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  1. #1101
    The only difference is that when attacking you still have the opportunity to get stunt points if you roll doubles. Other than that its just the same as a check vs. the defense target number. So I just set up the attacks in one of the morecore fields that accepts rolls, and I set up the damage at the top of the sheet in the attacks section. Seems to work fine that way, I just cant drag and drop the attacks on an enemy like I could if it was set up in the attack section, but that's no big deal.

  2. #1102
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timdog88 View Post
    The only difference is that when attacking you still have the opportunity to get stunt points if you roll doubles. Other than that its just the same as a check vs. the defense target number. So I just set up the attacks in one of the morecore fields that accepts rolls, and I set up the damage at the top of the sheet in the attacks section. Seems to work fine that way, I just cant drag and drop the attacks on an enemy like I could if it was set up in the attack section, but that's no big deal.
    Attacks was one of the first features of MoreCore. Way before Rolls. Rolls are so much more usable because they are far easier to add new ones and extend and you can create libraries of them and drag them to and from character sheets. Rolls will report targets etc as well but they cannot be dragged on to a target. Coding attacks to handle all those dice strings is well beyond my ability and would also prevent the different ways that people use modifiers (some modify dice result, number of dice or target number). Rolls are also present in the CT like Attacks. In many ways Attacks are redundant for many systems - Rolls work better - of course this is not true for all cases.

    What should the output wording look like?
    Im thinking I would change /stunt to use 2 black and 1 green (instead of red) dice and for /stuntdmg it would use black and red?

  3. #1103
    Honestly if rolls will report a result then they really already do what I need. I don't think you need to make any changes, because the damage is not a stunt roll it's usually 2d6 or 1d3 or something like that. As far as I know, damage rolls don't generate stunt points. Thanks for the help.

  4. #1104
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    Quote Originally Posted by timdog88 View Post
    OK so hopefully this will be an easy one. I am trying to set up characters based on the new expanse rules as found in the expanse quickstart. The expanse uses fantasy AGE rules as its base. I am having trouble setting up the attacks and damage in the attacks section. The pistol attack for instance should be 3d6 + 2, but it should be a /stunt roll, and when I try using the /stunt command in the attack section it doesn't seem to recognize it. I figured out how to do regular attacks and damage, so I Guess my question is: how should I set up attacks when the attack requires a stunt roll?
    Quote Originally Posted by timdog88 View Post
    The only difference is that when attacking you still have the opportunity to get stunt points if you roll doubles. Other than that its just the same as a check vs. the defense target number. So I just set up the attacks in one of the morecore fields that accepts rolls, and I set up the damage at the top of the sheet in the attacks section. Seems to work fine that way, I just cant drag and drop the attacks on an enemy like I could if it was set up in the attack section, but that's no big deal.
    Quote Originally Posted by timdog88 View Post
    Honestly if rolls will report a result then they really already do what I need. I don't think you need to make any changes, because the damage is not a stunt roll it's usually 2d6 or 1d3 or something like that. As far as I know, damage rolls don't generate stunt points. Thanks for the help.

    Im thoroughly confused.

  5. #1105
    Ha well I'm sure I'm not explaining it well. So, the attack(to hit) roll is 3d6 + modifier and can produce stunt points if doubles are rolled, while the damage roll is dependent on the weapon used and does not produce stunt points.

    Tl;dr- seems that morecore currently does what is needed with no changes.

  6. #1106
    Just got a report that the MoreCore ruleset is creating db.script.####.xml files on every load (courtesy of DB.backup API function). The backup is only called in other rulesets when the data structure of the campaign is being updated for new ruleset versions that assume a different data structure.


  7. #1107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Just got a report that the MoreCore ruleset is creating db.script.####.xml files on every load (courtesy of DB.backup API function). The backup is only called in other rulesets when the data structure of the campaign is being updated for new ruleset versions that assume a different data structure.

    Hi Moon Wizard what code would likely be triggering this?
    I see this on my MoreCore campaigns also...

  8. #1108
    DB.backup() API function is what triggers the script copy to be made. Just do a search for that function call; and figure out why it is getting called on every load.


  9. #1109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    DB.backup() API function is what triggers the script copy to be made. Just do a search for that function call; and figure out why it is getting called on every load.
    Hi Moon Wizard I think I have this resolved but I have to admit to being thoroughly confused by release and version numbers...

  10. #1110
    Hey damned. I've been modifying MoreCore to be used with All Flesh Must Be Eaten (AFMBE) and was wondering if I want to let others use it do I export as a module or save the MoreCore.PAk as a set used for this game? I've loaded skills, qualities and such and modified the /dsr die roll to facilitate the levels for the game and a template character sheet to use to create characters.
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