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  1. #1
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    5e Mystic Class and Psionics on the Actions Tab

    My group is just about to start Storm King and my DM has kindly allowed me to use the Mystic Class. I have downloaded Nickademus' module and can't thank him enough for his work. Fantasy Grounds doesn't seem to parse out the psionics Disciplines and Talents into the Actions tab as well as it handles spells. I've had to do a lot of hand manipulations of the data.

    I've attached a screenshot of how I organized the psionics on the Actions tab. I'd be interested to see how others have done it. It never ceases to amaze me how cleaver some people are in organizing their spells on the Actions tab - the same, I'm sure is the case for psionics. So, if you've arduously work though this process please share your thoughts.

    In the screen shot, note that I have separate Power Groups for each Discipline, but a single encompassing Groups for both Talents and Psychic Focus. Under each Discipline I've grouped the "sub disciplines". Most of the Groups are collapsed, but I have expanded out the Diminution and Restoration Disciplines as well as the Talent and Psychic Focus Groups. I also fully expanded the Microscopic Form sub discipline and one of Mastery of Weather Psychic Focus. Off to the right are the descriptions of each that are attached using the little Group Item's hyperlink (the little brown shield).

    After we've been playing a while, I'll revisit this thread with an update as to how well or poorly my grouping went.

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  2. #2
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    As a quick follow-up. I'll have to repeat this same arduous process every time my player character levels up as she acquires new disciplines and talents. It seems to me as though the proper parsing of these items could be handled quite well by an extension. I might consider giving it a go myself. Before that though:

    Is there anybody out there working on such an extension?
    And, from the Fantasy Grounds developers, is psionics parsing in the queue for implantation?

  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I'm not familiar with this class but from your screenshots those aren't spells so much as abilities, which might explain why they don't parse. Having said that it depends on the wording. If you can re-arrange the wording so that they are more akin to a similar(ish) spell then they would probably parse. The parser only picks up on certain key phrases so you'd have to experiment a bit.

    Edit: Note also that many spell effects are actually 'hard coded' into FG rather than automatically being parsed.

    Until or unless this kind of thing ever gets into an 'official' book of some kind I doubt that you'll see any automated parsing of them.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; July 11th, 2017 at 19:27.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  4. #4
    There are no plans to create support for Unearthed Arcana content at this time, though we may look at things from time to time. We prefer to focus our efforts on official rules content, when we have time to enhance a ruleset.

    I am working on a new beta v3.3.2, so if you build an extension, make sure to consider that any code you replace may be changing in the new version. Trenloe has suggested including a copy of any original scripts/classes you replace in an extension, so that you can compare with any updates. I think that's a good practice.


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    That's where he downloaded the module from
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thanks for documenting this. I'm not using the Mystic now, but who knows in the future. Will be a good reference.

    Might I suggest this be moved to the 5E forums so it can be found later a bit easier? Also might want to included it in one of the stickies.

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  8. #8
    Oh I didn't realize he was talking about organizing.

  9. #9
    rob2e's Avatar
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    I set it up similarly. A huge pain in the ***! But worth it, because automation is the coolest thing ever.

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  10. #10
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Thanks Zacchaeus, Moon Wizard, Nylanfs, LordEntrails, and rob2e for responding.

    It's good to know that unofficial content is not typically in the development queue. Had I thought about it a little more, that seems obvious.

    I haven't tried to do something like this before. An effect here or there is all. To have someone (rob2e) independently come up with such similar implementation leads me to believe I am on the right path.

    Thanks again guys for the kind and helpful comments.

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