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  1. #1631
    I made an extension for a homebrew game using MoreCore. It is based on World of Darkness V5 and Chronicles of Darkness. Has anyone created and extension that opens up Hero Points for everyone to see on the photos at the top right? My players should see what everyone has, like I can.

    I have narrowed it down to what file I need to edit, but didn't want to remake the wheel.
    Last edited by frostbyte000jm; August 20th, 2019 at 22:25. Reason: forgot comma and I typed too quickly. It didn't use words guud.

  2. #1632
    You could make an extension real quick, this one would be really easy. The Downside to an extension is that if there were any option changes, you would lose out on them. If you want to fix this real quick you can crack open the ruleset and add it.

    Here are the 3 changes you would need to make:
    1) Navigate to: scripts\data_options_morecore.lua
    Search: -- options for Init Dice Size in Combat Tracker --
    Replace Labels = line with:
    { labels = "option_val_MCC_d100|option_val_MCC_d20|option_val _MCC_d12|option_val_MCC_2d10|option_val_MCC_d10|op tion_val_MCC_d8|option_val_MCC_2d6|option_val_MCC_ d6|option_val_MCC_d4|option_val_MCC_d0", values = "100|20|12|2d10|10|8|2d6|6|4|0", baselabel = "option_val_MCC_d10", baseval = "10", default = "10" });

    2) Navigate to: strings\strings_morecore.xml
    Search: <string name="option_val_MCC_d6">d6</string>
    Add this line (above only because I am OCD): <string name="option_val_MCC_2d6">2d6</string>

    3) Navigate to: scripts\manager_combat2.lua
    Search: "elseif sMCInitDice == "2d10" then" (without quotes)
    Copy from that line to the line above else below it (lines 48 - 64)
    Paste that section on line 65
    change every 10 to a 6, between lines 65 to 81.

    Hope this helps and he adds it to next update.
    Last edited by frostbyte000jm; August 20th, 2019 at 23:08. Reason: because it didn't tag who I was replying to.

  3. #1633
    damned's Avatar
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    I will add the extra init option soon.
    you can also add a /myinit 2d6 roll to each char sheet and the players roll as required.

    Publicly visible Hero Points should be doable. Not sure if it should be an option or in an extension?

    Quote Originally Posted by meguido View Post
    Hello damned

    /pool #d# = add dice to the dice pool

    Possible to create an option at the dice pool ? and how create an option ? Help

    remove dice to the dice pool ?

    Not easily in a foolproof manner.
    Each time you add dice FG stores them in a slot.
    And it stores where those Dice came from in the slot too - eg Strength, Flanking, Battle Ave + 1, Weapon Mastery.
    If you subtract dice what slot does it subtract them from?
    what if you had 4d6 and 2d8 and you subtracted 3d8? What would happen?

    In saying that - you can do it in an extension for a system you know is using one dice type.
    Someone - cant recall just now - wrote an extension where they count all the dice and operate from that number rather than the slots.
    It is on my lost to see how that might be incorporated into MoreCore...

  4. #1634
    I am pretty sure I could just change something in scripts\manager_charlist_heropoints.lua -- function updateWidgets(sIdentity) in an extension, but wasn't sure if someone already came up with a solution and didn't have a chance to figure out what exactly.

    Turning it into an option would be awesome and would work for me. Thank you for such a useful ruleset.

  5. #1635
    Is there a Star Wars extension for Morecore?
    In the basic morecore for the first time and learning it with the help of the vidoes, and trying out the WEG code (WEG d6: /weg 1d6+#d1006 (West End Games d6)

    The issue im having is that my wild die seems to always be connected to the 2nd die and not the red die.

    After a few more rolls, it also connected with the 1st die. But never the one i want (only the red)
    Last edited by Valekk; August 28th, 2019 at 13:16.

  6. #1636
    damned's Avatar
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    You write 1d6+#d1006 in your post but all your screenshots are #d6+1d1006...
    The d6 is the wild die.
    I know you want the red die to be the wild die but there are reasons why this is not so.
    The d6 is the wild die so there should be only 1d6.

  7. #1637
    Morning Damned,

    When I use that, this is the result I get.

    If i wanted Dex on this test to be say 3d6 with one of those being wild. What code should I use?

  8. #1638
    # must be the number of dice you want to roll.
    Imagine you are rolling DEX 3D, then if you write 1d6+2d1006 you'll roll 1 wild die and 2 regular dice.

  9. #1639
    Quote Originally Posted by pendragon2009 View Post
    # must be the number of dice you want to roll.
    Imagine you are rolling DEX 3D, then if you write 1d6+2d1006 you'll roll 1 wild die and 2 regular dice.
    Thanks Pendragon!
    I was reversing the wilddie and other die. I didnt care which was red, as long as the wild die was a different color then the others so people would know which is was. This is perfect. Thanks to you both.

    Learning this for Star Wars D6 and World of Darkness. Very excited.

  10. #1640
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