1. #1

    LFG 2 players one new

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum so hopefully I'm posting this in the right one. My friend and I are looking to join any long running 5e campaigns! I'm a moderately experienced player with a little bit of DM under my belt and he is a new player looking to delve further into the wonderful worlds of DnD. We're fine with starting new or filling in and homebrew or modules work fine. If you think we'd be a good fit for your campaign please feel free to message me on discord "LoliBeaverJuice#7453"

  2. #2
    if you guys are interested in playing rolemaster, i am running a campaign...


  3. #3
    Hey i am starting a hoard of the dragon queen module running friday nights at 8pm est. We would love to have you guys if your still looking. Our first session is tomorrow night but we can work you guys in it any time. Please let me know if your interested

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