The Derelict

The Derelict

A Tale of Terror for Call of Cthulhu by Sandy Petersen

The icy waters of the North Atlantic hold many secrets. One such secret is about to be discovered...

Despite the concerns and worries of life, a final voyage is being made on the luxury yacht, Delilah, taking the vessel from America to its new owner in England. What promises to be a pleasurable journey across the ocean waves descends into a desperate struggle for survival.

Set in the modern-day, - The Derelict is suitable for up to six players and can be played in a single session. Guidance is provided for helping the players to create a range of player characters.

A stranded vessel. The promise of a great reward. A mystery - filled with horror.

This product includes:

  • 6 pre-generated characters
  • Portrait pack
  • 9 images and maps
  • 39 story entries
  • 1 encounter
  • 3 NPCs and monsters
  • 2 vehicles with deck plans

By Sandy Petersen with Mike Mason

Cover Art and Interior Art by M. Wayne Miller

Cartography by Stephanie McAlea

Pre-Generated Characters by Ron McClug

Converted by:  Aleksandar Velkov

Requires:An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and a one time purchase of the Call of Cthulhu 7E ruleset.

This product is Copyright 2018, Chaosium & SmiteWorks USA, LLC. Used with permission from Chaosium. This products format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC.

Released on October 24, 2018

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.

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