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March 4th, 2022, 03:04
How can i make it work? I followed your instructions but I can't see it working.

Unzip the folder, and then place the ENTIRE folder (unzipped) in the plugin directory of GCA5. Something like C: ...documents/GCA5/plugin

March 4th, 2022, 16:48

How do you change the attributes for GURPS inside Fantasy Grounds? I have the GCA exporter files but is there a way to input the attributes inside FG itself?

March 4th, 2022, 17:49

How do you change the attributes for GURPS inside Fantasy Grounds? I have the GCA exporter files but is there a way to input the attributes inside FG itself?

The character sheets and NPC sheets should be editable inside Fantasy Grounds. Make sure the sheets are unlocked. Just click on the fields and type in the numbers, or use the mouse scroll wheel.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 4th, 2022, 19:38

Getting the above when I try to use the plugin.

March 4th, 2022, 21:06

Getting the above when I try to use the plugin.
What's in your plugin folder?

Fezzik Buttercup
March 4th, 2022, 22:38
Only the folder containing the two files of the npc plugin.

March 5th, 2022, 11:22
That looks like your GCA Version is different from mine 5.0.172 wich appears to be the most current one, due to the way Plugins work, they basically only work with the GCA version thy are compiled for. The Package Manager circumvents this by simply compiling the source code for the currently installed version of GCA.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 5th, 2022, 15:40
Hmm. Updated (didn't see the glaring red warning about downloading it from warehouse 23 :) ). Still getting an error though now that I'm in .172. Not a biggie at the moment as I'm doing any campaign stuff.

March 5th, 2022, 19:08
Fezzik Buttercup
For the plugin to work, it needs to be inside the folder that it is compressed and this folder goes inside the plugin folder of GCA 5, I had taken it out of the folder and it was not appearing, when I did what I said above it appears.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 5th, 2022, 20:49
Nargh.... I've put the compressed folder in the Plugins; nothing. I've put the uncompressed folder in and it blows a gasket. I've put just the two files in the plugin folder and nothing (which is what I'd expect anyway, but I thought I'd try).

Maybe it just doesn't like me.

I'll just wait until Armin puts it in for you :)

March 6th, 2022, 00:08
Nargh.... I've put the compressed folder in the Plugins; nothing. I've put the uncompressed folder in and it blows a gasket. I've put just the two files in the plugin folder and nothing (which is what I'd expect anyway, but I thought I'd try).

Maybe it just doesn't like me.

I'll just wait until Armin puts it in for you :)

Yeah, I was going to ask about that.

One thing to note is that after Armin puts the exporter into GCA, you need to remove the plugin down loader here from the plugin folder. If you don't you'll get a warning when you launch GCA.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 6th, 2022, 00:12
Yeah, that I learned from the PC exporter :)

March 6th, 2022, 21:28
I do not see the plugin. It does not matter what I do, I followed your instructions to the letter but I still can't see it anywhere :(

March 7th, 2022, 01:41
I do not see the plugin. It does not matter what I do, I followed your instructions to the letter but I still can't see it anywhere :(

Can you post a screenshot of your plugin folder?

March 7th, 2022, 05:21
FYI. A Recent FGU update broke the encumbrance calculation for the ruleset. The fix will be available within the next day via FG Forge as it only relates to FGU. There is no need for FG Classic users to update. In fact it might be the point at which future development of ruleset will be for FGU only. I will try and maintain backward compatibility with FGC for as long as possible.

March 7th, 2022, 17:30
FYI. A Recent FGU update broke the encumbrance calculation for the ruleset. The fix will be available within the next day via FG Forge as it only relates to FGU.


March 7th, 2022, 17:32
Can you post a screenshot of your plugin folder?

Sure. Here it is:


Please help, 'cause I am getting crazy.

March 10th, 2022, 13:32
FYI. A Recent FGU update broke the encumbrance calculation for the ruleset. The fix will be available within the next day via FG Forge as it only relates to FGU. There is no need for FG Classic users to update. In fact it might be the point at which future development of ruleset will be for FGU only. I will try and maintain backward compatibility with FGC for as long as possible.

The ruleset has been updated in the FG Forge. This is necessary for FG Unity users only.

March 11th, 2022, 09:38
The ruleset has been updated in the FG Forge. This is necessary for FG Unity users only.

Thank you as always :) Do you have a changelog?

March 11th, 2022, 10:17
Thank you as always :) Do you have a changelog?

In the original post.

March 11th, 2022, 14:17

I made this on campaign\record_char_inventory.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Please see the license.html file included with this distribution for
attribution and copyright information.

<windowclass name="charsheet_inventory">
function onInit()
function onEncumbranceChanged()
local rActor = ActorManager.resolveActor(getDatabaseNode());
<frame_char name="inventoryframe">

<label name="count_label">
<anchored to="inventoryframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="20,10" width="20" />
<center />
<genericcontrol name="rightanchor">
<anchored to="inventoryframe" width="0" height="0">
<top offset="10" />
<right offset="-20" />
<invisible />

<genericcontrol name="idelete_header">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="20" height="20">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<disabled />

<genericcontrol name="shortcut_header">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="20" height="20">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-2" />
<disabled />
<genericcontrol name="carried_header">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="20" height="20">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<tooltip textres="char_tooltip_itemcarried" />
<label name="weight_label">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="30">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-10" />
<center />
<static textres="char_label_itemweight" />
<tooltip textres="char_tooltip_itemweight" />
<label name="location_label">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="80">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-10" />
<center />
<static textres="char_label_itemlocation" />
<label name="name_label">
<anchored to="rightanchor">
<top />
<left parent="inventoryframe" offset="55" />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<static textres="char_label_itemname" />
<center />

<list_charinv name="inventorylist">
<anchored to="inventoryframe">
<top offset="40" />
<left offset="15" />
<right offset="-20" />
<bottom offset="-15" />
<anchored to="inventorylist" />

<button_iedit name="inventorylist_iedit">
<anchored to="inventorylist" position="aboveright" offset="5,10" />
<invisible />
<button_iadd name="inventorylist_iadd">
<anchored to="inventorylist" position="aboveright" offset="5,10" />

<frame_char name="encumbranceframe">
<simplenumber name="encumbranceload" source="encumbrance.load">
<anchored to="encumbranceframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="150,30" width="70" height="20" />
<frame name="fieldlight" offset="7,5,7,5" />
<readonly />
function onValueChanged()
<label name="encumbrance_label">
<anchored to="encumbranceframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="15,30" />
<static textres="char_label_totalweight" />

<simplestring name="encumbrancelevel" source="encumbrance.level">
<anchored to="encumbranceframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="150,60" width="70" height="20" />
<frame name="fieldlight" offset="7,5,7,5" />
<readonly />
<center />
<label name="encumbrancelevel_label">
<anchored to="encumbranceframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="15,60" />
<static textres="char_label_encumbrancelevel" />

<frame_char name="coinframe">
<label_frametop name="coin_label">
<anchored to="coinframe" />
<static textres="char_label_money" />

<sub_charcurrency name="sub_currency" />
<scrollbar_sub_charcurrency name="scrollbar_currency" />
<button_iadd_sub_charcurrency name="currency_iadd" />
<button_iedit_sub_charcurrency name="currency_iedit" />
<windowclass name="char_invitem">
<margins control="0,0,0,2" />
function onInit()
getDatabaseNode().onDelete = onDelete;
function onDelete(node)
<hidden_record_isidentified name="isidentified">
<ignorehost />

<number_charinv name="count">
<tabtarget next="name" />

<genericcontrol name="rightanchor">
<anchored width="0" height="0">
<top />
<right />
<invisible />
<button_idelete name="idelete">
<anchored width="20" height="20">
<top offset="2" />
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<linkcontrol_id name="shortcut">
<anchored width="20" height="20">
<top offset="2" />
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<readonly />
<button_char_inv_carried name="carried">
<anchored width="20" height="20">
<top offset="2" />
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<number_charinv name="weight">
<anchored width="30" height="20">
<top offset="2" />
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-10" />
<delaykeyupdate />
<tabtarget prev="location" />
<string_charinvloc name="location">
<anchored width="80" height="20">
<top offset="2" />
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-10" />
<tabtarget next="weight" prev="nonid_name" />

<string_charinvname name="name">
<anchored position="insidetopleft" offset="35,2" height="20">
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="current" offset="-5" />
<tabtarget next="nonid_name" prev="count" />
<string_charinvname name="nonid_name">
<anchored position="insidetopleft" offset="35,2" height="20">
<right parent="rightanchor" anchor="left" relation="current" offset="-5" />
<empty textres="library_recordtype_empty_nonid_item" />
<invisible />
<tabtarget next="location" prev="name" />

<windowclass name="char_currency">
<margins control="0,0,0,5"/>
<list_sub_charcurrency name="list">
<anchored position="insidetop" offset="-5,0" />


<windowclass name="char_currencyitem">
<margins control="0,0,0,2" />
<genericcontrol name="rightanchor">
<anchored height="0" width="0">
<top offset="2" />
<right />
<button_idelete name="idelete">
<anchored to="rightanchor">
<top />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="0" />

<number_dropadd name="amount">
<anchored to="rightanchor" width="50" height="20">
<top />
<left parent="" offset="5" />
<description field="name" />
<delaykeyupdate />

<string_textlistitem name="name">
<anchored to="rightanchor">
<top />
<left parent="amount" anchor="right" offset="10" />
<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
<delaykeyupdate />
<nodrag />

March 11th, 2022, 20:28
I made this on campaign\record_char_inventory.xml

The latest ruleset release already features the weight of currency as introduced into CoreRPG.

March 12th, 2022, 02:20
Gosh! It is true! I was the one who got confused and was using my ruleset wrong!

March 14th, 2022, 06:17
There is a new update for FGU and FGC, which fixes some language issues.

GURPS 4E Core Ruleset v3.8.1 - FG Unity (FG Unity only)
FG Forge shop (FG Unity users only): FG Forge Shop (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/454/view)
(Updated: 14th Mar 2022)

GURPS 4E Core Ruleset v3.7.2 - FG Classic (FG Classic only)
Download latest release from here: https://bit.ly/GURPS4ECore
(Updated: 14th Mar 2022)

March 14th, 2022, 23:02
There is a new update for FGU and FGC, which fixes some language issues. ...

Hey Ronnke, thanks for the update!

I'm not sure if this is a new bug or an old one, but I just noticed that when I un-equip a bow (longbow in my case) on the inventory sheet, and then re-equip the bow. the bow skill does NOT reappear in the combat > ranged weapons tab.

March 14th, 2022, 23:13
Hey Ronnke, thanks for the update!

I'm not sure if this is a new bug or an old one, but I just noticed that when I un-equip a bow (longbow in my case) on the inventory sheet, and then re-equip the bow. the bow skill does NOT reappear in the combat > ranged weapons tab.

I am not able to reproduce this issue.

What I did.

1. Added a Ranged Weapon to my inventory
2. Equipped the item.
3. Adjusted the skill level in the Combat Tab (It's zero by default when first entered)
4. Unequipped the item in the Inventory Tab.
5. Checked to see if the item was gone from the Combat Tab. It was.
6. Equipped the item in the Inventory Tab.
7. Checked to see if the item was back in the Combat Tab. It was.
8. Checked the skill level of the various attack mode. They were as I entered them earlier.

This is what I did...Should this have reproduced the issue you are experiencing?

March 15th, 2022, 00:27
I am not able to reproduce this issue.

What I did.

1. Added a Ranged Weapon to my inventory
2. Equipped the item.
3. Adjusted the skill level in the Combat Tab (It's zero by default when first entered)
4. Unequipped the item in the Inventory Tab.
5. Checked to see if the item was gone from the Combat Tab. It was.
6. Equipped the item in the Inventory Tab.
7. Checked to see if the item was back in the Combat Tab. It was.
8. Checked the skill level of the various attack mode. They were as I entered them earlier.

This is what I did...Should this have reproduced the issue you are experiencing?

*Sigh* It seems to be working now. I don't know why, maybe I was just blind... or maybe its because I unloaded and loaded extensions in my troubleshooting. I don't know. Thanks. Sorry for taking up your time - a valuable resource.

March 15th, 2022, 00:28
No probs. :)

March 16th, 2022, 19:34
Sorry for my english. Please tell me how to record a direct and amplitude strike into a weapon, as well as a long-range one (for example, knives), so that when transferred to the combat tab, the necessary throw modifiers are created.

March 17th, 2022, 00:19
You must select "Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon" in the Type and then separate the various damage types with a "|" symbol. See the highlighted parts of the attacked image.


March 17th, 2022, 00:56
You must select "Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon" in the Type and then separate the various damage types with a "|" symbol. See the highlighted parts of the attacked image.


thank you very much

Fezzik Buttercup
March 17th, 2022, 23:10
I'm not sure if this is in the ruleset or not, but I see a [warning] Could not load script file (GURPS) (itemManager2)(scripts/manager_item2.lua)

March 18th, 2022, 00:01
I'm not sure if this is in the ruleset or not, but I see a [warning] Could not load script file (GURPS) (itemManager2)(scripts/manager_item2.lua)

Fixed it. I will push a new update. As it's only a warning, it should not cause any problems.

Eddie T
March 20th, 2022, 01:02
How does one adjust the amount of currency in the inventory tab. I've explored everything I can think of - parcels, direct entry, add item to inventory...nothing seems to work.

March 20th, 2022, 03:40
How does one adjust the amount of currency in the inventory tab. I've explored everything I can think of - parcels, direct entry, add item to inventory...nothing seems to work.

You should be able to simply click the currency field and then type a number. Alternatively, hold Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the amount.

Eddie T
March 20th, 2022, 03:46
Neither of those options are working for me. I was able to use the Modifier box in the chat box to make changes to it, though. I'm running as a player in a friend's campaign right now. He's not got any extensions other than this, Shops, and XP for GURPS.

March 20th, 2022, 03:48
Neither of those options are working for me. I was able to use the Modifier box in the chat box to make changes to it, though. I'm running as a player in a friend's campaign right now. He's not got any extensions other than this, Shops, and XP for GURPS.

I would try remove those extensions and see if that helps. I'm not able to reproduce your issue, so I'm guessing those extensions are probably creating the issue.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 20th, 2022, 03:58
edit: I read it wrong; I'll check tomorrow in the inventory (was just looiking at the currency option)

March 20th, 2022, 04:23
I'm not having "problems" I just have if I don't determine the name of the coin before distributing it to the players, because it counts as weight, but it doesn't show where that amount went in the character sheet, but over time I see that.

March 20th, 2022, 17:22
I added the Ammo button.
I know it's just cosmetic, but it would be really cool to have two additions for ranged attacks:
1 - Don't roll the skill if you don't have ammo
2 - Reduce the ammo from the inventory, each time it is fired.
And I still need to fix how the token addition works, but it gives a color to the items, I'm sure it does.


Eddie T
March 20th, 2022, 18:39
I would try remove those extensions and see if that helps. I'm not able to reproduce your issue, so I'm guessing those extensions are probably creating the issue.

We were in the middle of the session last night and couldn't drop and remove the extensions. Or chose not to, at least. This morning, I've opened up the campaigns that I run and I don't have that behavior. My extensions are GURPS Core Unity, GURPS Adjustments, GURPS Audio, Shops and XP Awards. So I think it has something to do with his set up. Is there a control that needs to be toggled somewhere generically?

Also, am I correct in assuming that yours and Yako's extensions are different from each other? If so, can one of you explain the differences to me?

Eddie T
March 20th, 2022, 22:14
Another technical question, if you don't mind.

Under Currency Setup there are three columns: Blank (for the name/type of currency), Weight (self-explanatory), and Value.

Value doesn't seem to be able to compare to other lines in currency (i.e., 1 GP = 10 SP = 50 CP). I assume that is the GURPS standard of what this would be in $ increments?

In my i.e. example - 1 GP would be equal to $50, 1 SP = $5, and 1 CP = $1

Am I understanding the ruleset assumptions correctly?

March 20th, 2022, 22:47
Eddie T if you disable the separate extensions and just stick with the GURPS ALL-IN-ONE Extensions and the GURPS Core you will have no problem as I need to fix the individual extensions.
GURPS ALL-IN-ONE has all the individual extensions in one place.

March 21st, 2022, 01:57
Sure. Here it is:


Please help, 'cause I am getting crazy.

Can anybody help me with this? I am forced to still use GCA4 for NPC because of this single problem. Alternatively, could anybody upload the NPC plugin to the GCA updater?

March 21st, 2022, 02:27
SceiccoNero (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?28963-SceiccoNero)


March 21st, 2022, 06:46
Also, am I correct in assuming that yours and Yako's extensions are different from each other? If so, can one of you explain the differences to me?

Yes, they are different. I only maintain the GURPS ruleset. Yako's extensions are his own creations he has made available for the community to use. Yako would have to explain how his extension work.

Am I understanding the ruleset assumptions correctly?

Yes, that is correct.

March 21st, 2022, 10:51
My extensions is always based on the GURPS Ruleset, the only difference is the "visual" and "aesthetic"
But all the functions are the same.
Example: Roll an skill is the same way, but in one line to enable the sound thrigger.

March 22nd, 2022, 21:15
SceiccoNero (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?28963-SceiccoNero)


1:40 of that video. That is precisely what i DON NOT see. I can't see the plugin inside.
It happenend the same with the PC exporter, but thanks God Armin put it inside the update manager and trough that tool I finally managed to have it visible. But with NPC? There is no way for me to see it.
Can Armin or someone else put the NPC in the Package manager? Or can you teach me how to do it myself?

Fezzik Buttercup
March 22nd, 2022, 21:24
Currently that plugin is just for a previous version; we have to wait until it's updated to the newer version. Hopefully Armin will put in the next update and we won't have to worry about it anymore :)

The version he's using in the video is mentioned in the comments.

March 22nd, 2022, 21:25
Currently that plugin is just for a previous version; we have to wait until it's updated to the newer version. Hopefully Armin will put in the next update and we won't have to worry about it anymore :)

The version he's using in the video is mentioned in the comments.

Can you teach me how to put it in the upgrader? Or alternativerly, how to downgrade to the correct version?

March 27th, 2022, 11:55
Can you teach me how to put it in the upgrader? Or alternativerly, how to downgrade to the correct version?

Anybody? ��

March 27th, 2022, 14:34
Anybody? ��

I think we are waiting for Armin (the creator of GCA5) to put the NPC package inside GCA5.

March 27th, 2022, 16:06
It's grwat if Jaxilon software works with GCA 5!

March 27th, 2022, 23:59
It's grwat if Jaxilon software works with GCA 5!

Send a message in the thread for his software.

April 5th, 2022, 03:02

A bit late, but here is the NPC Exporter, I was a bit busy travelling the land without reception aka germany.

Install instructions, extract the folder from the zip file into you plugins directory

..Documents\GURPS Character Assistant 5\plugins\GCA5FantasyGroundsExporterNPC\GCA5Fantas yGroundsExporterNPC.dll
..Documents\GURPS Character Assistant 5\plugins\GCA5FantasyGroundsExporterNPC\GCA5Fantas yGroundsExporterNPC.pdb

Woodman, I've been using your NPC (and PC) exporters. Thanks for your work!

I was wondering if it would be possible for the NPCs to have the "1/2 dodge and move" selector be included on their sheet (and hopefully the combat tracker), like it is in the PC sheets?

EDIT: NEVERMIND ...!!! it's there already in the combat tracker!

April 20th, 2022, 02:05
Woodman, I've been using your NPC (and PC) exporters. Thanks for your work!

I was wondering if it would be possible for the NPCs to have the "1/2 dodge and move" selector be included on their sheet (and hopefully the combat tracker), like it is in the PC sheets?

EDIT: NEVERMIND ...!!! it's there already in the combat tracker!

How are you using the NPC exporter? Since it is not in the automatic manager *and* the manual install was desinged for an older version of GCA5, I am unable to even visualize it... was the exporter updated? If yes, where can I find this new version? If no, where can I find the old GCA5 version that runs the exporter?

Thanks in advance

April 21st, 2022, 23:25
...If yes, where can I find this new version? If no, where can I find the old GCA5 version that runs the exporter?
Thanks in advance

My apologies. I was looking at a monster that I had exported before it became broken. It doesn't work for me either.

May 4th, 2022, 17:17
Apparently, the NPC exporter is now in GCA5. However, it is still NOT WORKING (an error occurs on GCA5 while loading).

Can we have a manual link to a stable version please?

May 4th, 2022, 17:21
Apparently, the NPC exporter is now in GCA5. Excellent.

May 6th, 2022, 09:25
The Sourcecode for both exports is also available on Github https://github.com/WoodmanX/GCA5FantasyGroundsExporter with a rough description on how to make GCA compile it for you, but the current state is the exact same one that is distributed via the GCA package manager. It could throw an error if an old version is still in the "..\Documents\GURPS Character Assistant 5\plugins" folder, that one should be deleted.

May 6th, 2022, 16:43
Thanks, manually removing the old one - by deleting folders - fixed it! :)

May 28th, 2022, 01:03
Hiya - not sure if this is the best place, but i'm running into an issue with the "Extended Language Fonts" extension specifically with the GURPS ruleset. I've tried replicating the problem with the extension on CoreRPG by itself, and it only shows up since the GURPS ruleset was updated. Whenever i try to chat with a language active, the program hangs for a few seconds, and i get 3 C Stack overflow notices: Manager_chat.lua lines 95 & 120, and Manager_oob.lua line 28. Any thoughts on the best way to deal with this? Is it something i can even deal with?

Edit: The same issue is happening even with the extension disabled. Should have maybe tried that first, but at least i know it's relevant here now!

Fezzik Buttercup
May 28th, 2022, 19:03
Hiya - not sure if this is the best place, but i'm running into an issue with the "Extended Language Fonts" extension specifically with the GURPS ruleset. I've tried replicating the problem with the extension on CoreRPG by itself, and it only shows up since the GURPS ruleset was updated. Whenever i try to chat with a language active, the program hangs for a few seconds, and i get 3 C Stack overflow notices: Manager_chat.lua lines 95 & 120, and Manager_oob.lua line 28. Any thoughts on the best way to deal with this? Is it something i can even deal with?

Edit: The same issue is happening even with the extension disabled. Should have maybe tried that first, but at least i know it's relevant here now!

Can confirm; even if you make up a language and stick it in the languages after the fact it still blows up; normal chat is fine, as is chatting through a monster. Just languages (so far)

June 6th, 2022, 03:40
I will have a look at this language issue.

On another note, there is a new minor update for FGU. Update via the Forge.
- Fixed 12 point token facing on hex maps.
- Added range modifier to pointers.
- Added RoF changes to handle shotguns. eg RoF 3x9

June 7th, 2022, 02:28
Thanks Ronnke!

June 7th, 2022, 08:53
Thank you for adding range modifiers! It was tedious to look up the chart or use another tool to get the exact modifier.
Also, I think you added differences between yd and meter too. It always takes one point down relative to yd measure (for meter). It's a nice add-on.
We are using 1yd=1m rule. So, we stick to the yd distance suffix.

June 7th, 2022, 17:29
First of all, the cadence improvement for the shotguns was really good. But I'm curious, in the future will we be able to create races and templates directly in Fantasy Grounds?

June 8th, 2022, 01:50
I'm curious, in the future will we be able to create races and templates directly in Fantasy Grounds?

Yes, that is the plan.

June 10th, 2022, 13:33
A new update of the ruleset for FG Unity is available via the Forge.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.9.1 - 10th Jun 2022 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Language script error issue.
- Added: Toolbar controls to enable/disable range modifiers on map pointers.

June 10th, 2022, 14:06
Thanks so much, ronnke! Really appreciate it.

And just in time for my players to hear and appreciate the rumblings of Bokrug and the Ib Shades.

June 24th, 2022, 17:34
I think I've found a bug. With psionic powers, the effective level doesn't change as you invest points into it. It remains at the functional 1 point level regardless of points invested, or if points are reduced to 0 to test defaults. This applies to both powers in the Abilities tab and their techniques.

June 25th, 2022, 02:25
I think I've found a bug. With psionic powers, the effective level doesn't change as you invest points into it. It remains at the functional 1 point level regardless of points invested, or if points are reduced to 0 to test defaults. This applies to both powers in the Abilities tab and their techniques.

The ruleset doesn't do any special handling of psionic powers, they should be treated as any other skill. If it is not calculating properly, then the most likely cause is the skill/ability details are not properly configured. Click the little brown All-Seeing-Eye icon next to the skill level to check everything is correct.

June 25th, 2022, 02:43
The ruleset doesn't do any special handling of psionic powers, they should be treated as any other skill. If it is not calculating properly, then the most likely cause is the skill/ability details are not properly configured. Click the little brown All-Seeing-Eye icon next to the skill level to check everything is correct.

Is it not supposed to be in the Powers section? When I put the power in there it doesn't calculate correctly, is what I mean. I figured psionic powers would function as a power rather than a skill.

June 25th, 2022, 02:50
I also don't know where to find this All-Seeing-Eye icon, if you could direct me to it.

June 25th, 2022, 10:14
Is it not supposed to be in the Powers section? When I put the power in there it doesn't calculate correctly, is what I mean. I figured psionic powers would function as a power rather than a skill.

Powers is a section of the character sheet where you can track powers, but no calculation is performed on the level and points spent....At this point...This will be added in future. If you need a calculated level then you can use the skills tab as powers, like spells, are essentially skills.

June 25th, 2022, 16:03
Powers is a section of the character sheet where you can track powers, but no calculation is performed on the level and points spent....At this point...This will be added in future. If you need a calculated level then you can use the skills tab as powers, like spells, are essentially skills.

That makes a lot more sense, thank you for clarifying.

August 3rd, 2022, 21:19
I made this post by mistake. But I cannot delete it :( Sorry!

August 3rd, 2022, 21:22
Hello all,
I have hit a snag on importing GCA characters to FGU. The process works well enough with FGC, no issues importing the same character. In GCA, I am using a data set that I found on the SJG forums. In the chat window, I type "/importchar" and it opens a file browser to select the file. Then I get a window. The line says "[ERROR] import: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 350 position 36." I was able to import a character from GCA in the past but something seems to not line up. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

EDİT: I have just figured out I replied a super old comment :D I am sorry. But, if any of you need this information, it's here for you.
Hello there.
I am not sure but I believe I have encountered this problem before. As far as I know, there is a difference between how FGU and GCS handle "special characters." When there are & or any other special characters in the character sheet, this problem occurs. You can manually search for & in GCS, if you find it you may change it to something like this "&amp" without quotes or anything you like ("and" can work too). If this doesn't work, you can open the file with a text editor (notepad can do this, I believe) and CTRL+F, and "find and change" the symbol &. You can change it "and" or anything you want.

At least, this is the solution for my GCS importing problems. I believe it can work for GCA too.

I am sorry for my bad English, I hope I could explain my thoughts.

NOTE: "EntityName. Line 350 position 36" is the coordinates of the broken character in the XML file. "Line 350" means row 350, "position 36" means 36th character of that row. But, there may be more after this one too. So, CTRL+F would be better.

October 3rd, 2022, 11:06
Hope you are all doing well!

From the latest FG ruleset updates (on 27/09/2022):

CoreRPG and multiple layered rulesets
[Updated] Preparation for upcoming client v4.3 features.

Just a heads up about things potentially breaking for the GURPS ruleset in the near future.

October 4th, 2022, 03:25
Hope you are all doing well!

From the latest FG ruleset updates (on 27/09/2022):

Just a heads up about things potentially breaking for the GURPS ruleset in the near future.

Thx. I will investigate.

October 4th, 2022, 10:57
Hope you are all doing well!

Just a heads up about things potentially breaking for the GURPS ruleset in the near future.

I tested the ruleset with the current 4.3 Test and all seemed to work fine.

October 4th, 2022, 12:42
I tested the ruleset with the current 4.3 Test and all seemed to work fine.

You went over and beyond, thank you! I did not know you could try the test build in advance.

October 4th, 2022, 12:44
I did not know you could try the test build in advance.

Yeah, it's an option in the launcher settings.

October 20th, 2022, 00:32
I dropped the coin and got the entire new fancy dice bundle.

I loaded a campaign with GURPS No Dice and GURPSCore activated.

The dice that appear are a d6 and a d100.

They appear to overlap on the Mod box. If you move the cursor to an area just beyond the upper right corner of the d6, you should see a lock icon appear and then can unlock and reposition the the dice tray to the right.

The dice appear larger.

The various visual effects of the dice appear to be working properly.

I haven't looked to see if the Dice Tower is in anyway impacted by the new, larger dice and their position, although if I remember correctly the dice tower can be unlocked and repositioned.

Moon Wizard
October 20th, 2022, 00:59
The GURPS ruleset will need to be updated to modify the dice position, and disable the d100.

Here's an example from WOIN for the dice position above the modifier stack:

<panel name="dicepanel" merge="join">
<left offset="0" />
<top anchor="bottom" offset="-175" />

Here's the example from 5E for shifting the dice position to the right:

<panel name="dicepanel" merge="join">
<left offset="210" />

Here is the code to hide the "d100", but leave it in the ruleset:

<die name="d100">

OR here's the code to remove "d100" completely:

<die name="d100" merge="delete" />
<die name="r100" merge="delete" />
<die name="g100" merge="delete" />
<die name="b100" merge="delete" />
<die name="p100" merge="delete" />


October 22nd, 2022, 03:54
This is an old minor issue, but the TAB order of Thrust and Swing are backwards on NPCs... and messes with my head every time =)

October 22nd, 2022, 10:55
I dropped the coin and got the entire new fancy dice bundle.

I loaded a campaign with GURPS No Dice and GURPSCore activated.

The dice that appear are a d6 and a d100.

They appear to overlap on the Mod box. If you move the cursor to an area just beyond the upper right corner of the d6, you should see a lock icon appear and then can unlock and reposition the the dice tray to the right.

The dice appear larger.

The various visual effects of the dice appear to be working properly.

I haven't looked to see if the Dice Tower is in anyway impacted by the new, larger dice and their position, although if I remember correctly the dice tower can be unlocked and repositioned.

The GURPSNoDice.ext has been updated to address the d100. Later today, I will post a new ruleset update which addresses some compatibility issues with the latest version of FGU. This will be updated through the Forge.

October 22nd, 2022, 10:56
This is an old minor issue, but the TAB order of Thrust and Swing are backwards on NPCs... and messes with my head every time =)

lol. Fixed!. This will appear in the ruleset update mentioned in the above post.

October 22nd, 2022, 14:33
Ruleset updated via the FG Forge.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.9.2 - 22nd Oct 2022 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Client Combat Tracker script error issue.
- Fixed: Dice placement issue.
- Fixed: NPC tab order.
- Added: GURPS No Dice optional extension to the ruleset forge update.

October 27th, 2022, 15:35
Thank you for the speedy update, ronnke :)

In other news: I had some money to throw away, so I decided to buy the bundle with all the new FG animated dice (on Steam you get a small discount). Amazing effects, very nicely done. There is just one small problem that I didn't anticipate: they are nearly invisible over the white chatbox background of the GURPS theme ^^"

October 28th, 2022, 02:16
I love the metal dice, but I think the effect dice are just a little too much for my liking.

October 28th, 2022, 22:38
Continue to be extremely grateful for your work, ronnke. Thank you!

Fezzik Buttercup
December 4th, 2022, 04:16

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a bug in Per; the listed per of a character is like 376058 or something (although, most of the time, it rolls the correct value). If you change it to 10, for example, it stays at 10 for a roll or two then either goes to 0 or back to the crazy number (seeing the butthole of an ant 2 parsecs away :) ) . Per is the only one that I've noticed it on, and it's in all the Per blocks, not just the main page.


December 4th, 2022, 05:52
I havn't seen this, but I will keep an eye out for it.

December 4th, 2022, 09:51

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a bug in Per; the listed per of a character is like 376058 or something (although, most of the time, it rolls the correct value). If you change it to 10, for example, it stays at 10 for a roll or two then either goes to 0 or back to the crazy number (seeing the butthole of an ant 2 parsecs away :) ) . Per is the only one that I've noticed it on, and it's in all the Per blocks, not just the main page.


I have not noticed this and I tried to reproduce the issue, but could not. Is it the same on all N/PCs or just a particular character? Are you running any particular extensions? Try running without them. Failing that, zip up and send me the campaign db file and I'll see if I can see anything there.

Fezzik Buttercup
December 4th, 2022, 19:19
Not seeing it on the main tab, but the picture is what I'm seeing on the abilities; last night it was that number on all the per. I've tried it without any extensions at all, and it still occurs. The only difference between today and last night is that players had their characters owned and when I looked at their sheets, that number was gibbled. I couldn't replicate the main page. Most of the time it rolled properly last night -- it was session 0 so mostly it was just getting used to everything.

Ok, I had to reimport one character and the main page did display the weird number, as did the rest of the Per based skill and the other per slots -- most of the characters had been imported last night, and not before (ie. There was no restart of the server between import and playing)

Could be a GCS problem? (I know FGU doesn't seem to like containers :) ie. racial template containers, adv/dis containers etc.)

I was wrong, it rolls against 9 no matter what the skill should be; if the per box is clicked it rolls against the proper per.

Fezzik Buttercup
December 4th, 2022, 19:52
A lot of these (in db.xml)
<name type="string">Survival</name>
<points type="number">2</points>
<relativelevel type="string">Per+9.2233720368549e+14</relativelevel>
<text type="formattedtext">
<p>Page Ref: B223</p>
<type type="string">Per/A</type>

some of these.
<basis type="string">Attribute</basis>
<level type="number">922337203685505</level>
<level_adj type="number">922337203685492</level_adj>
<modifierlist />
<name type="string">Body Language</name>
<points type="number">1</points>
<relativelevel type="string">Per+9.2233720368549e+14</relativelevel>
<text type="formattedtext">
<p>(Default: Detect Lies-4)</p>
<p>Page Ref: B181</p>
<type type="string">Per/A</type>


This is part of one of the XML's from gcs export
<name type="string">Survival (Desert)</name>
<type type="string">Per/A</type>
<level type="number">11</level>
<relativelevel type="string">Per+1</relativelevel>
<points type="number">4</points>
<text type="formattedtext"><p> </p><p>Page Ref: B223</p></text>
<name type="string">Area Knowledge (Caithness)</name>
<type type="string">IQ/E</type>
<level type="number">12</level>
<relativelevel type="string">IQ+2</relativelevel>
<points type="number">4</points>

I also checked out characters with and without containers, and there wasn't a problem there

I'm thinking (in my rudementary experience and idiocy :) ) that it's a problem with the /importchar?

Going to try a GCA and see if that is gibbled too.

The one GCA I did worked perfectly fine, so I'm thinking something weird with GCS


An older of GCS Doesn't do this, so something wonky with the new GCS xmls?

edit of the edited edited edit:
when I took these lines (from db.xml and put the right values in the character no longer showed the weird number
<level_adj type="number">922337203685492</level_adj>

December 4th, 2022, 23:53
GCS is exporting incorrectly. Unfortunately, I don't use GCS and I'm not familiar with its export files. Until the exporter is fixed, you'll have to manually edit the xml file and fix the PER before importing into FG.

Fezzik Buttercup
December 5th, 2022, 19:32
Thanks! I can't remember who did the GCS export for him (Richard Wilkes); I thought I'd see a post somewhere, but I didn't see anything from the first two pages.

As long as they don't go nuts with PER skills, it's not a horrible problem :)

December 5th, 2022, 23:00
Is there a GCS community on discord or something of the sort. Perhaps the issue could be brought up there. I will install GCS on the weekend and dig around to see what I can work out.

December 5th, 2022, 23:04
Here is the CGS thread. Nose66 was the creator of the GCS exporter.


Fezzik Buttercup
December 6th, 2022, 00:27
I posted on the Discord, that's where Richard told me it was up to the maker of the importer to deal with it, not him.

December 6th, 2022, 00:53
Fixed it.

Replace the files in this GCS folder.

C:\Users\<YOUR USER FOLDER>\GCS\Master Library\Output Templates

Fezzik Buttercup
December 6th, 2022, 01:32
Thanks Ronnke! I'd give you rep, but I still need to spread more around :)

December 17th, 2022, 19:03
Ronnke, There is an extension to lock the character sheet. It is primarily meant to be used in D&D 5E, but on the forge it now says it is compatible with the latest CoreRPG. Since the GURPS ruleset is also based on Core, would it be possible somehow make this work with Gurps?

December 19th, 2022, 00:01
Ronnke, There is an extension to lock the character sheet. It is primarily meant to be used in D&D 5E, but on the forge it now says it is compatible with the latest CoreRPG. Since the GURPS ruleset is also based on Core, would it be possible somehow make this work with Gurps?

I assume it will work, but obviously I can't guarantee it. However, it should be possible to make it work.

December 19th, 2022, 00:16
If this is for the Trust Issues extension it will not work with anything other than 5E.

December 19th, 2022, 02:03
If this is for the Trust Issues extension it will not work with anything other than 5E.

Thanks for the reply Damned - yes that was what I was referring to. I guess I misread the statement on the forge about the compatibility with the latest corerpg updates.

December 19th, 2022, 02:20
The extension locks very specific field names and entries in specific named lists etc. These vary massively between different game system implementations. The CoreRPG changes referenced were Currency and Inventory. Sorry for any confusion.

Fezzik Buttercup
December 19th, 2022, 19:34
Fixed it.

Replace the files in this GCS folder.

C:\Users\<YOUR USER FOLDER>\GCS\Master Library\Output Templates

Just everyone elses FYI these still work in 5.5.3 (latest update)

January 23rd, 2023, 02:42
Still getting an import error, unfortunately.

January 23rd, 2023, 03:13
Still getting an import error, unfortunately.
What? Where? What are you referring to? I don't see a previous post from you in this thread?

January 26th, 2023, 05:14
What? Where? What are you referring to? I don't see a previous post from you in this thread?

Import error.


January 26th, 2023, 13:04
Import error.


What are you Exporting from?

PM the export file you are trying to import, then I can have a look and see what is causing the error.

January 27th, 2023, 11:22
Import error.


On line 418 and 487 of the xml file, you need to replace the & with &amp;

XML doesn't like plain ampersand, it has to be the html code for an ampersand.

January 28th, 2023, 07:26
On line 418 and 487 of the xml file, you need to replace the & with &

XML doesn't like plain ampersand, it has to be the html code for an ampersand.

Ok, thanks.

March 5th, 2023, 03:50
Hi All,

Since the update my crew and i have lost the ability to open our items in inventory - the button to open the items simply doesn't show.

Any thoughts or helps?

March 5th, 2023, 03:52
Hi All,

Since the update my crew and i have lost the ability to open our items in inventory - the button to open the items simply doesn't show.

Any thoughts or helps?

I'm investigating some breaking changes. I'll add this to the list to get fixed.

March 5th, 2023, 15:34
I'm investigating some breaking changes. I'll add this to the list to get fixed.

Thanks Ronnke! Were other things broken as well?

March 10th, 2023, 00:18
Thanks indeed Ronnke - my players and i are profoundly grateful.

March 11th, 2023, 01:52
Thanks Ronnke! Were other things broken as well?

Yes, due to some changes in CoreRPG and deprecated functions.

A new update will be available via the Forge later today.

March 11th, 2023, 12:12
The ruleset has been updated for FG Unity. Update via the FG Forge.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.10.0 - 11th Mar 2023 (FG Unity Only)
(This update will make changes to the campaign database. If concerned, backup your campaign folder before applying)
- Fixed: Several compatability issues with CoreRPG.
- Fixed: Chat Window default position.
- Fixed: Skill, Spell ability auto level calculations.
- Added: Power, Other ability auto level calculations. (Accessible via the "Info/Detail" section icon)
- Several other minor changes.

March 11th, 2023, 14:24
Thanks ronnke!

I am having problems updating from Forge, is it happening to anyone else?

Fezzik Buttercup
March 11th, 2023, 16:23
It updated something this morning when I tried; however, I'm still getting these when I try to use the PC/NPC edit buttons (the character sheets themselves seem not to be giving the error)

I checked the version number and it's definitely 3.10.0

Possible the edit button problem not fixed yet?

(on a side note I wish there was an easier way to add a snipet shot other than opening up photoshop, saving it, then uploading it... possible I'm just dense :) )

March 11th, 2023, 18:23
Ignore that earlier post. I was thinking of cutting and pasting to a different program.

March 11th, 2023, 22:10
Possible the edit button problem not fixed yet?

They were fixed.

Can you try unload all your extensions, including any themes you are running. If it works, start adding the extension back one at a time until you find out which extension is the cause.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 12th, 2023, 05:01
Ok, will try that tomorrow; the traits panel was throwing an error too (and it's blank)

March 12th, 2023, 05:27
Ok, will try that tomorrow; the traits panel was throwing an error too (and it's blank)

We had our livestream session today using the v3.10.0 ruleset, no issues reported.

If after unloading extensions, you still have problems...post the script error messages and how you produced them.

Fezzik Buttercup
March 12th, 2023, 21:14
It seems to be Yako's All In One extension (or it's conflicting with another of these extensions)56691

March 13th, 2023, 08:44
I'm sure it's my outdated extensions and I even advise trying to use the CORE RPG - PACKAGE which works for any set of rules.
Link: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/853/view

Fezzik Buttercup
March 13th, 2023, 18:54

The shop says i own it, but it's not showing up in FGU (at least not under that name, there are a bunch of Extension: XXXX; are those part of the package or different?


March 13th, 2023, 22:41
I had disabled it by mistake, I believe it is now in order

March 20th, 2023, 01:11
The GURPSCore Theme for Unity has been updated to fix an issue with avatar images. The update has been pushed to the FG Forge. Update via the Check For Updates button in Fantasy Grounds.

Eddie T
April 15th, 2023, 15:43
Yako, what is CORE RPG - PACKAGE? I followed the link but there is no description in the Forge nor any screenshots. I see the individual extensions but I'm not finding them separately in the Forge either.

Any kind of quick description of what each one is supposed to do. Specifically the Always Sensitive and Full Mode Map?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it on your All-In-One thread.

April 15th, 2023, 16:40
The core package add some visual alteration for algo rulesets

April 26th, 2023, 14:17
Hello! I was wondering if there were any exciting new additions coming to the GURPS ruleset in the near future :)

April 28th, 2023, 01:24
Hello! I was wondering if there were any exciting new additions coming to the GURPS ruleset in the near future :)

I'm working on refactoring the code to make future updates easier. The biggest new feature in development is the automatic application of damage. That will be available when I finish it. :P

April 28th, 2023, 14:36
I'm working on refactoring the code to make future updates easier. The biggest new feature in development is the automatic application of damage. That will be available when I finish it. :P

Sounds nice. Wish you luck :D

April 28th, 2023, 18:44
I'm working on refactoring the code to make future updates easier. The biggest new feature in development is the automatic application of damage. That will be available when I finish it. :P

Sounds ambitious! Would this take different damage types (cut, imp etc.) and body location into account?

If so, would it be possible for you to leave in a variable into the calculation for edge resistance?

April 29th, 2023, 06:07
Sounds ambitious! Would this take different damage types (cut, imp etc.) and body location into account?

If so, would it be possible for you to leave in a variable into the calculation for edge resistance?

Yes it will factor types and location. I'm not sure what you mean by edge resistance.

April 29th, 2023, 16:15
Yes it will factor types and location. I'm not sure what you mean by edge resistance.

I meant edge protection, not edge resistance. Basically it is meant to offer a buffer level before the damage type modifiers kick in ( the 1.5x for cutting, 2x for impaling) etc. It represents, not only the increased resistance of certain types of metal armor to cutting, but can also be applied to certain types of type weave cloth to arrows.

Edge protection has been discussed in various places on the web, but at the moment, I can't recall what might be considered "the best".

Does edge protection ring a bell with you at all?

April 29th, 2023, 17:16
Does edge protection ring a bell with you at all?

Not really. I know you can have split DR, so for example chainmail will provide DR 3 for crushing attacks and DR 4 for all other types... That will be addressed in the damage calculation.

April 30th, 2023, 16:15
There seems to be a bug with techniques, or I have no idea what I'm doing. I setup counter attack as shown in the screenshot and it is calculating completely wrong.


Did I set this up right?

May 1st, 2023, 08:12
There seems to be a bug with techniques, or I have no idea what I'm doing. I setup counter attack as shown in the screenshot and it is calculating completely wrong.


Did I set this up right?

You have 6 points set in the Bonus Points field, this is added to skill points, so in effect you are spending 12pts on the technique. Set the Bonus Points to 0 and it should calculate correctly.

May 1st, 2023, 14:45
I was trying to move after a long time without opening GURPS 4th and then I created a skill and a Combat Technique, through the side tab and when I dragged and dropped it on the character, this Basis Attribute appeared... what would that be... would it be part of the process of changes to come?57230

May 1st, 2023, 15:35
Yep, I'm blind =) I figured I was doing something wrong. Thanks!

May 2nd, 2023, 01:14
I was trying to move after a long time without opening GURPS 4th and then I created a skill and a Combat Technique, through the side tab and when I dragged and dropped it on the character, this Basis Attribute appeared... what would that be... would it be part of the process of changes to come?57230

That just tell you what the skill is based on, eg Attribute, or another skill in the case of Techniques.

June 14th, 2023, 16:18
The ruleset has been updated for FG Unity.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.10.1 - 15th Jun 2023 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Script errors following the FG4.4 release.

June 15th, 2023, 03:02
Thanks Ronnke!

Quick question... not sure how long this has been an issue, but I just noticed. Didn't one used to be able to hover the mouse over a token and get status info (health, effect)?

June 15th, 2023, 03:41
Thanks Ronnke!

Quick question... not sure how long this has been an issue, but I just noticed. Didn't one used to be able to hover the mouse over a token and get status info (health, effect)?

Yes, but it was only effects, and that was an option in the Main options.

June 15th, 2023, 03:59
Yes, but it was only effects, and that was an option in the Main options.

Doesn't seem to be working for me now. Does it work for you?

June 15th, 2023, 08:07
Doesn't seem to be working for me now. Does it work for you?

No it doesn't. Now I'm starting to doubt if I'm remembering right.

June 15th, 2023, 15:52
Hi ronnke,

Thanks for your very quick response to FGU 4.4.0 release! However, I believe there is a bug in the Effects section. When I open it, I get the following console error:

window: Control (label) anchoring to an undefined control (rightanchor) in windowclass (effectsmall)

and the effects themselves are not usable:


June 16th, 2023, 00:01
No it doesn't. Now I'm starting to doubt if I'm remembering right.

Well, I remember being able to see the actor's hp-status (good, fair, critical etc) and maybe even a color. In addition, effects such as crippled, prone etc. would be even better.

June 16th, 2023, 05:12
Hi ronnke,

Thanks for your very quick response to FGU 4.4.0 release! However, I believe there is a bug in the Effects section. When I open it, I get the following console error:

and the effects themselves are not usable:


Will look into it.

June 19th, 2023, 13:09
Hi ronnke,

Thanks for your very quick response to FGU 4.4.0 release! However, I believe there is a bug in the Effects section. When I open it, I get the following console error:

and the effects themselves are not usable:


This has been fixed.

The ruleset has been updated for FG Unity.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.10.2 - 19th Jun 2023 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Formatting issue with effects window.

June 19th, 2023, 13:54
This has been fixed.

The ruleset has been updated for FG Unity.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.10.2 - 19th Jun 2023 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Formatting issue with effects window.

I can confirm this is working now. Thanks!

Eddie T
July 4th, 2023, 18:45

This may have been discussed but Search isn't turning it up and I'm not scouring 141 pages. Is token scaling like in the 5e ruleset possible? I know I can control the size of a token manually, but being able to set it on the NPC card would be phenomenal.

July 4th, 2023, 23:56

This may have been discussed but Search isn't turning it up and I'm not scouring 141 pages. Is token scaling like in the 5e ruleset possible? I know I can control the size of a token manually, but being able to set it on the NPC card would be phenomenal.

Search should be working as this is feature comes from CoreRPG. In which section specifically are you trying to search (items/abilities/traits/etc)? And, yes, token scaling is supported. Make sure the auto scaling is set in the options, and you have an appropriate value in the N/PC Size Modifier field.

Eddie T
July 5th, 2023, 05:14
Search should be working as this is feature comes from CoreRPG. In which section specifically are you trying to search (items/abilities/traits/etc)? And, yes, token scaling is supported. Make sure the auto scaling is set in the options, and you have an appropriate value in the N/PC Size Modifier field.

Sorry, I mean the Search function for the forum. I tried to look for token and scale and size and too many threads popped up. In this thread there are 141 pages.

For token scaling, I misspoke. I meant the Size and Reach options in the Combat Tracker from the 5e rules. Is there a way to pull them over? Is that CoreRPG and not you?

July 5th, 2023, 05:32
Sorry, I mean the Search function for the forum. I tried to look for token and scale and size and too many threads popped up. In this thread there are 141 pages.

For token scaling, I misspoke. I meant the Size and Reach options in the Combat Tracker from the 5e rules. Is there a way to pull them over? Is that CoreRPG and not you?

The size and scaling is available in the GURPS ruleset. If you adjust the SM and Reach values then it is reflected on the combat maps with the different highlight zones. For PC's you need to re-add them to the combat tracker for changes to take effect. This is probably something I can fix.

July 7th, 2023, 01:47
... For PC's you need to re-add them to the combat tracker for changes to take effect. This is probably something I can fix.

This would be really helpful.

July 7th, 2023, 03:11
This would be really helpful.

I don't imagine PC size modifier and reach change often, but I have it on my list of changes.

July 7th, 2023, 03:46
I don't imagine PC size modifier and reach change often, but I have it on my list of changes.

My players with spear are ALWAYS changing their reach. Multiple times per session.

July 7th, 2023, 06:27
Ahhhh. Maybe it would be better to do a proper implementation of Weapon Reach over character reach. Hmmm. I will give some thought to that.

July 8th, 2023, 14:41
Ahhhh. Maybe it would be better to do a proper implementation of Weapon Reach over character reach. Hmmm. I will give some thought to that.

Isn't that what happens already? I see that SM and Weapon reach are combined to create effective character reach.

The only issue seems to be that it does not get updated live for PCs as it does with NPCs.

July 9th, 2023, 05:05
Isn't that what happens already? I see that SM and Weapon reach are combined to create effective character reach.

The only issue seems to be that it does not get updated live for PCs as it does with NPCs.

Kind of, but I can make this work better.

July 17th, 2023, 17:56
I just noticed that the layer visibility option "Visible only to GM" is not there anymore (all I have is Visible / Invisible). Is this intended?

July 18th, 2023, 03:33
I just noticed that the layer visibility option "Visible only to GM" is not there anymore (all I have is Visible / Invisible). Is this intended?

This is correct. If you don't want players to see the layer, then you can unshare single layers.

July 18th, 2023, 13:52
This is correct. If you don't want players to see the layer, then you can unshare single layers.

Oh, I used to use that feature to paint visual notes on battlemaps (complementary to pins), such as PNG planned movements and so on. But I suppose not many others were doing the same :)

July 18th, 2023, 15:50
The system has been separated between visibility and shared; you will now see that there is an Icon to the left of the visibility icon on each layer. That is the shared Icon; uncheck to make the layer only for the GM. Thus all of the old functionality is still present, just in an easier way cleaner way of interacting.

July 20th, 2023, 10:48
The system has been separated between visibility and shared; you will now see that there is an Icon to the left of the visibility icon on each layer. That is the shared Icon; uncheck to make the layer only for the GM. Thus all of the old functionality is still present, just in an easier way cleaner way of interacting.

Oh I hadn't noticed! So nothing has changed, it's just a matter of different UI. Thanks :)

July 28th, 2023, 20:53

Do you have documentation for the GURPS 4E ruleset regarding module creation for the advantages/disadvantages/skills/powers/etc.? I am trying to wrap my head around how to "automate" drag and drop into the character sheet as well as loading the module for both GM and players in future GURPS campaigns. Is there any reference material, tutorials, or anything of that nature that could help understand how to do this?

July 30th, 2023, 14:50

Do you have documentation for the GURPS 4E ruleset regarding module creation for the advantages/disadvantages/skills/powers/etc.? I am trying to wrap my head around how to "automate" drag and drop into the character sheet as well as loading the module for both GM and players in future GURPS campaigns. Is there any reference material, tutorials, or anything of that nature that could help understand how to do this?

I do need to provide an update to it but https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51192-FG-GURPS-Mod-Maker-for-drag-n-drop-items was made to do this. The basics are still the same but I had to make some changes for the latest updates and I haven't shared those yet. Partially because I haven't been able to get back to it and partially because I never got an answer to my last question (which I've since decided to just live with it the way it works for me).

I don't think there is a way yet to mass load up the skills/advantages/etc other than something like what I have there but I will admit I think my portion still needs some love before it's great. There may be other ways to accomplish it but if they are better I would also like to know about them.

July 31st, 2023, 00:27

Do you have documentation for the GURPS 4E ruleset regarding module creation for the advantages/disadvantages/skills/powers/etc.? I am trying to wrap my head around how to "automate" drag and drop into the character sheet as well as loading the module for both GM and players in future GURPS campaigns. Is there any reference material, tutorials, or anything of that nature that could help understand how to do this?

Unfortunately, there is no documentation for the GURPS ruleset side of things. The loading of modules and such is standard across all rulesets for FG, there will be information and/or videos of that in the FG documentation and YouTube channel. As Jaxilon mentioned, he has created an awesome utility to create modules for skills, traits and equipment. This will do a lot of the hard work for you.

July 31st, 2023, 15:50
Perfect. That makes my job a lot easier as a GM.

I will test out Jaxilon's program as I've watched his two videos regarding using his GURPSMM.

July 31st, 2023, 16:11
Where did you find this "XML exporter" for GCA 5 as you've listed in the video on YouTube? I downloaded every single export option for FG and others but none of them show an XML export option.

August 1st, 2023, 23:56
Where did you find this "XML exporter" for GCA 5 as you've listed in the video on YouTube? I downloaded every single export option for FG and others but none of them show an XML export option.

"Optional packages" when you update GCA5.

August 2nd, 2023, 03:03
GCA 5 XML file exports are not the same as GCA 4 XML file exports. GCA 5 now exports complicated XML code that GURPSMM cannot read. The GURPSMM can only read GCA 4 XML code, as indicated from Jaxilon's video.

August 3rd, 2023, 15:44
It seems like he did add the ability to xml export like GCA4 already but I did create an exporter that I used for myself based on WoodmanX's GCA5FAntasyGroundsExporter. I'd share it but I'm uncertain if I can do so because in WoodmanX's plugin he tagged it with copyright to himself. I'll have to see if I can get permission from him I guess.

edit: but I don't see how to get ahold of him.

August 4th, 2023, 02:44
Sounds like WoodmanX has abandoned the GCA5FantasyGroundsExporter himself. You can either learn to program a new exporter that can help export a lot of things or find a way to improve that exporter. Maybe asking around on Discord might yield some results in finding WoodmanX.

August 7th, 2023, 00:09
Sounds like WoodmanX has abandoned the GCA5FantasyGroundsExporter himself. You can either learn to program a new exporter that can help export a lot of things or find a way to improve that exporter. Maybe asking around on Discord might yield some results in finding WoodmanX.

That's kind of what I'm thinking. I guess I'll just credit him for helping me see how to do it and post my version. I'm not much of a git hub user so I'll have to fiddle around with that later this week if I can.

August 7th, 2023, 01:48
That's kind of what I'm thinking. I guess I'll just credit him for helping me see how to do it and post my version. I'm not much of a git hub user so I'll have to fiddle around with that later this week if I can.

Good luck with that.

Are you working on finding a way to export Advantages, disadvantages, or skills that may require "user input" to finalize the deal? These seen to be refusing to be exported with the module in question.

August 7th, 2023, 17:35
Good luck with that.

Are you working on finding a way to export Advantages, disadvantages, or skills that may require "user input" to finalize the deal? These seen to be refusing to be exported with the module in question.

I don't want to hijack this thread too much with things for the FGMM so I'll just say, I think you always have to have "user input" because some things have prerequisites that a based on how your world is setup. For myself, I would like to be able to create a "Book" of Advantages/Disadvantages/Skills/Etc that works just like Equipment does. For further questions/discussion please post in the Drag-N-Drop thread.

September 5th, 2023, 20:44
Latest FG release has broken the GURPS Core theme here and there.

September 6th, 2023, 00:34
Latest FG release has broken the GURPS Core theme here and there.

The fix for the theme will be posted shortly. With some changes closer to the creators original vision for it. It's still a work in progress, but it will address the FG update issues.

September 6th, 2023, 06:55
Latest FG release has broken the GURPS Core theme here and there.

The update is now available from the FG Forge. Click the Check For Updates button in the FGU Launcher to update.

GURPS Core Theme for Unity
(Updated: 6th Sept 2023)
(Courtesy of Gigermann)

The GURPSCore Theme update fixes issues related to the lasted FG release. There are also some changes closer to the creators original vision for theme. It's still a work in progress. Feedback is welcome.

September 7th, 2023, 06:47
The update is now available from the FG Forge. Click the Check For Updates button in the FGU Launcher to update.

GURPS Core Theme for Unity
(Updated: 6th Sept 2023)
(Courtesy of Gigermann)

The GURPSCore Theme update fixes issues related to the lasted FG release. There are also some changes closer to the creators original vision for theme. It's still a work in progress. Feedback is welcome.

I've pushed another update to the FG Forge, to fix a minor GURPSCore theme issue.

September 7th, 2023, 10:19
Thanks ronnke! :)

Would you or someone be able to provide me a link for the FG Forge item? I just realized I was still using the .ext file (v0.6) and Forge's search bar is not proving very useful, for some reason.

September 7th, 2023, 23:36
Thanks ronnke! :)

Would you or someone be able to provide me a link for the FG Forge item? I just realized I was still using the .ext file (v0.6) and Forge's search bar is not proving very useful, for some reason.

The skin is included as part of the ruleset. If you have the ruleset in FG Forge, then when you update FG, it will also update the skin.

September 9th, 2023, 15:56
Uhm, I'm a bit confused.

This is what the theme used to look like: 58819
This is how the ruleset looks like if I load it without selecting a theme: 58818

Am I doing something wrong?

September 9th, 2023, 16:42

Have you loaded GURPS Core Theme v0.7.2? I think if you have a sub to the ruleset in Forge, that theme should update automatically as well?

Here is what I have selected on the campaign creation window, and what it produces when it initializes.

September 9th, 2023, 17:48

Have you loaded GURPS Core Theme v0.7.2? I think if you have a sub to the ruleset in Forge, that theme should update automatically as well?

Here is what I have selected on the campaign creation window, and what it produces when it initializes.

Thanks for the pointer. My problem is that I cannot for the life of mine find the GurpsCore theme on Forge. Do you have a link to it?

EDIT: just to clarify, I don't have "Theme: GurpsCore-U" in my available Extensions and I was running v0.6 by manually loading the .ext file.

September 9th, 2023, 21:03
Is the link to the updated GurpsCore not listed on the first page in this thread?

I don't think the theme is on the Forge as a separate item. I believe it is built-in to the GURPS ruleset.

Hope that helps?

September 10th, 2023, 14:32
Is the link to the updated GurpsCore not listed on the first page in this thread?

I don't think the theme is on the Forge as a separate item. I believe it is built-in to the GURPS ruleset.

Hope that helps?

I don't have "Theme: GurpsCore-U" in my available Extensions. If I load the .ext file included in the first page of this thread, I get the v0.6 theme. If I load the ruleset without the theme, it will load up like the picture that I have attached to my previous post.
Not really sure on how to proceed...

September 10th, 2023, 23:41
I don't have "Theme: GurpsCore-U" in my available Extensions. If I load the .ext file included in the first page of this thread, I get the v0.6 theme. If I load the ruleset without the theme, it will load up like the picture that I have attached to my previous post.
Not really sure on how to proceed...

Do you have the GURPS Ruleset form the FG Forge?

The Theme: GURPSCore-U is included as additional assets of the GURPS Ruleset. So as long as you get the ruleset from the FG Forge, then you should also have the theme available to you.

I would maybe suggest you go to the FG folder on your PC delete(or backup) the following files:

.\Modules\GURPS Assets.mod

Restart Fantasy Grounds, and then click the Check for Updates button. All the above files should then be re-downloaded from the FG Forge with the latest versions.

September 11th, 2023, 11:29
Do you have the GURPS Ruleset form the FG Forge?

The Theme: GURPSCore-U is included as additional assets of the GURPS Ruleset. So as long as you get the ruleset from the FG Forge, then you should also have the theme available to you.

I would maybe suggest you go to the FG folder on your PC delete(or backup) the following files:

.\Modules\GURPS Assets.mod

Restart Fantasy Grounds, and then click the Check for Updates button. All the above files should then be re-downloaded from the FG Forge with the latest versions.

This worked, thank you!

September 26th, 2023, 02:16
I just noticed that I am no longer able to roll from an NPC sheet, either into the dice tower or into the open chat. I see the dice roll, but no result is displayed. I am able to roll combat type stuff from the npc in the combat tracker however.

I have disabled all extensions and still have no luck. Have also toggled the various settings in the options tab, without any luck.

September 26th, 2023, 02:25
I just noticed that I am no longer able to roll from an NPC sheet, either into the dice tower or into the open chat. I see the dice roll, but no result is displayed. I am able to roll combat type stuff from the npc in the combat tracker however.

I have disabled all extensions and still have no luck. Have also toggled the various settings in the options tab, without any luck.

Hmmmm.. I'm not able to reproduce the issue you have. I'm using current GURPS Ruleset and the GURPSCore theme.

September 27th, 2023, 01:23
Hmmmm.. I'm not able to reproduce the issue you have. I'm using current GURPS Ruleset and the GURPSCore theme.

Thanks for the response, Ronnke. I've actually tracked the issue to the pre-generated NPCs included in a 1-shot adventure I'm running - The Festering Locusts of Fenmore. You have worked with him in the past, correct?

September 27th, 2023, 01:25
Thanks for the response, Ronnke. I've actually tracked the issue to the pre-generated NPCs included in a 1-shot adventure I'm running - The Festering Locusts of Fenmore. You have worked with him in the past, correct?

Yes. I will have a look at the module and see what might be the problem or a workaround. Watch this space....

September 27th, 2023, 01:35
Yes. I will have a look at the module and see what might be the problem or a workaround. Watch this space....

I have been able to reproduce the issue. That is a little weird. The workaround is to add the NPC to the combat tracker and roll from that. I will investigate the issue in the meantime.

September 27th, 2023, 01:43
I have been able to reproduce the issue. That is a little weird. The workaround is to add the NPC to the combat tracker and roll from that. I will investigate the issue in the meantime.

The Dark Wiche also has this issue. I do not believe that you can roll abilities like Stealth, from the combat tracker.

Edit: These are both truly excellent products btw.

September 27th, 2023, 02:05
The Dark Wiche also has this issue. I do not believe that you can roll abilities like Stealth, from the combat tracker.

Edit: These are both truly excellent products btw.

Open the npc character sheet from the combat tracker, it will work for all rolls.

September 27th, 2023, 02:12
Open the npc character sheet from the combat tracker, it will work for all rolls.

Wow, thanks! Craziness.

Btw. I really like how in Dark Wiche, the characters sheets have stuff like willpower rolls for their disadvantages in abilities>other. Did those auto-populate from GCA5 somehow?

September 27th, 2023, 02:13
Wow, thanks! Craziness.

Btw. I really like how in Dark Wiche, the characters sheets have stuff like willpower rolls for their disadvantages in abilities>other. Did those auto-populate from GCA5 somehow?

No those were added manually. But I guess it could be possible to have GCA5 export them. Hmmmm... :)

October 1st, 2023, 00:54
No those were added manually. But I guess it could be possible to have GCA5 export them. Hmmmm... :)

That would be a great addition to the ruleset. I have some players that are a bit hesitant in using all the capabilities of the ruleset and FG in general.

October 27th, 2023, 02:11
Good evening, I hope things are well.

On my NPC sheets, there is no longer a block for Parry and Dodge, next to Block, at the top of the combat tab. How long has it been this way? Is it intentional?

October 27th, 2023, 03:15
I see that too: the Parry and Dodge values are missing. I also notice that on the Main tab, any Reaction data has bee removed, as well as the place where you could list traits beneath it.

October 27th, 2023, 05:27
Good evening, I hope things are well.

On my NPC sheets, there is no longer a block for Parry and Dodge, next to Block, at the top of the combat tab. How long has it been this way? Is it intentional?

Ugh.... Not intentional. Looks like the latest FG update broke things. Thanks for the heads-up, I will get to fixing it.

November 17th, 2023, 03:40
Ugh.... Not intentional. Looks like the latest FG update broke things. Thanks for the heads-up, I will get to fixing it.

Thanks for looking into this. On another (perhaps related?) note ... I thought that previously one of my players could control (move it around on the map) an NPC (his wolf companion) if I dragged the NPC onto his character portrait. Was this functionality lost as well?

November 17th, 2023, 05:20
Thanks for looking into this. On another (perhaps related?) note ... I thought that previously one of my players could control (move it around on the map) an NPC (his wolf companion) if I dragged the NPC onto his character portrait. Was this functionality lost as well?

No, it was not, but they can move it around if you make it "green/friendly" in the combat tracker.

Also, the new update is coming in the next day or so.

November 17th, 2023, 22:40
Also, the new update is coming in the next day or so.


November 18th, 2023, 18:40
The ruleset has been updated for FG Unity.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.10.3 - 19th Nov 2023 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: FG/CoreRPG breaking changes.
- Fixed: Inventory location equip/unequip.
- Minor other changes.

November 18th, 2023, 19:23
No, it was not, but they can move it around if you make it "green/friendly" in the combat tracker.

So, I was playing around with this and I am not sure if it quite the way I remember it...

As it is now,

1) Add NPC to combat tracker. (Change to Green/Friendly)
2) Share NPC with PC by dragging from CT to PC portrait.
3) PC places the NPC token on the map from the NPC sheet that was opened when the NPC was shared.
-> NPC can be moved by PC

Note that with this method, I cannot seem to just add a light to the NPC in the combat tracker by using the lights on the "effects" tab. But I am able to add light to the NPC using the commands on the map itself.

November 19th, 2023, 08:08
So, I was playing around with this and I am not sure if it quite the way I remember it...

As it is now,

1) Add NPC to combat tracker.
2) Share NPC with PC by dragging from CT to PC portrait.
3) PC places the NPC token on the map from the NPC sheet that was opened when the NPC was shared.
-> NPC can be moved by PC

Note that with this method, I cannot seem to just add a light to the NPC in the combat tracker by using the lights on the "effects" tab. But I am able to add light to the NPC using the commands on the map itself.

This functionality is not something implemented in the ruleset, it's part of CoreRPG. I don't use it that much, so I unfortunately don't know if this has changed over time.

December 12th, 2023, 14:46
Ruleset for FGU updated to fix script errors when opening characters.

January 3rd, 2024, 05:44
Update. I am working on fixing the issue with deprecated functions. There is a fair bit of code refactoring going on, but it should be completed in the next day or so.

January 4th, 2024, 21:13
Update. I am working on fixing the issue with deprecated functions. There is a fair bit of code refactoring going on, but it should be completed in the next day or so.

You can do it!

January 19th, 2024, 11:49
I believe there are some problems interfacing the GURPS ruleset with the FG default themes (leather, dungeon, etc...).

https://pasteboard.co/4wu4uLiYdkrP.jpg (sorry for the external link the Forums are not allowing me to upload my screenshot)

January 19th, 2024, 15:21
I believe there are some problems interfacing the GURPS ruleset with the FG default themes (leather, dungeon, etc...).

https://pasteboard.co/4wu4uLiYdkrP.jpg (sorry for the external link the Forums are not allowing me to upload my screenshot)

I verified the Dungeon Theme does have this issue - I don't use it myself so it hadn't come up.
I use the "Theme: GURPSCore-U" and that doesn't seem to have the issue.

edit: So what I'm saying is it is up to the author of the extenstion/theme to fix that in most cases.

January 21st, 2024, 10:35
I believe there are some problems interfacing the GURPS ruleset with the FG default themes (leather, dungeon, etc...).

https://pasteboard.co/4wu4uLiYdkrP.jpg (sorry for the external link the Forums are not allowing me to upload my screenshot)

I'm not able to access that image. Are you able to upload it to a different site, or drop the image in the OlympusRPG discord (https://discord.gg/Wf8GwZuJ9d).

January 22nd, 2024, 01:18
I'm getting a bunch of deprecated errors when I first load up the combat tracker. I have no extensions installed at the current time.

January 22nd, 2024, 01:25
I'm getting a bunch of deprecated errors when I first load up the combat tracker. I have no extensions installed at the current time.

Yeah, it's a know issue and will be fixed with the next release. I'm doing my best to get this out ASAP.

January 22nd, 2024, 01:27
I'm not able to access that image. Are you able to upload it to a different site, or drop the image in the OlympusRPG discord (https://discord.gg/Wf8GwZuJ9d).

I threw it on the Discord.

January 22nd, 2024, 01:33
Yeah, it's a know issue and will be fixed with the next release. I'm doing my best to get this out ASAP.

Woops, my bad! Thanks.

January 22nd, 2024, 01:53
I use the "Theme: GURPSCore-U" and that doesn't seem to have the issue.

Yes, the GURPSCore-U theme does not have the issue. Use this as a workaround until the updated release.

January 22nd, 2024, 13:45
Oh man, I saw you had posted and got all excited. I guess like everyone else I'm sitting here with Salmon eggs in my mouth.
(aka, baited breath :D)

January 22nd, 2024, 14:26
Sorry to double post and I hate adding to the load, but I think I have come across another bug.

If you create an NPC monster, say a Dire Wolf, everything works peachy. You can go to the Combat or Abilities tab and click on the attacks and skills and the die rolls show up in the chat panel perfectly.

However, if you export the NPC via the Modules>Export button (like you might do if you want to include your beastiary in another adventure session) and then Activate that NPC module the Combat & Abilities rolls no longer display on the chat panel.

I suspect this is an issue with the export functionality but it could be in the module import. I don't have a working beastiary module to verify with.

If you need any clarification let me know, I can go as far as creating a video of the issue if needed but I think it's pretty easy to replicate.

Fezzik Buttercup
January 26th, 2024, 00:08
That sounds a lot like the one I mentioned in the Olympus group; I think there are some work arounds that worked. Mostly doing it from the combat tracker character popup sheet instead of the sheet from NPC


January 26th, 2024, 10:58
However, if you export the NPC via the Modules>Export button (like you might do if you want to include your beastiary in another adventure session) and then Activate that NPC module the Combat & Abilities rolls no longer display on the chat panel.

It's a known issue. And hopefully is included in the fixes I have coming in the next release.

February 8th, 2024, 20:31
Was the ruleset silently updated? I get a 3.11.0 version

February 9th, 2024, 05:04
Was the ruleset silently updated? I get a 3.11.0 version

Yes it was, but only to fix CoreRPG issues. A full update is due soon which will add new features.

Eddie T
February 19th, 2024, 14:46

Will one of the new features be token sizing like for the D&D rulesets - i.e., small, medium, large? I can't upload an attachment or a screenshot for some reason but if you reference this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibr8cncALsI at the 3:11 mark, you can see the green and red squares around tokens denoting they take up 1x1 squares or 2x2 squares.

I know that I can scale with the mouse wheel, but it would be great to be able to set the image size class in the character block - PC or NPC.


February 19th, 2024, 21:48

Will one of the new features be token sizing like for the D&D rulesets - i.e., small, medium, large? I can't upload an attachment or a screenshot for some reason but if you reference this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibr8cncALsI at the 3:11 mark, you can see the green and red squares around tokens denoting they take up 1x1 squares or 2x2 squares.

I know that I can scale with the mouse wheel, but it would be great to be able to set the image size class in the character block - PC or NPC.

TIA!You're not talking about the "reach" but the actual token itself? I know the reach works (incorrectly—SM1 doesn't automatically go to a 2-yd-radius in GURPS)

February 19th, 2024, 22:55
Token scaling to SM and Reach are features that already exists in the ruleset. You will need to have a value in the SM and Reach fields of the PC/NPCs when you drop the character tokens on a map. You will also need to have the Auto Scale Token option enabled for the token itself to scale. If the Auto Scale Token option is set to off then the token will not scale, but the green and red Size and Reach circles will scale.

Eddie T
February 19th, 2024, 23:55
Awwww!!! You are correct, sih! (You wrote it so of course you are!)

I missed it somehow. Thanks for correcting me straight. Does the scaling on SM go off of the minimum for that SM? Or max? Or somewhere in between?

February 20th, 2024, 00:19
Awwww!!! You are correct, sih! (You wrote it so of course you are!)

I missed it somehow. Thanks for correcting me straight. Does the scaling on SM go off of the minimum for that SM? Or max? Or somewhere in between?

It goes off the minimum, but GURPS is a little bit handwavy about SM specifics. A 12ft python by GURPS standards would be a SM 2 creature. It's longest dimension makes it SM 2....but is it really the same size as a wagon, which is also SM 2, or as easy to hit as that wagon?????

Eddie T
February 20th, 2024, 02:48
Agreed. And it doesn't really matter if something like a mecha is 30 feet tall if you're looking straight down and trying to block off it's square footage for a battlemap.

March 7th, 2024, 09:57
Did anyone have a chance to test the new FG 4.5.0 release? I have a game tonight so I'm not planning to update unless somebody else has already tried it out and can give a green light.

March 7th, 2024, 22:54
Did anyone have a chance to test the new FG 4.5.0 release? I have a game tonight so I'm not planning to update unless somebody else has already tried it out and can give a green light.

There is an issue. I'm in the process of fixing it. So I recommend you don't update for your game tonight. Unless I fix it before your game.

March 8th, 2024, 15:00
Ruleset updated.

FYI. The GURPSCore Theme still has a number of issue which will be fixed when Gigermann can get around to it. The FG default skins work fine.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.11.1 - 9th Mar 2024 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: FG/CoreRPG (Ver 4.5) breaking changes.

March 9th, 2024, 04:46
The GURPSCore skin has been updated (ver 0.74) to fix the most critical issues. It requires more work, but this will happen at a later stage. Remember, the default FG themes work fine if you are having trouble with the GURPSCore theme.

March 9th, 2024, 22:35
Another update to the GURPSCore theme is available.

March 11th, 2024, 16:29
A new ruleset update is available.

GURPS 4e Ruleset v3.12.0 - 12th Mar 2024 (FG Unity Only)
- Fixed: Minor FG/CoreRPG (Ver 4.5) breaking changes.
- Added: Ability to output Traits, Abilities, Items, Vehicles, and Notes to the chat window.
- Other: Refactored ruleset code bring it inline with FG/CoreRPG changes.

March 16th, 2024, 20:13
awesome job ronnke, thanks for your ongoing efforts.

March 17th, 2024, 00:22
awesome job ronnke, thanks for your ongoing efforts.


April 12th, 2024, 02:56
Good evening. Does anyone else have problems with the FG "calendar" functionality? I get a bunch of errors whenever I click on dates etc. Not sure how long this has been going on...

April 13th, 2024, 04:14
Good evening. Does anyone else have problems with the FG "calendar" functionality? I get a bunch of errors whenever I click on dates etc. Not sure how long this has been going on...

Nope. No errors for me.

April 13th, 2024, 15:38
Hellow, ronnke. Thank you for your work!

At the moment, when the face indicator is turned on, the tokens do not rotate, when it is turned off, they rotate.
Is it possible to make individual switching buttons for tokens or a hotkey that was pressed to switch from the front indicator to the rotation of the token?