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  1. #11
    Update 1.03
    Cleaned up issues with MoreCore and CoreRPG related to templates not present.

    This should clean up any lingering issues related to rulesets layered on CoreRPG that are not and 2e/5e.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  2. #12
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thanks for releasing this under the GNU GPL. Appreciate it a great deal.

    Forgive me if your video covers this, but had a few questions/concerns before I commit to implementing this and hope you'll take the time to reply;

    1) I'm not willing to sign up for Syrinscape (don't like subscriptions), I do have some sound files and game sound tracks and need advice on how to organize these on my computer.

    2) Can this be setup so that the sound runs on a different in channel in Discord? Not too concerned with one-shot sounds, but would like to do this for background sounds/soundscapes.

    3) Finally, any advice on bulk sets of sound files that we can download/import and have up and running in a relatively short time?

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #13
    The import isn't working for me.
    5e FGC. No other extensions loaded.
    Copy and paste from the CSV you linked to.

    COMMUNITY,fantasy,Realmsmith: The cold and the dead,rsac - The Cold and the Dead,Aprysh - Reunions,mood,,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6QXByeXNoIC0gUmV1bm lvbnM/play/,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6QXByeXNoIC0gUmV1bm lvbnM/stop/,https://www.syrinscape.com/online/fr...ds/61111/stop/
    COMMUNITY,fantasy,Realmsmith: The cold and the dead,rsac - The Cold and the Dead,The Hills,mood,,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6VGhlIEhpbGxz/play/,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6VGhlIEhpbGxz/stop/,https://www.syrinscape.com/online/fr...ds/61095/stop/
    COMMUNITY,fantasy,Realmsmith: The cold and the dead,rsac - The Cold and the Dead,The Barrows,mood,,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6VGhlIEJhcnJvd3M/play/,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6VGhlIEJhcnJvd3M/stop/,https://www.syrinscape.com/online/fr...ds/61096/stop/

    I get "*** AudioOverseer: Import Complete."

    Nothing shows up in Triggers, Collections, or the main Audio window.

    Version 1.03 btw

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnQPublic View Post
    The import isn't working for me.
    5e FGC. No other extensions loaded.
    Copy and paste from the CSV you linked to.

    COMMUNITY,fantasy,Realmsmith: The cold and the dead,rsac - The Cold and the Dead,Aprysh - Reunions,mood,,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6QXByeXNoIC0gUmV1bm lvbnM/play/,syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Q29sZC1hbmQtdGhlLURlYWQtMjI4Nzo6QXByeXNoIC0gUmV1bm lvbnM/stop/,https://www.syrinscape.com/online/fr...ds/61111/stop/

    I get "*** AudioOverseer: Import Complete."

    Nothing shows up in Triggers, Collections, or the main Audio window.

    Version 1.03 btw
    Open up the console by typing /console and see what is there after you try and import. The console must be up before you import. You'll note that your sounds all have commas in them giving an unexpected count of values.

    You've got 2 URLs listed there. IT's only expecting one. It also looks like the name of the sound also has a comma. The number of commas is really specific and must match the values listed on the import window.

    I open the CSV file in excel, copy the columns I want, paste into text editor, remove all commas (some descriptions had commas), replace tab with commas and then paste it all.

    Format expected:
    status, subcategory, product_or_pack, soundset, name, type, sub_type, genre_players_play_url
    OFFICIAL, dungeons-and-dragons, Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Tammeraut’s Fate, gos Tammeraut’s Fate i, Road to Uskarn, mood, , syrinscape-fantasy:moods/Z29zLXRhbW1lcmF1dHMtZmF0ZS1pOjpSb2FkIHRvIFVza2Fybg/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Drinking time, mood, , syrinscape-fantasy:moods/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjpEcmlua2luZyB0aW1l/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, A quiet corner near the fire, mood, , syrinscape-fantasy:moods/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjpBIHF1aWV0IGNvcm5lciBuZWFyIHRoZSBmaXJl/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Almost everyone's gone home, mood, , syrinscape-fantasy:moods/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjpBbG1vc3QgZXZlcnlvbmUncyBnb25lIGhvbWU/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Crowded and thrumming, mood, , syrinscape-fantasy:moods/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjpDcm93ZGVkIGFuZCB0aHJ1bW1pbmc/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Musicians play for mead, element, music, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1tdXNpY2lhbnMtYmVlcg/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Burps, element, oneshot, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1idXJwcw/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Kira laughs, element, oneshot, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1raXJhLWxhdWdocw/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Sandar laughs, element, oneshot, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1zYW5kYXItbGF1Z2hz/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Mead glasses clinking, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1tZWFkLWdsYXNzZXMtY2xpbmtpbmc/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Kira laughing, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1raXJhLWxhdWdoaW5n/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Sandar laughing, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1zYW5kYXItbGF1Z2hpbmc/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Happy rich murmuring, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1oYXBweS1yaWNoLW11cm11cmluZw/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Bright rowdiness, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1icmlnaHQtcm93ZGluZXNz/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Echoing happiness, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1lY2hvaW5nLWhhcHBpbmVzcw/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Manly men, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1tYW5seS1tZW4/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Fireplace, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjo1LWZpcmVwbGFjZQ/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Coins and other stuff, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1jb2lucy1hbmQtb3RoZXItc3R1ZmY/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Burps and drink noises, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1idXJwcy1hbmQtZHJpbmstbm9pc2Vz/play/
    OFFICIAL, general-fantasy, Friendly tavern - Free with Syrinscape Fantasy Player, Friendly Tavern, Chairs and bumps, element, sfx, syrinscape-fantasy:elements/ZnJpZW5kbHktdGF2ZXJuOjoxNy1jaGFpcnMtYW5kLWJ1bXBz/play/
    Last edited by celestian; February 1st, 2020 at 23:09.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Thanks for releasing this under the GNU GPL. Appreciate it a great deal.

    Forgive me if your video covers this, but had a few questions/concerns before I commit to implementing this and hope you'll take the time to reply;

    1) I'm not willing to sign up for Syrinscape (don't like subscriptions), I do have some sound files and game sound tracks and need advice on how to organize these on my computer.

    2) Can this be setup so that the sound runs on a different in channel in Discord? Not too concerned with one-shot sounds, but would like to do this for background sounds/soundscapes.

    3) Finally, any advice on bulk sets of sound files that we can download/import and have up and running in a relatively short time?
    Hello! Got some answers.
    1) the video covers this, but yes, you can use vlc player to play sounds which you can play through your mic using some player that plays through your mic or on a different channel. It can be done, but the video doesn't cover how.

    2) the solution I use is running two discord accounts on my pc and playing my sounds through a virtual audio output. So have my second account to use that as sound input.

    3) I'm not a big fan of subscriptions either, but you can also just purchase sound packs on syrinscape and use that instead of paying for subs. I just got a few I really liked.

    Now some honest opinion if you plan to use discord for background music : it really lowers the quality of sounds that are played for over 10 seconds to minimize network usage. Some music can get really crappy, if you use a different channel you will notice the quality dropping after a few seconds. Maybe if you pay for that discord plus or something, but then again...subscriptions.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Thanks for releasing this under the GNU GPL. Appreciate it a great deal.

    Forgive me if your video covers this, but had a few questions/concerns before I commit to implementing this and hope you'll take the time to reply;

    1) I'm not willing to sign up for Syrinscape (don't like subscriptions), I do have some sound files and game sound tracks and need advice on how to organize these on my computer.

    2) Can this be setup so that the sound runs on a different in channel in Discord? Not too concerned with one-shot sounds, but would like to do this for background sounds/soundscapes.

    3) Finally, any advice on bulk sets of sound files that we can download/import and have up and running in a relatively short time?
    In the video I mention and show how to configure a VLC local file. I don't use them a lot mostly because the mechanics of that is pretty limited. You are basically just opening a file in windows with whatever default app is set to open up *.wav or *.mp3. So, it's really only useful for 1 shots.

    VLC allows you to set the output sound device. You should be able to use cleanfeed (free) or point it at a secondary copy of discord. As Dr0w says tho, discord sound quality is horrible and if you use it to play ambient music it'll sound like a string and tin cans.

    As far as controls within FG for sound, there are none. Can't set anything related to sound devices, only that the string is pushed out via a URL and something else handles it 100%. If you can find a sound program that utilizes urls other than Syrinscape I'll take a look and see if it can be setup to work.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  7. #17
    And to be fair, a Syrinscape subscription gives you all the products you are subed to for the months you are subed. I have thousands of sounds that are mine to use without a sub at this point.
    "Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."...MJK... Tool frontman

  8. #18
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thanks DrOW and Celestian. I've been playing around as I already have a few dozen local sound files. Thanks for the info on Discord. I'm more interested in one-shot sounds, but figured ambient would be nice too. I'm not opposed to Teamspeak, but already using Discord for most things.

    I like all the fields in the sounds, but I'm not sure what should go into each field. Does anyone have a short paragraph or few sentences with examples of what goes best in each one? For instance, what do people put in a "Pack" vs a "Set"? Or "Category" and "Type"?

    Screen Shot 02-02-20 at 09.18 AM.PNG

    Quote Originally Posted by madman View Post
    And to be fair, a Syrinscape subscription gives you all the products you are subed to for the months you are subed. I have thousands of sounds that are mine to use without a sub at this point.
    I'm not sure I understand... are you saying that you get copies of the Syrinscape sound files? So that if you subscribe for a month or two you can then get/download a bunch of sound files?

    Also on Syrinscape, so I can do a one-time purchases of sound packs and then just use a 'free' account or such going forward?

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I'm not sure I understand... are you saying that you get copies of the Syrinscape sound files? So that if you subscribe for a month or two you can then get/download a bunch of sound files?

    Also on Syrinscape, so I can do a one-time purchases of sound packs and then just use a 'free' account or such going forward?
    I believe how it works is you own all soundpacks that come out during your subscription, in addition to any you outright purchase. So, for example, if you subscribe during Jan, Feb, and March, and then cancel, you own and can still use soundpacks released during those months, but lose access to ones from Dec and earlier, unless you buy those separately. The Syrinscape program itself is free to use.

  10. #20
    For syrinscape sounds you own, if you use the Fantasy or Sci-Fi players, it will download the audio files to disk. But they are not in a really helpful format. You have to find the Syrinscape data store in your appdata folder, and none of them are stored with any recognizable names. You would have to find and rename all the sounds yourself.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

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