Thread: No Mo Monsters!

  1. #1

    No Mo Monsters!

    I wasnt aware of how boring DnD could be until I could no longer challenge my players with baddies!
    Sometime over the last couple of updates my monster manual has been WIPED CLEAN! I have not changed folders, computers or anything, just done the FG updates. I am running DnD 3.5E and the players handbook and the magic items are still fine. But when I open the monster manual there are just tons of blank entries.

    My players need baddies. How do I fix this error?

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Have you tried creating a new campaign with no extensions and tried opening it in there? If the problem repeats in the new campaign, then let us know and we will check the next step.

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  3. #3
    just created a No Mo Monsters 3.5E campaign. Went into modules and opened the PHB. Previously at this point I would have gone straight to monsters. However now there is a link, one for the license and one for the NPCs, which are actually the monsters. So I am guessing that the "linkage" got broken in my old campaign since it is now required to go to a page before the monsters show up. Can you advise me on how to restore this to an existing campaign without harming all the data I have created there?
    Thank you.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    I want baddies!

    My broken blank monster problem
    New campaign when I first click on MONSTERS
    New campaign after I click on NPCs

    I would like my broken campaign to reflect the monsters as does the new one..but WITHOUT losing all the work I have done on the campaign.
    Thank you.

  6. #6
    ddavison's Avatar
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    In the messed up campaign,
    1. go to Library > Modules
    2. Close the 3.5E Monsters module
    3. Open the 3.5E Monster Module
    4. Right-click on the 3.5E Monsters module and choose Revert () if it shows up.
    5. Retest the links to see if they work

  7. #7
    AWESOME! That fixed the problem. Just FYI when I did that initially it did not look like it worked and I went in to do it again. But the second time no REVERT icon was available. But when I again checked the links they were back! Apparently it just took 30-60 seconds to actually take effect. Problem solved! Thank you.

  8. #8
    So they show up for the 3.5
    Does this mean I have to drop another $100+ for all the monsters in pathfinder? A goblins is a goblin. its not like they rewrote every creature.

    Id like to point out. that I got the full version and addon's for a total of approximately $240.

  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duanepruitt View Post
    So they show up for the 3.5
    Does this mean I have to drop another $100+ for all the monsters in pathfinder? A goblins is a goblin. its not like they rewrote every creature.
    There's the PFRPG OGL Bestiary (1) that comes with FG - have you tried opening this in a PFRPG campaign?

    There is also a lot of community bestiaries and other modules available for free here:

    If you want the official Paizo bestiaries with better formatting, spells, creature images and tokens taken from the product artwork then, yes, you will have to pay for those official products.
    Last edited by Trenloe; December 19th, 2017 at 22:21.
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  10. #10
    FG_Dave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duanepruitt View Post
    So they show up for the 3.5
    Does this mean I have to drop another $100+ for all the monsters in pathfinder? A goblins is a goblin. its not like they rewrote every creature.

    Id like to point out. that I got the full version and addon's for a total of approximately $240.
    Hey Duane.

    The free 3.5 modules and the store purchased Pathfinder content will show up in either a 3.5 campaign or a Pathfinder campaign so you can use them in either or, whatever you prefer. So you do not need to buy something a second time to use it in another rule set.
    David Middleton
    SmiteWorks USA, LLC

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