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  1. #21
    Here is a crazy idea for you... What if I downsize my own video on the landing page to be something tiny, and have the bulk of the landing page be linking videos from other people on their YouTube pages. I will probably sort them into Positive reviews at the top, Neutral reviews in the middle (think old school reporting, just the facts no opinions), and Negative reviews at the bottom. If you are interested in having a video on my landing page, feel free to make one that meets the following requirements: 1) You have downloaded at least Incarnate-Engine and are demonstrating it. 2) the video is family friendly, no profanity, no sexual references, no drug or alcohol references (the target audience goes all the way down to introverted home-school students in middle school, so please keep it G) 3) the video is of a reasonable quality. If we cannot see the screen share or hear what you are saying then I will not link to it. 4) you post a link here with something like "Incarnate Gaming LLC has permission to link to my video (weblink here) on their website"

    Essentially this means that I will setup the landing page to be a vote from the users on what they think about it and what they like about it. I will only embed the best five of each category, but may list links to others. What do you guys think of this idea?

  2. #22
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    I too really struggled to do a quick 1-2 minutes "what is this?" scan of the website.

    For example, "Fantasy Grounds" isn't even mentioned on the main page. I really struggled to grasp what it was and was very confused with terminology. A lot of people might browse this at work and maybe they can't watch a video.

    The top of the main page should give people very important info in a glance.

    I'd recommend a few bullet points at the top. Something along the lines of:
    • Fantasy Grounds VTT module that contains over 2,000 rollable tables....
    • (brief info on what the tables can provide)
    • Designed for the Fantasy Grounds 5E ruleset, but can provide (brief list of universal data) information for CoreRPG based rulesets.
    • Makes populating a dungeon/campaign world a snap! (or whatever you want to say).
    • Free to download, but we ask you tip our developers if you find the product useful.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #23
    I'm afraid that this has not been officially endorsed by Fantasy Grounds, so I cannot use their logo and have tried to not reference them whenever I could not (as requested by Smiteworks in their mass email a couple months ago). I would gladly add more direct information, and even direct links to the Fantasy Grounds website, but by my understanding of their stance on outside sources I cannot do this without their approval.

    That being said I'm about to add as much of what you said as I can.
    Last edited by ProNobis; February 1st, 2018 at 03:22.

  4. #24
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProNobis View Post
    IIf any of you know Doug, I would love to be able to have blatant links to the fantasy grounds website on the landing page, the download page and specifically say that these are .mod files for use in Fantasy Grounds a Virtual Table Top to play with your friends. The one time I did reach out I was told to publish through a specific publisher, but I did not agree with their terms of service so I had to refuse and create my own LLC.
    I'd reach out to him again - now that he can see what you have in place it will probably help your discussions. Doug's very approachable and I don't think any of us who know him could help any discussions you need to have with him - sorry.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #25
    All good, will do. And thank you for the advice.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I appreciate where you are coming from. I will say that because the license isn't straight forward and simple to understand, that Incarnate is not something I would look to use in any commercial means . From a single author publisher point of view, if I have to consult with a lawyer to understand if I'm using a product legally, it's not worth using. I mean even if such consulting only took an hour, it would probably mean that most projects would cost more than ever would be earned, and that would not be a wise decision.
    The lawyer has gone over it and simplified it as much as he is comfortable with. Paragraph 1a has been revised as requested. I would like to point out the bulk of the license is in just the first 5 pages, the rest are definitions (I think they are common sense terms, but if they are not defined then an opposing lawyer can apply all sorts of strange meanings to common words) and appendices. I would like to point out that this license is far simpler than those of Microsoft, Google, and the like. We all agree to these types of licenses all the time, and few if any have a summary section at the top. From my limited understanding, a summary section can compromise the integrity of the document and my lawyer has strongly recommended against it.

    If you still feel that you cannot agree to the license after those changes, then I regret that you should not use it.

  7. #27
    (It is currently too late for me to export the module with the new license. You can preview it on the website and I should be able to release a new module under the new license tomorrow.)

  8. #28
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking a look at this. I think it will make things more friendly not just for me, but for others as well. I'll take a better look at things in a few days or so.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  9. #29
    All good, I'm not planning on going anywhere soon.
    In other news, I just updated both modules and posted a new one. Incarnate-Forge has over 20,000 procedurally generated items with effect coding. It requires Incarnate-Engine to function and should be a GM only module. It is written for 5e, and will be unbalanced for all other rulesets. It should be noted that I "hid" the items so that they do not overload your item tab on the right. They can be accessed through the links in the library (in the lower right pane when you are in Incarnate-Forge in the lower left), or by rolling on the tables. These tables are automatically linked into loot generation with Incarnate-Engine so if you do not have Incarnate-Forge open it will not be able to give you most of the possible magical armor and weapons.
    We have had one "review" so far. I recommend against doing a live stream when you are first figuring out what all it can do. I would compare that to buying two or three published content books and doing a live stream as you try to figure out what is in them. If you do wish to do this, I highly recommend ignoring the Reference Manual as it mainly holds the "copy left" version of the SRD and DanDwiki content (a legal requirement in their licenses, not designed to be helpful). Rather, start off with the cheat sheets which give the most common commands that GMs will want, or try to build a character and to see the added automation that is meant to help your players. While building content characters you will notice that some have lots of archetypes and others have only the default one. More is coming, I'm just trying to prioritize on getting more archetypes and all of the other functions that GMs will want.
    Last edited by ProNobis; February 2nd, 2018 at 14:19.

  10. #30
    The new method is online, and this service can be embedded in our existing website. You can find it here Please note that the embedding is not perfect. You will only be able to see the top 10 in each vote, and will only be able to vote with thumbs up or down. For full lists and full voting abilities please go here:

    Thank you guys for all the suggestions and the help with prioritizing.
    Last edited by ProNobis; February 5th, 2018 at 20:44.

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