1. #1

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    Apr 2016
    Melbourne, Australia

    Player/Enemy Token Underlay Colours

    Hi All,

    Sorry if this has been answered, I tried a search and couldn't find anything.

    Players/Enemies from the combat tracker have a green/red/yellow underlay colour when placed on a battlemap.

    - Is there a way to not show these colours to the players and turn them off?
    - If not native, is there an extension that does it?

    The colours seem to have a mind of their own if they are on or not, and I think we would all prefer them not to show.


  2. #2

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    Mar 2006
    1) No but if you set the character and NPC Token to 100% of the grid then you won't see the underlays.
    2) Underlays are built into the base code. They typically show reach and/or monster size depending on the ruleset.

    The PC's are green by default and the monsters are red by default. The monster settings can be overridden when an encounter is created.

  3. #3

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    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre View Post
    1) No but if you set the character and NPC Token to 100% of the grid then you won't see the underlays.
    2) Underlays are built into the base code. They typically show reach and/or monster size depending on the ruleset.

    The PC's are green by default and the monsters are red by default. The monster settings can be overridden when an encounter is created.
    Thanks for the reply!

    I'm using top down tokens with a transparent background, so I can't change to 100%. I did see this in the demo D&D sample campaign, and that looked good if you are using Portrait tokens.

    It's not a deal breaker by any means, just seems to lead to the underlays sometimes being there and sometimes not (for players). E.g. If a player token leaves the sight of another token, and then moves back to see it again, it doesn't have any of its Underlays or titles showing. Is this correct?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TopHatG View Post
    The colours seem to have a mind of their own if they are on or not, and I think we would all prefer them not to show.

    The underlay colours are not arbitrary, they indicate the disposition of an NPC towards the PCs; Green=friendly, Yellow=neutral, Red=hostile. They can be changed on the fly in the Combat Tracker to reflect changing attitudes but can't be switched off. If you don't want your PCs to be immediately aware of how a NPC is disposed towards them, set the NPC underlay to neutral, then to friendly or hostile as events unfold.
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  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TopHatG View Post
    It's not a deal breaker by any means, just seems to lead to the underlays sometimes being there and sometimes not (for players). E.g. If a player token leaves the sight of another token, and then moves back to see it again, it doesn't have any of its Underlays or titles showing. Is this correct?
    That sounds like a bug to me. If it's happens without any extensions, then I'm sure the devs would like to know the steps to recreate it and screen shots of when it happens etc. It would be best to put in the House of Healing so they don't miss it.

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  6. #6
    There's a bug where token decorators don't re-display after a player moves a PC token out of line of sight with other tokens they do not own; then back into line of sight. The GM can slightly move the token to force a re-display; but it's one of the issues we are working on.


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