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  1. #1

    5E Extensions by KentMcCullough

    Here's a list of links to all my extensions for ease of use in finding.

    I'm working on other extensions, and happy to accept requests (no guarantee that I'll do them) that are similar to the ones I've worked on already. I enjoy extending Fantasy Grounds to do more automation for things that don't exist yet.

    I'm going to be making future extensions, as well as some of these available exclusively on DMs Guild.
    Last edited by kentmccullough; August 20th, 2020 at 20:52.

  2. #2
    Your extensions are wonderful. They are the kind of extensions that you don't realize you absolutely need, until you used them once. Thank you for sharing and developing them!

  3. #3
    Thanks SirMotte, that's kind of the idea. It's the simple things that aren't handled yet by anything else that can make combat and automation just soo much easier.

  4. #4
    Your extensions look amazing. I can't wait to try most of them out. Will be a few days though.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  5. #5
    Kent - I want to say thanks for all your efforts. You are a beast cranking these things out and they help the QoL in playing so much. So, I just figured I'd say thanks - these are greatly appreciated!!

  6. #6
    Updated to add in new extension 5E Halfling Luck
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  7. #7
    Added new extension 5E Advantage Display to the UI extension list
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  8. #8
    Your productivity is very impressive. Your boss must love you! (Unless you write these during work hours, of course...)

    I have two questions, if you don't mind.

    1. Do you use Classic or Unity?
    2. Do you use the Combat Enhancer by Styrmir for whichever version of FG you use?

    I'm asking so I know if there is a good, or only a decent chance, that your extensions work with his.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  9. #9
    I use both, but most everything is written and tested in Classic.

    I do not use the combat enhancer extensions, and there may or may not be issues with it. I do know that my onturn effects doesn’t work with the Classic version of that extension.
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  10. #10
    Thank you for the prompt response.

    If you keep writing these awesome extensions, I might have to rethink my 'I won't play w/o the 5e Combat Enhancer" policy if the extensions don't play nice together.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

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