizo forum. Here is a link and here is a screenshot to the actual post on the page.
    That's from the beginning of August, and they haven't put it in the errata. That's a bit of an oversight. I'll make a note of it in the area description.
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  6. #6
    Sounds good. Thanks!
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  7. #7
    Just a quick FYI for anyone following this thread who has any of the Pathfinder Society Playtest modules. I did notice that all of the pregens have been updated to reflect the rule updates. In particular, the untrained skills will change and I also noted some other items that are either changes or perhaps corrections. Once today's update is pushed, I'll start working to update all three Playtest modules to include the updated pregens and see if there is anything else I can add to make the modules more automated based on anything that is added to the ruleset by Trenloe.

    I'll get the updates submitted to Smiteworks as soon as I can. Thanks!
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    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    In particular, the untrained skills will change ...
    If the proficiency cycler is set at "-" (which is the default and standard for untrained) then FG will automatically update to use -4 plus level instead of -2 plus level for the untrained proficiency bonus.

    I'm anticipating a few players complaining when they next open their PCs...
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    If the proficiency cycler is set at "-" (which is the default and standard for untrained) then FG will automatically update to use -4 plus level instead of -2 plus level for the untrained proficiency bonus.

    I'm anticipating a few players complaining when they next open their PCs...
    Oh nice! Should have thought about that. I'll take a look when it is updated and see if there are other changes to the pregens before I touch anything. Thanks!
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  10. #10
    Ampersandrew's Avatar
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    Hi Trenloe, the second part of Doomsday dawn advises taking Ancient Osiriani, Auran, Gnoll because they might be useful.

    Lots of my players took ancient Osiriani, then one of the NPCs talks to them in Ancient Osiriani. So I tried to use it, it's not an available language. I had to faff about getting them to change it to Osiriani which is there so that some of them understood it and some didn't.

    I didn't see any way for the GM to add a language on the fly.

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