View Full Version : LFG - Looking for Group

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  1. Ivory Box
  2. G.u.r.p.s.
  3. Yet another FG novice looking for a 4e game...
  4. New player looking for 4e group.
  5. 3.5 player seeking a good group to campaign with
  6. Looking to join...
  7. Eastern time zone PC looking for a game
  8. Player seeking Saga Edition Star Wars campaign.
  9. D&D 4th Edition: Quest for Queen Varsha's Jewels
  10. Keep on the ShadowFell recruits...
  11. Shadows of Corruption - Warhammer 40k RPG Session
  12. Checking interest in Conan 2e
  13. A player looking for a group.
  14. Player looking for 3.5 group
  15. Looking for a 4e campaign.
  16. DM of 3 games looking to play (CDT) in 4e campaign
  17. Looking to recruit 2
  18. Friday Night D&D 4.0, H1 Keep of the Shadowfell: 8PM-1AM PST(GMT-8 )
  19. H1-3 in 4e Forgotten Realms, Tuesday Nights
  20. Looking for Wed 7:30 PST 4e KotS Players!
  21. Starting Star Wars SE Campaign!!!
  22. New Player looking for group
  23. New Game: 3.5 D&D
  24. Living Forgotten Realms - WATE 1-1 - "Heirloom" - 9/19/08
  25. 4E player looking for a game
  26. player looking for D&D 3.5 or 4E
  27. The Scales of War (Midnight Sat\Sun GMT+0)
  28. New game: D&D 4E for New players
  29. Hi all-looking Canadian/america DnD games
  30. Scales of War Sunday Night CST
  31. Other sites to search for games.
  32. Looking for 3.5 DnD Party! (17:00-20:00 GMT, Monday => Saturday, once a week)
  33. RPGA Players & DM's Unite!
  34. Thursday nights EST 12th level "bad guy" recruits?
  35. Looking for SW Game Friday Evenings
  36. DnD 4e (Scales of War) Game Looking for One Player
  37. Player seeking 4E game.
  38. Need an extra player Fri night (26th) or Sat (27th)? GMT+2
  39. Sunday Night Gaming: WitchCraft
  40. Gamer looking for some fun groups: Multiple game systems
  41. European GMT+2 player, monday thru thursday nights available
  42. Looking for a D&d 3.5 or 4.0 game
  43. Looking for a sunday nights group (ETZ)
  44. Looking for NWod or Vampire Requiem
  45. Warhammer Fantasy RPG second edition anyone?
  46. Sunday D&D 4.0, H1 Keep of the Shadowfell: 3-7 PM PST(GMT-8 )
  47. Interest in a 4E one-shot demo game?
  48. New to FG and looking for a game
  49. Euro evening Savage Worlds one shot
  50. Looking for 3.0/3.5 Game to join
  51. 4E RPGA | ADAP1-1 Barrow of the Ogre King - Saturday, October 4th | 4PM-12PM EST
  52. Complete n00b looking for a start
  53. Newbie to Fantasy Grounds looking for 4e game
  54. Kingdom of Fire
  55. Tuesday Night DnD 3.5 or 4e
  56. Babylon 5: War of the Queens
  57. Savage European Fridays (GMT+1)
  58. Night Owl D&D Group Anyone?
  59. Looking for 4e Game
  60. looking for a GURPS game
  61. New to FG, love the looks, but need to game.
  62. Looking for a DnD 3.5e or 4e game
  63. Looking for a shadowrun game
  64. Still Looking for 4e Game!
  65. FG Newbie looking for game (GMT +8)
  66. Total newbie looking for a game GMT
  67. DM Contest!
  68. Star Wars Saga Edition Game
  69. GMT -5 Noob for 3.5 game
  70. Looking For Fresh Lvl 1 Start
  71. 4th Edition Game
  72. Still looking for a D&D game GMT
  73. Looking for star wars saga game
  74. 1 shot Sci-fi Savage worlds
  75. Looking to play games of a science fiction trend.
  76. Player looking for 4e game
  77. 4E Campaign - Starting Level 7 - D N D Playing Friday and Sunday at 7:30 CST
  78. Weekend in the Realms next Week!
  79. Ptolus in 4E campaign recruiting
  80. Ironstone Rising (3.5)
  81. [Savage Worlds] Zombie Run GMT +2
  82. Fading Suns 1 shot
  83. Tian Xia - "Under the Heavens" 4th Ed. D&D Campaign
  84. I am looking for D&D 3.5 game
  85. Tuesday Night D&D 3.5e Game Available
  86. Avegost 3.5
  87. What's your style of play?
  88. Looking for D20 Modern game
  89. Hello, I am a newbie
  90. Newb lookin for newbs
  91. D&D 4E Game Looking for Players
  92. 4th Ed DnD One Shot: Learn to Play!
  93. UK 4E Games
  94. Greetings
  95. WFRP Tuesday Night GMT -5
  96. Wednesday Night Player, looking for group
  97. SW or SWSE Player LFG
  98. Offering free ventrilo channels :3
  99. WFRP GM needed
  100. 1 - 3 People needed for Sat\Sun game.
  101. Looking For Weekday -5 D&D 4E game
  102. SWSE Demo
  103. Looking to Play in EST game
  104. Reliable player looking for scifi game
  105. Star Wars Clone Commando Campaign
  106. Looking for D&D 3.0 or 3.5
  107. Player Seeking 4e Group
  108. GMT -8 New Player looking to join a group
  109. Tuesday night player looking for game
  110. Star Wars player looking for group
  111. [CoC][GMT] Fright Nights 1 - The Haunting
  112. Sunday D&D 4.0, H1 Keep of the Shadowfell: 3-8 PM PST(GMT-8 )
  113. Thinking about starting 4E campaign, gauging interest.
  114. Sundered Skies (Savage Worlds)
  115. New user looking for an intro game
  116. Any WFRP games starting up or anyone with interest?
  117. New User looking for a demo/intro game
  118. [RPGA LFR 4E] AKAN1-1 The Rotting Ruin of Galain
  119. New user looking for 4e, Keep on the Shadowfell.
  120. 4E Game starting at Level 1 with Keep on the Shadowlands
  121. Demo of software right now!
  122. Player looking for 4E Weeknight EST Game
  123. Player Looking for around GMT+2 Campaign
  124. 4E Campaign Starting -- Weekdays 6PM EST
  125. Euro evening One Shots (1 to 3 sessions)
  126. Looking for a begining campaign.
  127. 3.5 - FR Sons of Gruumsh
  128. Player looking for game aroung GMT-7
  129. Player looking for GMT-8. 4e
  130. Newie looking for a game
  131. 4E Sunday night campaign (GMT+!)
  132. European Game Request (English or Nederlands)
  133. A place for death
  134. 3.5 aplace for death pick up game nov 30 asap
  135. Player looking for game
  136. Cthulhu ruleset
  137. [Savage Worlds] Gladiator!
  138. Sunday Night Gaming Group [8pm UK]
  139. Looking for a game
  140. Player looking for game - EST - Weekday
  141. Starting 3.5 D&D Campaign
  142. Player seeking game gmt+2(europe)
  143. LFG D&D 3.5 or 4th ed.
  144. LFG Savage Worlds - uk timezone
  145. Babylon 5 Campaign [Sunday 8pm UK]
  146. L6 characters Sunday am GMT
  147. AD&D 2nd edition player for one shot or one quest
  148. pirates of the spainish main (sw) or homebrew pirates GMT-8
  149. SW Firefly game - Sat 13th, 2000 UTC
  150. Looking for someone who enjoys lots of RPing
  151. Player seeking DnD3.5ed/Eberron/FR, Exalted, SW, or other game
  152. Dark Heresy
  153. Player looking for a v3.5 GMT-5
  154. LFG D&D 3.5 or 4E GMT -6:00
  155. Player Looking for 3.5 D&D game
  156. D&D 3.5 Basic Game
  157. d20 Future Campaign
  158. New Player looking for a game to learn with
  159. Old School DnDer looking to learn New School
  160. 3 new players searching for a DM for 4E
  161. 4e starting at 1st lvl: taking apps
  162. Forgotten Realms D&D 3.5 Campaign
  163. 3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking one player (details inside)
  164. FRIDAY NIGHT DND! Looking for Players and a DM!
  165. Savage Worlds Cthulhu Rising playtest
  166. New Players Wanted
  167. looking for demo players
  168. looking for a couple of one shots or whatever
  169. Friday Nights
  170. CoC Dark Ages - Friday 8pm (UK, GMT+0)
  171. Lord of the Rings- Shadows of Angmar
  172. January 25th Start - Modern Campaign
  173. Spanish FG Community
  174. any gurps games running?
  175. Gateway Era Traveller (Sunday 8pm UK)
  176. First timer looking for a party
  177. Euro Players / GMs looking for games?
  178. Any 4e DM's out there want to run a one shot tonight? (1/10)
  179. [Savage Worlds] friday night GMT-8; two-shot "the lady's favor"
  180. Rolemaster
  181. Dark Heresy
  182. New Player
  183. Looking to Join/ Host a game today! 01-11-09
  184. Noob looking for D&D 3.5 [GMT]
  185. Any Dragonlance Campaigns out there in gmt+1 times?
  186. looking for GM D&D any version (I am playing with my new char)
  187. Pyramid of Shadows 4E Game (Sunday 9pm EST, GMT-5)
  188. Guest Players Welcome
  189. Any 3.5ed D&D high-level games out there?
  190. Ok, I give in. 3.5 or 4E games?
  191. D&D 3.5 Campaign starting [GMT]
  192. Sunday Afternoon D&D 4.0, H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth: 3PM-8PM PST(GMT-8 )
  193. Dresden Files - Spirit of the Century - any Love?
  194. Looking for any new DnD games!
  195. 3.5e Player GMT-6
  196. Friday Night D&D 4.0, H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth: 8PM-1AM PST(GMT-8 )
  197. [Empire East] 3.5 Homebrew 1st level Tuesday evening CST
  198. New to FGII and D&D Hoping to Join a Game
  199. Multi-System Gamer Looking for a Game, Bi-Weekly or maybe Weekly
  200. GURPS: Bugmen of Venus (2009-02-07 19:00 GMT)
  201. Friday Night Dnd Game Needs A Dm Badly!
  202. Anyone free 2pm-8pm EST sat nights?
  203. Looking For New Players 3.5D&D/Pathfinder Sat Nights -7GMT
  204. Looking for a weekly game
  205. Strong Campaign Seeking A Couple More Regulars
  206. Player LF Sunday 4E FR Game
  207. Iron Kingdoms
  208. Looking for Call of Cthulhu classic game
  209. Old School Looking for 3.5 FR Game
  210. Unknown Armies friday nights
  211. Avegost (D&D 3.5)
  212. 4E Player Looking For Saturday Evening Game
  213. Return to the Village of Hommlet
  214. Newbie 4E D&D player seeking campaign to participate in.
  215. 3.5 1 shot
  216. Looking for CoC and/or DD4e
  217. xp'd DM looking for Players (d20 D&D)
  218. Any World of Darkness type games out there?
  219. Rolemaster
  220. Friday Night D&D 4.0, H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth: 8PM-1AM PST(GMT-8 )
  221. European player looking for game.
  222. 3.5 D&D Addict?
  223. Fantasy Grounds / D20 101
  224. Eberron
  225. [Trial of Cthulhu] The Devourers in the Mist
  226. Looking for a game GMT based
  227. Shadowrun 4th--Denver
  228. looking for a game
  229. Looking for EST Late 3.5 or PathfinderRPG
  230. Exalted Game
  231. [RPGA] Interested in delves?
  232. 3 Players looking for 3.5e Game
  233. Looking for a Game (4E / 3.5)
  234. New D&D 3.5 Campaign weekdays EST
  235. Savaged Kith'takharos Seeks Players
  236. Recruiting open for non-D20 fantasy game
  237. Dungeon Crawl!
  238. Player seeking 4E D&D campaign (GMT)
  239. RPGA Sanctioned Event - Friday Feb 20 - CORE1_1
  240. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game
  241. Tales Of Barsoom (3.5 MSRD)
  242. Australian Eastern D Time Evening Players
  243. 4E Game - Thursdays @ 8pm GMT/3pm EST
  244. LFR games
  245. Checking Interest - Modern Fantasy
  246. New to FG and 4e Looking for a Game
  247. Idea for a co-run, competitive D&D campaign. Any takers?
  248. Ocean's Reprieve - SW game, Friday nights GMT-8 (pacific)
  249. Warhammer Fantasy
  250. Need 1 or 2 players for Tuesday night 3.5E