View Full Version : Yet another FG novice looking for a 4e game...

September 1st, 2008, 05:29

I have never played using FG before, but I do have some experience with the 4e. Since I have always loved tactical combat, I like many things that 4e has to offer. However, I can't really find a good game in my area, and many people I know don't really wanna make the jump from 3.5.

So...I'd really love to try playing online, and have heard good things about FG. I have a fairly open schedule, and would be available at any of the following times:

Sun, Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30 - 11:30 PM CDT (1:30 - 4:30 AM GMT)

I have some flexibility 30 minutes in either direction, but not much more than that. I would love a bi-weekly game, but once a week is fine too. I have used ventrilo and teamspeak extensively in other avenues, but have no experience with skype or anything else (though I'd be perfectly willing to try). I probably prefer typing, but I'm good with whatever.

I'm a very laid back sort of guy overall. I'm 37, and old enough to have my priorities in order. If someone has to quit or go afk for a sick kid, I'll never complain. (happens to me on occasion as well). I enjoy a slightly more combat-oriented game, but I enjoy some light/medium RP as well. I do not want to get yelled at for a sporadic OOC comment. I definitely like to stick to the rules, but I never question DM decisions. As far as the types of games I enjoy, I greatly prefer games that do not drop magic items like rain, and you actually feel pretty great about finding something cool (magic rare worlds). I also really love DM's who create lots of skill checks for things, as I find that, too often, all skills besides the thieving ones and perception are underutilized.

Hope that's a good enough snapshot! If anyone is interested or knows of a game, please send me a PM or respond here!


btw...my newest character who I've been wanting to play is here:


I still need to fill in a few details, but that's the gist of him, backstory and all. I would, if the DM allows me, like to add Elven to his languages (for obvious reasons if you read the backstory). However, I know that this would technically be a rules violation so I therefore did not do so.. I would be willing to drop common for elven, if the DM did not think that this would cause party communication problems.

September 1st, 2008, 17:52
Phineas, we have a slot on Thursdays for a "fighter type", so your two-weapon ranger might fit the bill. I don't think we have a normal ranger either. We are playing the Crimson Throne campaign, which I am gradually converting to 4th edition. Send me an internal mail, if you would like to join, as there are some special circumstances. You could start as a first-leveller no problem.

I should add that it is an RP story-based campaign, with some reasonable combat.

September 2nd, 2008, 22:14
My campaign needs some new players - you can look at the thread here:
