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Thread: Hosting Issues

  1. #1

    Hosting Issues

    Right before I get to my issue, yes I know there is loads of threads about this, but none of them solve my issue due to they all say the same thing, I have already done said methods.

    I can't host a campaign at all, I'm trying to teach my brother to make characters, then show him the combat etc etc

    I have port Forwarding 1802, I have ran and got this Success: I can see your service on <ip> on port (1802)

    I have allowed Fantasy Grounds to be accepted by my AV and firewalls, even turned them off to see if there was a issue, still not working, now when I test my connection its just stuck on "In progress"

    This is frustrating and its making me consider using this game or not, spending 6 hours just to get this to work, also I have considered using a VPN but don't want to use Hamaichi since that requires all your players to have it, nor do I want to use TorVPN since its useless.

    but I would rather get this working without using a VPN.


  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Is your network using IPv4 or IPv6?

    FG does not support IPv6 and requires IPv4. A VPN solution can give you an IPv4 address if you are on a IPv6 network.

    Also, is your brother on your same network or is he trying to connect across the internet?

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    my provider can use both, by default it will use v4, also no we don't use the same network, 400 miles away from each other

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddyjuice View Post
    I have port Forwarding 1802, I have ran and got this Success: I can see your service on <ip> on port (1802)
    Just to double check things: Carry out this check without FG running - it should fail. Then start Fantasy Grounds and load a campaign fully - to the point where you'd be waiting for a player to connect. Check port 1802 again on - does it show that it can see port 1802?

    Second thing to check - login to your Internet router and check the WAN IP Address - is it the same as that reported by Then start FG and on the load campaign screen click the external address field - is the IP address reported the same as your WAN IP on your Internet router?

    Thirdly - is your brother trying to connect using the alias or your external IP address?
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    I have, my check is stuck on in progress, also as I said my brother isnt on my network and he isn't the one having the issue.

  6. #6
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddyjuice View Post
    I have
    Not sure what you're replying to here. Could you give me some feedback on my questions/checks in post #4 please? I'm trying to help, but I need more feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paddyjuice View Post
    my check is stuck on in progress
    Sorry, it was unclear as to what your exact issue is. Assuming this is your current issue:

    This might be caused by the second issue I mentioned in post #4. There have been some cases where the actual WAN IP of your router is not being reported correctly to products like FG (and and so the connection test won't work properly. However, if reports that port 1802 is not available when FG is not running, but reports that it is when your FG has loaded up and a campaign is running then you don't need to worry about running the connection test. So please try the following and let us know what the two results are:

    Carry out this check without FG running - it should fail. Then start Fantasy Grounds and load a campaign fully - to the point where you'd be waiting for a player to connect. Check port 1802 again on - does it show that it can see port 1802?
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  7. #7
    I understand that your trying to help but my first post answered everything you have suggested basically, as I said in my first post, port 1802 is open, all my AV/Firewall is allowing FG to run/not blocking it, my issue is, FG is stuck on in progress when checking, my first post gave all the required information.

    Edit: I don't mean to be rude but looks like you didn't read my first post at all. :/

    My first post
    Quote Originally Posted by Paddyjuice View Post
    Right before I get to my issue, yes I know there is loads of threads about this, but none of them solve my issue due to they all say the same thing, I have already done said methods.

    I can't host a campaign at all, I'm trying to teach my brother to make characters, then show him the combat etc etc

    I have port Forwarding 1802, I have ran and got this Success: I can see your service on <ip> on port (1802)

    I have allowed Fantasy Grounds to be accepted by my AV and firewalls, even turned them off to see if there was a issue, still not working, now when I test my connection its just stuck on "In progress"

    This is frustrating and its making me consider using this game or not, spending 6 hours just to get this to work, also I have considered using a VPN but don't want to use Hamaichi since that requires all your players to have it, nor do I want to use TorVPN since its useless.

    but I would rather get this working without using a VPN.

    This is your test run button *Image below*, it tells you if it fails or not, my issue is its stuck on "In Progress" and its been in-progress for nearly over a hour.
    Attachment 19942
    Last edited by Jankin; July 25th, 2017 at 17:30.

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I can pretty much guarantee Trenloe read you first post. He's one of our best community devs and is very thorough when helping people.

    Even though you said you did everything, it doesn't tell us everything. Besides the issue (which can be seen in numerous times in similar threads) where people think they have done something and missed a step or whatever, I can speculate that the reason Trenloe really wants you to do as he asks is;

    If you test with FG NOT running and it returns a result that it can see you. Then that tells us you have another application/service running on your network that is using port 1802. I did not gather from your first post or anyone since that you have done this test.

    This is critical because if you do have something else using port 1802, then your connection tests will fail and FG will not work (until the issue is fixed).

    So, can you please take the minute or two and run the tests for us? Thanks

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddyjuice View Post
    I understand that your trying to help but my first post answered everything you have suggested basically, as I said in my first post, port 1802 is open, all my AV/Firewall is allowing FG to run/not blocking it, my issue is, FG is stuck on in progress when checking, my first post gave all the required information.

    Edit: I don't mean to be rude but looks like you didn't read my first post at all. :/
    I absolutely did read your first post.

    What I picked up on was this: "I have port Forwarding 1802, I have ran and got this Success: I can see your service on <ip> on port (1802)" Which means that something is listening on port 1802 on your network. You didn't mention what state FG was in when you ran this test, so it might not be FG that is listening on post 1802. If FG was not fully running with a campaign loaded waiting for players to connect then FG would not be listening on port 1802 and, as LordEntrails mentions, this would mean something else is listening on that port and will cause you issues with FG. Hence why I asked the same question twice regarding doing two specific checks with - one without FG running and one with FG running as GM with a campaign fully loaded.

    I also mentioned "if reports that port 1802 is not available when FG is not running, but reports that it is when your FG has loaded up and a campaign is running then you don't need to worry about running the connection test" - so we may be able to get you working without being concerned about the connection test showing "In Progress" at this stage.

    Please do the two quick checks with and let us know the results.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #10
    I'm done for now, thats 10 hours I've been trying to get this working now, even trying VPN's, if I can't get this working in a few days going to contact FG themselfs because this shouldn't even be going on and is making me reconsider using their program.
    Last edited by Jankin; July 25th, 2017 at 19:27.

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