1. #1

    List of Campaigns Not Showing

    I am trying to load an existing campaign, and they aren't showing up in the load window.

    I have checked where the app data is pointed in the settings menu, and (to the best of my knowledge) it is pointed to the correct folder and showing the campaigns. But when I go back to the program, my campaigns window is still blank.

    They were there an hour ago when I checked to make sure I was ready for today's game (which is starting basically now), but now I can't get to them!

    Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

    I'll try to attach the screenshots, but haven't done that before.

    MODERATOR: Attachments removed since they showed the users Licence key - don't post your licence key
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; September 2nd, 2017 at 20:00.

  2. #2
    Well. Never mind. It turns out I had drilled my folder selection in one level too far; when I choose just the Fantasy Grounds folder (instead of the campaigns folder) it works just fine.

    Lovely what panic can do to the mind; I'd delete the thread if I could to save myself embarrassment but I don't see how to!

    Carry on, nothing to see here...

  3. #3
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