Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #31
    Second versions of the Raider's Warren, done in Jon Robert's style.

  2. #32
    NoGrid Versions

    I think I should get back to actually doing RotRL maps again

    Most of these have been side-projects for me to learn CC3.
    Last edited by kalnaren; March 15th, 2016 at 02:29.

  3. #33
    Cleaned up Foxglove Townhouse. Various symbols were on the wrong layer, re-did the path out front, changed the stairs so they look more like stairs, and a few other minor changes.

    Also exported them to a scale of 100px = 5'.

    Foxglove Townhouse Main Floor

    Attachment 14676

    Foxglove Townhouse Second Floor

    Attachment 14677

    Foxglove Townhouse Third Floor

    Attachment 14678

  4. #34
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Nice work, thanks for sharing!

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #35
    just a quick note, and im sure it is probably somewhere in the forums. is there a map program that can assist in making these maps without having too large of a learning curve? sorry if it sounds like if its been repeated in another thread.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by johntjamesonjr View Post
    just a quick note, and im sure it is probably somewhere in the forums. is there a map program that can assist in making these maps without having too large of a learning curve? sorry if it sounds like if its been repeated in another thread.
    You might want to take a look here:

    Depends on what quality you're going for. Some of the best maps I've seen were done with nothing but Photoshop; obviously the authors were very experienced with said program.

    Mine are almost entirely done in Campaign Cartographer and its various add-ons. I'd say it has a moderate learning curve, but I'm a computer guy through and through so my opinion there may be slanted. It's much more like a CAD program than a graphics program (which is perfect for me), with the biggest learning curve in figuring out the layers, symbol sets, and sheet effects.

    For example, here's Foxglove's townhouse without the sheet effects applied:

    Attachment 14681

    With the sheet effects it turns it into the image in the post above.

    In this case I've blended symbols from 3 different libraries as well as custom ones, but I've also gradually been learning CC3 for a while. Even as a beginner you could probably knock out that map (design-wise) in an afternoon once you learned your way around the program. Learning the style sheets is a longer process that's basically experimentation to find the effects you're looking for.

    I spent probably twice as long on the sheet effects for Falkwood Garrison on the previous page than I did on actually making the maps. Good news is you can save those settings and use them on different maps. The second and third floors of Foxglove's Townhouse are using those settings with a couple of basic tweaks. So a lot of that is experimentation. Like I said, depends on what quality you're going for. And there are adequate default style settings for CC3/DD3, if you're not looking to do more fancy things (EDIT: And I was just looking at the sheet effects for the ground floor, and they're default -I didn't modify those ones. So you could make a map that looks like that without doing anything but drawing walls, floors, and placing objects).

    (I should also point out I'm in no way an expert on this program).

    Dunjinni is an older one I've seen used to good effect, but I don't think it's supported any more, and doesn't have any style sheet stuff like CC3. Much easier to use drag-and-drop program though.

    I think some other people have used Maptools to create maps, though Maptools is designed to be used much like Fantasy Grounds.

    One thing I find I dislike about some of the easier-to-use programs is they align everything perfectly to the grid. You'll notice in my maps very few objects are actually aligned or rotated perfectly. IMHO that goes a long way into creating a good looking map. Of course, manually placing and rotating objects can take a map from tens of minutes to multiple hours. Though I will also admit my experience with other programs is limited.


    This is a pretty decent basic tutorial on CC3, if you want a brief idea of how difficult the program is.

    Out of all the ones I've tried over the years I think CC3 is probably the best. But your wallet is going to pay for it.
    Last edited by kalnaren; July 10th, 2016 at 22:08.

  7. #37

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    Thank you so much

  8. #38
    In case anyone wants to run the 'Hollow's Last Hope' adventure, available free from Paizo's website, here's the proper Dwarven Monastery map for that adventure.

    I may get around to doing the two dungeons from the followup, Crown of the Kobold King, at some point.

    100px = 5'.

    Last edited by kalnaren; November 27th, 2016 at 14:51.

  9. #39
    Does anyone happen to have the entire runelords adventure path as an FG module? I can provide proof of ownership.

  10. #40
    I've been toying with these ones for a while, decided to upload them as they are.

    This is the ground, second, and third floor of the Vanderboren Manor. I haven't done the cellar yet but will.

    Sorry for the large size, these are hosted on Imgur because attachments on the forum don't seem to be working correctly.

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