Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1

    5E - Aura Effects

    This extension is now being updated and handled by Bmos please see FORGE for the latest version.

    Other Bmos Creations can be found Here

    Original Extension information is outdated and will not be updated here. Some effects assume ownership of additional extensions.
    This extension is built to accommodate auras of any kind. Paladin auras, or even spell auras (such as spirit guardians). This is a relatively complex extension and will require some explanation and examples.

    I've added a few things in, mainly is the "AURA" effect, the other is an additional conditional helper "FACTION()"

    A few examples for how you would use this.
    AURA: 10 friend; Aura of Protection; SAVE: 5
    This will add a 10 foot aura around the person who has this effect, everyone within 10' will receive an effect "FROMAURA:Aura of Protection; SAVE: 5"

    Everything after the "AURA: #distanceInFeet auraType;" will be added to other tokens when applicable inside the distance prepended by "FROMAURA:"

    What this means is the paladin themselves will not gain a FROMAURA: effect, however the SAVE: 5 will still work for them as well.

    This is why I've added in the additional conditional type "FACTION()"

    For things like Spirit Guardians I've used it like this:
    AURA: 15 foe; Spirit Guardians; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVEO: wisdom DC 17 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 necrotic; (C)
    The IF: FACTION(foe) insures that the SAVEO and SAVEDMG do not affect the cleric who has cast the spell, while still allowing it to fire on the creatures that gain the effect as "FROMAURA:Spirit Guardians; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVEO: wisdom DC 17 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 necrotic; (C);" For this to work you'd also have to be using my ongoing saves extension.

    The following aura types are allowed:
    • friend
    • foe
    • all

    The following faction types are allowed:
    • friend
    • foe
    • neutral
    • faction

    One thing to note regarding faction types is you can also use the "!" operator before any of them to include all except for that type. "!friend" would be anything that's not in the same faction as yourself. The foe faction would also do the same thing, as it assumes neutral/faction type enemies are not your friends as well. I can be convinced to adjust this to only include the foe/enemy faction type (the red underlay on map) if that is preferred.

    This extension is still not fully tested, so do let me know if there are issues that anyone comes across.

    I've also added an option menu to silence the notifications about the effects which can be filtered based on aura type (we found that the paladin's aura was very spammy during play).

    NOTE: Presently if you're using token locking you must be on the 'test' build of FGC in order for this to work properly. If you're not using token locking then the current 'live' build is also fine. As of May 5, 2020 - FG v3.3.10 - Should be able to be back on 'live' for FG v3.3.11 Again this is only if you're using token locking.
    Version 0.4:
    - Base implementation of AURA effect type along with FACTION() conditional type.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by kentmccullough; August 5th, 2022 at 09:06.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Nice one.
    Have you added this one to your list? I just stickied your list rather than listing all your extensions a) out of laziness and b) I'm always running out of room in the sticky thread.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #3
    Yup, I've also added it to my list. I figured one list would probably be easier for you to manage anyway. Thanks for adding it to the sticky!

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Nice one.
    Have you added this one to your list? I just stickied your list rather than listing all your extensions a) out of laziness and b) I'm always running out of room in the sticky thread.
    oh, I updated the 5E extensions sticky... shoot me if you'd like

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    I'm having issues getting this extension to work, I copied the effects from your example (I've tried both with the ongoing saves ext), and gave the npcs the faction markers, but I can't get it to give them the "fromaura" effect.

  6. #6
    This looks amazing! I can't wait to try it out, but will be a few days before I can.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  7. #7
    Hot dang. Another one. This is awesome. Gonna try it tomorrow. Thank you.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ScriedRaven View Post
    I'm having issues getting this extension to work, I copied the effects from your example (I've tried both with the ongoing saves ext), and gave the npcs the faction markers, but I can't get it to give them the "fromaura" effect.
    You’ll have to move them on a map within the correct distance.

    Screenshots including the tokens on a map and the combat tracker showing the effects would be most helpful.
    Last edited by kentmccullough; May 5th, 2020 at 16:41.
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by kentmccullough View Post
    You’ll have to move them on a map within the correct distance.

    Screenshots including the tokens on a map and the combat tracker showing the effects would be most helpful.
    I tried that, but it didn't change anything. For testing I made a new campaign with aura effects as the only extension loaded (I used Lost Mines of Phandelver for simple pregens and maps). I added FACTION(friend) to the allies, and then added the sample aura you provided to the "paladin" while outside of the radius. I then moved the paladin into radius, and rolled some saves. It looks like it didn't parse in any of the initial information, and just gave the "paladin" SAVE: 5;
    1-Initial Set Up.jpg
    2-Effect Added.jpg
    3-Token with Effect Moved into range.jpg
    4-Save without changing turn order.jpg
    5-Change after changing turn order.jpg

  10. #10
    I couldn't get this to work for me either. I will test some more later tonight, and take screenshots if able too tonight. Thank you

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