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  1. #1

    FGU and 49 inch Monitor


    I was on fantasy grounds friday and I mentioned that I have a 49" 4120 x 1440p monitor for FGU (fortunate i know - my wife needed it for working at home for the last year and a half).

    Anyway here it is - an image of the screen - for the curious . I usually reserve a third for Syrinscape and the rest for FGU

    49 inch monitor layout for FGU.jpg

  2. #2
    I still don’t know why people don’t have their maps in background mode. The performance issues are thing of the past in experience.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by andrewcr View Post

    I was on fantasy grounds friday and I mentioned that I have a 49" 4120 x 1440p monitor for FGU (fortunate i know - my wife needed it for working at home for the last year and a half).

    Anyway here it is - an image of the screen - for the curious . I usually reserve a third for Syrinscape and the rest for FGU

    49 inch monitor layout for FGU.jpg

    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    I still don’t know why people don’t have their maps in background mode. The performance issues are thing of the past in experience.
    I personally do not use it because I span FG over several monitors, while I prefer to have the map just on one monitor for better visibility

  4. #4
    I have my FG window split over two monitors so I like to keep mine in a window and keep map, chat and combat tracker on one screen, and char sheets, stories, etc. on the other.

    Definitely considering a huge one-monitor solution if I move from iMac Pro to MacPro at some point. The boundary/borders aren't too bad but it would be nice to eliminate them altogether.

    Cheers, Hywel

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    I still don’t know why people don’t have their maps in background mode. The performance issues are thing of the past in experience.
    I'm not sure what you mean by that. I tend to use the short cut keys to have the things I will likely need for the sessions (mine are only 2 hours in length) ready to go.

    I just dropped a couple of things on the desktop to give you an idea of size. I usually have only 3-4 things up at a time (more NPCs during combat).

  6. #6
    I will say that I think a 4K 32" monitor can also be a good option. I find that I quite like having more verticality than width after a point. I do have access to a 2k monitor that can rotate to provide that but at some point you do need to decide to be satisfied.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    I still don’t know why people don’t have their maps in background mode. The performance issues are thing of the past in experience.
    What the heck is background mode? Do tell.

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DM_BK View Post
    What the heck is background mode? Do tell.
    Top right corner of the image window is a up right arrow, click it. See what happens? Click it again, see what happens? Click the down left arrow.

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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by andrewcr View Post
    I will say that I think a 4K 32" monitor can also be a good option. I find that I quite like having more verticality than width after a point. I do have access to a 2k monitor that can rotate to provide that but at some point you do need to decide to be satisfied.
    That's my setup. Works very well, despite setting off the fans of my MacBook Pro. I just have to have a good font extension for reading.

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    I still don’t know why people don’t have their maps in background mode. The performance issues are thing of the past in experience.
    Everyone has their own way of working. I don't like having the map in the background because I don't want to have to keep moving stuff on top of it - and I use two monitors as others have said so having the map and combat tracker on one monitor and everything else on the other suits me much better. So there's no right or wrong way to use the map to the background thing. It's useful but not necessary to have the map on the background.
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