Thread: Conditions

  1. #1


    Hey guys i have been looking for information on conditions but couldn't find much on them other than how to code them..

    Though it auto rolls some status effects are spells like hunters mark meant to auto roll damage ?

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Hunter's Mark is not a condition, it's a trait (and is represented in FG as an effect). Conditions are like "prone" etc.

    Have you checked the "Complete ..." series that are linked from the stickies above? This should be a Ranger trait right? The Complete Ranger should have this action/effect setup (if it can be) and you can use it as an example of what you want to do.

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  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    You need to set up an effect for Hunter's Mark DMG:1d6, set the target to Self. When you place your Hunter's Mark you need to SHIFT+drag the effect onto the target of the mark and then when you damage that target you and only you will deal extra damage to that target.

    This kind of effect targeting is explained in more detail here.

    You won't find the Hunter's Mark in the articles LordEntrails mentions since it is a spell rather than an ability.
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    You need to set up an effect for Hunter's Mark DMG:1d6, set the target to Self. When you place your Hunter's Mark you need to SHIFT+drag the effect onto the target of the mark and then when you damage that target you and only you will deal extra damage to that target.

    This kind of effect targeting is explained in more detail here.

    You won't find the Hunter's Mark in the articles LordEntrails mentions since it is a spell rather than an ability.
    Ah think i understand now was looking at it all backwards ~ thanks alot

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GR0PED View Post
    Hey guys i have been looking for information on conditions but couldn't find much on them ...
    Load the Player's Handbook > Reference Manual > Locate Appendix A: Conditions.

    Also, I have made a "story" page called "5e Conditions" and drag and dropped the PHB Conditions icon into the story page. Then shared it out to party to make it easier to find. My "ruleset bookmarks" all begin with 5e [tag] like "5e Food and Water".

    It's probably in the free PHB book but I don't use it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenloft713 View Post
    Load the Player's Handbook > Reference Manual > Locate Appendix A: Conditions.
    For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do this! How do I find reference material from the PHB in FG if it's not in one of the categories (Story, Encounter, etc.)?

    Thanks in advance!

  7. #7
    D'oh...figured it out...sorry!

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