Deadlands Reloaded: Coffin Rock

Deadlands Reloaded: Coffin Rock
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Deadlands Reloaded: Coffin Rock


A Town Sliding into Hell!

The mining town of Coffin Rock, Colorado, is a seething cauldron of trouble.

The local soiled doves are a making a killing, some say ghosts walk the streets, and a mad serial killer is on the loose. And there's more, amigo! Lots more.

A group of outlaws have hatched a vengeful scheme to get even with the locals, a new preacher is stirring up trouble, and a mysterious shaman foretells dark tidings from the nearby hills.

All that stands between the town and more chaos than a twister in Kansas are a posse of strangers still dusty from the trail. Polish up your six-guns, dust off your Hoyle's, Fire up that flamethrower, and get ready for more Weird Western action than you can shake a tomahawk at!

Coffin Rock, better hope it doesn't put you in the ground!

Coffin Rock is a rootin' tootin' Savage Tale for the award-winning Deadlands RPG.

Requires: A Fantasy Grounds full or ultimate license, the Savage Worlds v3 Ruleset, Deadlands Reloaded Player's Guide module and the Deadlands Reloaded Marshalls module.

Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Ben Turner

(c) 2017 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Deadlands, Smiling Jack, Savage Worlds, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved.

The Savage Worlds Ruleset (Fantasy Grounds Conversion) by SmiteWorks USA, LLC, (C) 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Savage Worlds Ruleset format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC and Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Redistribution by print or by file is strictly prohibited.

Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks USA, LLC (C) 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Released on May 21, 2011

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.

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