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  1. #1
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Keywords for Reference Manual

    I have a question about the keywords in reference manuals. I created the following reference manual entry:

        <listlink type="windowreference">
        <name type="string">Sword Magic</name>
        <keywords type="string">sword magic magical</keywords>
    When I search magic sword, nothing comes up. If I search sword or magic alone, it works fine.

    Am I missing something here?

  2. #2
    Allmight's Avatar
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    I think it's because when you search for magic sword, that is treated as a word in itself. If you add "magic sword" in keywords, with the quotes, it might work. Not 100% sure here, but based on my programming experience, that sound logical.

    So when you search, it will look for a keyword that matches you search criteria 100%, not several keywords that combined match your search criteria.

    The reason i am uncertain is that i am a bit unfamiliar with XML syntax, and not 100% sure you can use quotes in a tag like that.
    Last edited by Allmight; March 22nd, 2017 at 16:44.

  3. #3

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    For some unknown reason, FG doesn't actually add the keywords to a searchable database until the page containing those words is actually rendered, which is less than helpful unfortunately. So, to have the full manual searchable, you'd have to click every page of the manual first.

    So for your "sword" "magic" "magical" keywords to be searchable, you would first have to render your reference.referencemanual.swordmagic page.

    Make sense?
    Last edited by Talyn; March 22nd, 2017 at 18:47.

  4. #4
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talyn View Post
    For some unknown reason, FG doesn't actually add the keywords to a searchable database until the page containing those words is actually rendered, which is less than helpful unfortunately. So, to have the full manual searchable, you'd have to click every page of the manual first.

    So for your "sword" "magic" "magical" keywords to be searchable, you would first have to render your reference.referencemanual.swordmagic page.

    Make sense?
    That's interesting. I guess that explains why searching magic sword was returning some pages but not others, including specifically the "Sword Magic" page...

    I will try this and see what happens

  5. #5
    Allmight's Avatar
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    Hm, odd behaviour indeed. Does the official D&D modules from the store have the same behaviour?

  6. #6

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    Yes, it's just a "thing" in the current reference manual code. Maybe it will be addressed in later iterations.

  7. #7
    Allmight's Avatar
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    I hope so, cause this almost render the keyword functionality useless.
    Last edited by Allmight; March 22nd, 2017 at 22:07.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    My experience is that the entries don't have to be opened up to enable the search keyword match. *But* the search is based off matching what you search for (the search string) within the complete keywords string - so design the whole "keywords" string in the reference manual appropriately. Hence why "magic sword" would not match in "sword magic magical" but "sword magic" would as this whole search string matches.

    Also, if you have a keyword that includes "angel" for example, a search string of "angels" won't match. So, remember to have plurals - as the singular "angel" will match with a keyword of "angels".

    Remember that it's a simple search at the moment - don't try and over think it. I'm sure the functionality will be improved over time.
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  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Remember that it's a simple search at the moment - don't try and over think it. I'm sure the functionality will be improved over time.
    You mean I can't search for;
    (sword OR blade) AND (magic OR magical) AND NOT silver

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