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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    MoreCore Ruleset

    MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.61d 20210314). This generic ruleset adds features and flexibility allowing you to play more game systems.

    This product has been moved to the Forge the link at the bottom continues to work for those on Classic.

    This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward. Additional thanks to superteddy57, celestian, Trenloe, mcortez, kelrugem, Moon Wizard, frostbytejim, Mach5RR and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Frostbyte, Sibelius, Trenloe, Imiri, Myrddin, rstrahan, ahoggya, superteddy57, mcortez, David Stitt, thwright, trobadork, SmileyMan, rpotor, opilio, Brotherkelly, Old Scouser Roleplaying, donbwhite, damned and ianmward.

    DicePool and much other goodness by ianmward.
    Roll Parameters by mcortez.

    Special thanks to mcortez for his work on Parameters and to superteddy57 for his work on incorporating Trackers into Rolls and of course to ianmward for making the really complicated bits work.

    Version 1.60 released 2021019.

    MoreCore was built to add more features to CoreRPG. MoreCore is a very flexible and powerful ruleset allowing you to play many different RPG systems with little or no coding. If you want to tailor your table even further you can create an extension to customise things further.

    MoreCore includes enhanced Combat Tracker, enhanced Character (PC) Sheets with Rolls, Attacks, Trackers, Hero Points etc, enhanced NPC sheets, Organisations and Locations. Rolls really are the core feature of MoreCore.

    Find MoreCore doco can be found here: and you can access this page in-game using /morecorehelp
    Find MoreCore Themes here:
    Find MoreCore Character Sheets here:
    Find MoreCore Extensions here:
    MoreCore Developer Tutorials
    Using MoreCore

    If you are playing a game system that does not have a full Fantasy Grounds ruleset developed for it consider trying MoreCore.

    EDIT: 1.29 20161107 Fixed /export for 3.2.0 (thanks Imiri for the report) (44)
    EDIT: 1.30 20161116 Minor updates for 3.2.1 and better support for customising to your favourite game system
    EDIT: 1.31 20161116 Minor customising updates (6)
    EDIT: 1.32 20161119 Updates to Rolls support for Modifiers and Tables, updated User Guide (12)
    EDIT: 1.33 20161123 Rolls display different Icons for Rolls, Modifiers, Tables and Chat (44)
    EDIT: 1.34 20161203 Abilities Library, New /rollunder diceroller, transparent tooltips for Rolls (48)
    EDIT: 1.36 20161221 More Rolls and other tweaks /qin, /hitos, /conan, /thac0, /saving (39)
    EDIT: 1.37 20170103 More Rolls, More Character Sheet Options, NPC Rolls on Combat Tracker (136)
    EDIT: 1.38 20170204 More Rolls, Small Fixes (230)
    EDIT: 1.39 20170424 Lots more rolls (Coriolis, Champions, Lot5R, DSR, Pendragon, Talislanta and more) plus some other new features. (236)
    EDIT: 1.40 20170909 Bugfix for rollunder. Added rollundersmod and rollunderdmod, where the modifier box adjusts the success level or number of dice rolled, respectively. rollunder: modifier box adjusts the success level target. edies: modifier box adjusts the success level target. GM can now edit the "Order" field in the Combat Tracker. (289)
    EDIT: 1.41 20180101 Stunt Dice, Roll Low, Bethica RPG (241)
    EDIT: 1.42 20180227 Added Dice pool Tray (ianmward, Dice Pool Slash Commands, TDE/DAS Rolls, Can set Init Asc or Dsc (214)
    EDIT: 1.43 20180424 New Rolls for Torg, Ave, Vagrant, The Dark Eye, Metamorphosis Alpha. New Spells options. New NPC options. (279)
    EDIT: 1.44 20180627 New Rolls for Tiny, Powers and Perils, Conan. New Organisations and Locations. XP Tracking. New Initiative Options. (183)
    EDIT: 1.45 20180801 Compatibility for 3.3.6, new rolls for West End Games d6, Unisystem, 2300AD, BattleTech, Fragged Empire. Additional Initiative Options. (214)
    EDIT: 1.46 20180915 New rolls for Wrath & Glory, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Chronicles of Darkness, 7th Seas and tweaks to many others. Even more Initiative options. (339)
    EDIT: 1.47 20181117 Roll Parameters (mcortez), Moved Flip Frames to MoreData tab, New rolls for Thac0 and B/X Extension, Spells are incomplete in this build* (192)
    EDIT: 1.48 20181223 Spell Trackers, Spell Points, remove spells, extra Rolls (244)
    EDIT: 1.49 20190128 New Trackers, Integrated Rolls/Trackers, New Rolls (198)
    EDIT: 1.50 20190211 Additional Damage and Attack Rolls (394)
    EDIT: 1.51 20190428 Additional Rolls, Tweaks to Roll Parameters (1236)
    EDIT: 1.52 20200115 Additional Rolls, New Custom Target Modifiers, New Skin (41)
    EDIT: 1.53 20200115 (318)
    EDIT: 1.54 20200315 New Rolls, Kelrugems keladvantage/keldisadvantage, World Builder, Investigator, Dear Diary, Minimum (and negative) Values for Trackers, Reverse Trackers (753)
    EDIT: 1.55 20200416 New Rolls, Trackers can use Paramaters, World Builder, Investigator, Dear Diary, Fix Experience, Extra Slots in Dice Pool, Fix Abilities Export (547)
    EDIT: 1.56 20200516 Added Drag and Drop Races, Character Advancement Log, updates to World Builder (216)
    EDIT: 1.57 20200601 Roll Updates, Bug Fixes (162)
    EDIT: 1.58 20200614 Roll Updates, Bug Fixes (225)
    EDIT: 1.59 20200630 Roll Updates, Player Agency Updates, Bug Fixes (1008)
    EDIT: 1.60 20201019 Unity Dice Roller supported with /die, basic calculations by FrostbyteJim and fixes to CT Display by Mach5RR (1178)
    EDIT: 1.61a 20210219a Compatibility with new CoreRPG build - changes courtesy of the Big Kahuna Moon Wizard
    EDIT: 1.61b 20210220 Compatibility with new Classic for /die rolls
    EDIT: 1.61c/d/e/f 20120314 Unidamage roll, NPC fixes and other bug fixes. (566)
    EDIT: 1.62 Consumable Rolls, exaltedx, remove Locations and Organisations

    If you cannot see the file to download - scroll right to the bottom of the screen and on the left set the theme to FG Responsive then the file should be just below this message.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    The current dice strings are:

    2300AD: /ad2300 1#d10+# (roll 1d10 + modifiers. Reports levels of success.)
    AFMBE: /afmbe 1d20+# (roll 1d20 + modifiers)
    ArsMagica: /arsmagica 1d10+# Rolls base stress die that will explode on 1's and give 10 as botch. Use Modifier box for adding in the other components for the equation.
    Aventure: /ave #d# (roll #d#+# a natural under 5 is a critical success and a natural over 95 is a critical failure)
    Bane: /bane #d# (roll #d# and add the highest value as a -mod to the modifier tool)
    Boon: /boon #d# (roll #d# and add the highest value as a mod to the modifier tool)
    Black Crusade: /blackcrusade 1d100x# (hash is difficulty, results in degrees)
    Chronicles of Darkness: /cod #d10 (roll #d10, count dice above 8, subtract 1s, use Modifier box to add additional dice)
    Conan: /conan 2d20x#y# (roll 2d20+skill+specialisation, each dice equal or under skill is a success, each dice under specialisation is an additioanl success, modifiers increase the number of dice)
    Crom: /crom #d6 (roll #d6, 1s, 2s count for damage, 5s, 6s count for effects, modifiers increase the number of dice)
    Bethica Feat: /bfeat 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod and compare to difficulty table - Realms of Bethica)/bsave 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bspell 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bcleric 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/breaction 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/branged 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bmelee 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/btalent (description only - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/btechnique (description only - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Save: /bsave 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Spell: /bspell 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Cleric: /bcleric 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Reaction: /breaction 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Ranged: /branged 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Melee: /bmelee 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Talent: /btalent (description only - Realms of Bethica)
    Bethica Technique: /btechnique (description only - Realms of Bethica)
    Champions: /champions # (use OCV for # to determine DCV success)
    Champions Kill: /ckill #d6 (roll #d6 for Body damage + 1d6 to determine additional body damage)
    Champions Skill: /cskill c#s# (roll equal or under 9+characteristic/5+skill on 3d6)
    Champions Stun: /cstun #d6 (roll #d6 for Stun and Body damage)
    Coriolis: /coriolis #d6 (roll #d6 and count 6's as successes)
    Roll Dice: /die #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
    DBDamage: /dbdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
    Dead Simple Roleplaying: /dsr 1d20+# (roll 1d20+modifiers - 15 or better is success, 11 or better is a near miss)
    Earthdawn: /earthdawn # (roll #d6 and explode, count successes and failures)
    Exploding Dice: /edie #d# (roll #dice and explode)
    Exploding Dice Successes: /edies #d#x# (roll #dice and explode, count results above # as successes)
    Exploding Dice **New**: /explode #d#+# (roll #dice and explode, accepts modifiers)
    Factor12: /factwelve #d12+# (roll #d12+mod)
    Fragged Empire Check: /frag 3d6+# (roll 3d6+mod - fragged empire. Reports highest level of Success attained.
    Gumshoe Attack: /gsattack (optional # target) (Gumshoe System - 1d6 vs # - accepts modifiers from modifier stack)
    Gumshoe Damage: /gsdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
    Gumshoe: /gumshoe # (Gumshoe System - 1d6 vs # - accepts modifiers from modifier stack)
    Harn: /harn 1d100x# (roll dice to determine success level given an Effective Mastery Level)
    Harn Skill: /harnskill x#y# (roll 1d100 to determine success level given a Mastery Level and Penalty)
    Healing: /heal #d#+# (need to ctrl-drag to apply negative damage)
    Hitos: /hitos # (roll 3d10, the middle number must equal or beat #)
    Infinity: /infskill #d20a#e#f# rolls #d 20's, each result under a# + b# is a success, and rolls under f# generate an extra success. Extra dice can be added via Modifier box.
    Ironsworn: /iron 2d#+1d#+# (roll 2d# challenge dice against 1d# action die and add # modifier to action die. Also accepts 2d# action dice.)
    Kult: /kult 2d10 (roll 2d10+#, roll 2d10+modifiers and compare to table)
    Metamorphosis Alpha Mental Resistance: /mamen # (roll 3d6+Mental and compare to Mental Resistance)
    Metamorphosis Alpha Weapon Attack: /maweapon # (roll 1d20 and compare roll + weapon against Armour Type)
    Masterbook RPG: /mbook 2d10#, (roll 2d10 exploding on 10's, total result compared to MasterBook Bonus Chart, bonus from chart added to # (which can be skill or attribute)
    Initiative: /myinit #d#+# (roll #d#+# and set as your Initiative)
    Order Results: /orderresult #d# (roll #d# and order results)
    Powered by the Apocalypse: /pbta #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
    Powers and Perils: /pnp # (roll #d6 and count 6's, modifiers add dice)
    Pendragon: /pendragon # (roll 1d20 equal or under target #, equal target is Critical Success, 20 is Fumble)
    Qin - Yin Yang: /qin (Qin Yin/Yang dice)
    Drop Lowest: /rolld #d#x# (roll #dice drop # lowest)
    Drop Highest: /rolllow #d#x# (roll #dice drop # highest)
    Roll Over: /rollover #d#x# (roll #dice and count #-, accepts extra dice from modifiers)
    Roll Under: /rollunder #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the target success level)
    Roll Under (Mod Successes): /rollundersmod #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the final number of successes)
    Roll Under (Mod Dice): /rollunderdmod #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the number of dice rolled)
    Roll and Keep: /rnk #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest #)
    Roll and Keep Damage: /rnkd #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest # of type damage)
    Roll and Keep Katana Damage: /rnkd #k# (roll #d10 explode on 9 and 10 and keep highest # of type damage)
    Roll and Keep Expertise: /rnke #k# (re-roll 1s once and then explode 10s)
    7th Sea: /seventh #d10 (roll #d10, modifiers add dice, create sets of 10)
    Stunt Dice: /stunt # (roll stunt dice and add optional modifier)
    Saving Throw: /sthrow #d#+#<># (roll dice and equal or higher/lower for success)
    Shadowrun 4: /srun4 #d6x# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fails] and limit Successes by x#)
    Success/Fail: /sfdice #d#s#f# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fail])
    Count Successes: /successes #d#x# (roll #dice and count #+)
    Symbaroum: /symb 1d20x# (roll equal/under target)
    Talislanta: /talislanta 1d20+# (roll 20+ Critical Success, 11-19 Full Success, 6-10 Partial Success, 1-5 Failure, 0 or less Mishap, accepts multiple modifiers)
    thac0: /thac0 1d20+#x# (roll 1d20+mod, x# is characters THAC0 value). Will compare against targets Defense.
    Tiny: /tiny 2d6 (roll 2d6 and count 5s and 6s as a success, modifiers add/subtract dice min 1 dice, max 3 dice.)
    Torg: /torg [optional: trait value] [optional:[u|p]#] (Torg action check: roll 1d20, exploding on 10s and 20s. If the second option is included, the number is added to the die roll as an [u]p or [p]ossiblity roll - ex: /torg 8u5, /torg 10p13. Look up the final die roll on a bonus chart, and add to the [trait value], along with any modifiers)
    Torg Unskilled: /torgu [optional: trait value] [optional:[u|p]#] (Torg unskilled rolls: works the same as /torg, but rolls of 20 don't explode)
    Torg Bonus: /torgbd # (Torg bonus dice: roll #d6, on a roll of 6 (infinity symbol), 5 is added to the total and the die re-rolled. The # may be ommitted, defaulting to 1d6)
    Traveller: /trav 2d6+# (Traveller roll 2d6+mod)
    Tunnels and Trolls: /trolls # (First click on Attribute modifier [ex Strength 16 /mod 16] and then the Trolls Difficulty Level Roll [eg 1-6])
    Ubiquity: /ubiquity #s# (roll #d#, evens count as successes, use Modifier box for additional dice)
    Unisystem: /unisystem 1d10 (Results of 1 and 10 explodes, subtracting or adding an additional d6-1)
    Vagrant: /vagrant +# (make a beat-the-odds roll with # bonus/malice dice - Age of Legend)
    WEG d6: /weg 1d6+#d1006 (West End Games d6)
    Witcher RPG: /witcher 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
    Witcher Attack: /witcherattack 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice, hit location on humans, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
    Witcher Monster: /witchermonster 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice, hit location on monsters, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
    World of Darkness: /woddice #s# (roll #d10, count dice above #, subtract 1s, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
    Wrath and Glory: /wrath #d6 (roll #d6, first dice is a red Wrath Dice, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
    Wrath and Glory Damage: /wrathdmg #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)
    Wrath and Glory Brutal Damage: /wrathdmgb #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)
    SpellPoints: /spellpoints # decrements the Spell Points by #
    Last edited by damned; January 28th, 2019 at 15:05.

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Ability: /ability (description only)
    Cleric: /cleric (description only)
    Monstrous Trait: /mtrait (description only)
    Spell: /spell (description only)
    Wizard: /wizard (description only)
    Flame: /flame (description only)
    Fireball: /fireball (description only)
    Pentagram: /pent (description only)
    Druid: /druid (description only)
    Bard: /bard (description only)
    Necromancer: /skull (description only)
    Trait: /trait (description only)
    Modifier: /mod # (adds entry to the Modifier box, accepts negatives)
    Tables: /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> <-hide> (rolls on table)
    Follow On: /followon [rollname] rollon [tablename] (registers an event that will roll on the [tablename] any time that character does the [rollname] roll.
    /followon [rollname] without further arguments to unregister.)
    Dice Pool: /pool #d# (add dice to the dice pool)
    Dice Pool Roll Type: /pooltype damage|dice (change roll to damage or dice type)
    Roll Dice Pool: /rollpool (roll the current pool)


    Creating/adding your own new rolls

    The first thing to do is use a roll from /scripts (as opposed to /desktop/scripts) as your base Template. Use one that is close already in usage as your template.

    1. In your /scripts/manager_custom_mynewroll.lua roll set the Roll type:
    local sCmd = "mynewroll";
    2. Include this new script in /base.xml
    <script name="CustomDiceMyNewRoll" file="scripts/manager_custom_mynewroll.lua" />
    3. Create a new Button Icon for the roll and store in /graphics/icons folder
    4. Define in /graphics/graphics_icons.xml
    <icon name="mynewroll" file="graphics/icons/button_mynewroll.png" />
    5. Setup the auto Icon definition in /campaign/template_campaign.xml
    Add to the <template name="button_rolls_type"> in 3 places - 2 as mynewroll (icons and values) and 1 as MyNewRoll (tooltips).
    Add to the <template name="button_rolls"> in 3 places - 2 as mynewroll (icons and values) and 1 as MyNewRoll (tooltips).
    6. Add to /campaign/record_cas.xml
    Add to the <string_column name="clichatcommand"> just above the elseif == nil statement
    elseif sCommand == "mynewroll" then
    nodeWin.getChild("rollstype").setValue("mynewroll" );
    7. Add it to the /dicehelp command via /scripts/dicehelp.lua
    Add it to the function createHelpMessage()

    And then package up those changed files and send to me (with permission to use/include/share) so that it can be included in the next version of MoreCore and you wont have to redo your changes after the next update.
    Last edited by damned; January 28th, 2019 at 15:05.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4
    It's wonderful !!! Thank you very much.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the (again) working Export feature.

  6. #6
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    The exported dice strings Rolls is pure genius! Now if you could do the same with Abilities I may not need another ruleset ever again!
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mask_of_winter View Post
    The exported dice strings Rolls is pure genius! Now if you could do the same with Abilities I may not need another ruleset ever again!
    The abilities features (name and description) are kinda included in the MoreCore Rolls. You can just have an ability without a roll. The advantage of this is when you use it from Rolls it will report that the PC or NPC is using that Roll/Ability.... The downside is that there is only so much room on that front page and I have pretty much squeezed every little bit out of that front page layout. I added a couple of pixels to the main rolls and modifiers windows and reduced all the padding etc.
    Im pretty sure I could add the export capability and a library for Abilities if you would prefer to continue using them....

  8. #8
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    I suppose one could use the rolls and add the flavor text but leave the dice string blank if it was a move, feat or ability that doesn't require to roll dice. Didn't think of that.
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

  9. #9
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Any chance of MoreCore getting its own subforum? Might be easier for people to find stuff, IMHO.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunnarGreybeard View Post
    Any chance of MoreCore getting its own subforum? Might be easier for people to find stuff, IMHO.
    I think it's a bit early for that! There's only one thread (this one).
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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