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  1. #1

    Looking for a short (1 session) 5e module

    Hey all,

    I'm a bit new to 5e & FG (started using both in January), but loving the ruleset & program so far (i'm a pathfinder / roll20 convert - but have started to convert my large campaign into FG).

    This Friday night, I'm hosting a session with people outside my normal group. These guys are brand new to the Fantasy Grounds program, and only one of them has any experience in TableTop - so it should be quite the adventure. I have the ultimate licence & a bunch of the more popular manuals (PHB, DMG, MM, SCAG), so they will all be connecting with the demo version. I've tested hosting with one of the new guys, and everything worked fine there.

    My plan is to run them through the 5e tutorial so they can learn how to navigate their combat sheets. My one buddy and I premade 6 different PCs for the group to choose from (no sense in overwhelming everyone to start).

    As I want these guys to enjoy themselves and become the second group I play with (as a DM instead of a player), my plan is to run a short session after playing (part) of the tutorial - one that has some light RP to start and leads into a dungeon crawl so they can get a feel for what D&D is all about. They will be using the premade characters I crafted for the tutorial.

    Any suggestions on a short module I could purchase? Preferably available on Steam.


  2. #2
    Any of the Adventurer's League modules are made for one session. Some have several small objectives so you can use just one part for a very short adventure. I bought Harried in Hillsfar, which has 5 "mini-adventures" in it. It's basically five story prompts that lead into one or two combats each.

    Although you expressed a preference for buying on Steam, I also recommend going to DriveThruRPG. They have some modules available a little cheaper, and bundled in with PDF's of those adventures.

    FG Con 10 – Fantasy Grounds Online RPG Convention - April 7-9 2017
    Register at www.fg-con.com for all the latest info.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Spin-Man View Post
    Any of the Adventurer's League modules are made for one session. Some have several small objectives so you can use just one part for a very short adventure. I bought Harried in Hillsfar, which has 5 "mini-adventures" in it. It's basically five story prompts that lead into one or two combats each.

    Although you expressed a preference for buying on Steam, I also recommend going to DriveThruRPG. They have some modules available a little cheaper, and bundled in with PDF's of those adventures.
    Thanks for the suggestion. I've been looking at the AL ones, and some seem good, but I wasnt sure which it buy. Even though I would prefer it short, I do want the guys playing to have something to take away from the experience. If they enjoy it, I then want everyone to take a week or two and design their own characters and I'll lead them through LMoP as their first full adventure.

    Also, I prefer steam because I have a lot of Steam Wallet funds

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I've never run these, but others have mentioned
    Gauntlets of Spiragos.
    AAW Games has a bunch; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store...search=&sort=1

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    Thanks all for you help. I've decided to run AAW: Crypt of the Sun Lord. After reading it through, it seems 25/27 (RP/Combat) so it should be good for these new guys!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimlore View Post
    Thanks all for you help. I've decided to run AAW: Crypt of the Sun Lord. After reading it through, it seems 25/27 (RP/Combat) so it should be good for these new guys!
    That's a great choice. I ran it last year. Fun little module. I think they will enjoy it.
    Live stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gwydione
    Youtube replays of fg sessions and tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQr...bIpAauZB41z8gA

    Free stuff:
    D&D5e FAQ module for fg: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/196704/FAQs
    FG 5e Module Conversions: https://tinyurl.com/y6awo2la
    Map Maker Conversion: https://tinyurl.com/y3awlo4b
    Roll Player Conversion: https://tinyurl.com/y399kffz
    Rangers of Shadow Deep Conversion: https://tinyurl.com/rnyrgwg

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